JPS Rhino Updates
Family Newsletter
Oct. 1, 2023
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Message from Principal Tenner
Growth Mindset ~ Resilient ~ Open Minded ~ Wellness Centered ~ Thinker ~ Hopeful
Happy Fall Justice Page Families!
The first month of school went by extremely fast in which students have figured out their schedules, routines within each of their classes throughout the school day and the combinations to their lockers. Over the course of the next several months, we will be interconnecting lots of fun as we continue to hold our expectations and structures in place. Thank you for allowing us to teach your student/s.
Please be sure to read this newsletter to its entirety. There is a lot of important information that you should know.
Below are some key reminders for both students and families:
- Backpacks and jackets must be kept in lockers
- Bell to Bell No Cell for phones, ear buds & smart watches (Per district policy, we are not responsible for lost or stolen phones, ear buds or smart watches).
- Please be sure that your student arrives to school by 8:30a, so that they are in class on time every single day.
Here's to a great October!
Tomorrow is Picture Day!!!
The upcoming fall conferences are goal-based sessions, led by the student and supported by your students CREW teacher. You will only need to schedule a time to meet with your student’s CREW teacher. CREW classes are labeled “Advisory” on your students’ schedule in the parent portal.
Please plan to have your student attend the conference meeting so that they can present their goal and explain their process for working towards it. A link to sign up will be sent on tomorrow, Oct. 2nd to all families.
There are 3 opportunities to schedule a CREW conference. (You only need to sign up for 1 date and time with your student’s CREW/ Advisory teacher.)
Conference slots are 15 mins in length.
The dates are:
1: Thursday October 12th: Meetings with CREW teachers will be held in person at Justice Page from 4:30p - 8pm. (You may also request a phone conference during this evening if you choose.) Translators will be available.
2: Tuesday October 17th: Meetings with CREW teachers will be held in person at Justice Page from 4:30p - 8pm. (You may also request a phone conference during this evening if you choose.) Translators will be available.
3: Wednesday, October 18th: Meetings with CREW teachers will be held over the phone or online from 8am -12pm. There will be no in person meetings on this date.
Please email any questions to Assistant Principal, Tara Stevenson.
Community Education Afterschool Classes are open for Registration!
We are so excited for students to stay after school to connect with friends, caring teachers, and community members. There is a variety of classes for students to choose from. We hope that your student joins us this year.
Afterschool classes will run from October 23, 2023 - May 15, 2024. Classes are Monday-Thursday from 3:15p - 5:35p. Snack is provided to registered students. Bus transportation is provided to students who live in the Justice Page bus zone. Registration will close on October 18, 2023, for the fall session.
Register for classes here --> https://minneapolis.ce.eleyo.com/search?redirected_yet=true&sf[category]=145. View all class descriptions here. Throughout the year check the Justice Page website under Community Education for updates. If you would like a paper registration they can be picked up outside of room 102 (across from the elevator on the first floor).
Please call the Community Ed office at 612 668-4051 or email emily.sowell@mpls.k12.mn.us with questions.
Thank you,
Emily Sowell
Youth Coordinator
Application for Educational Benefits (AEB)
Completing the AEB form has a significant impact on Minneapolis Public Schools. It will assist your student, family, school, and district in receiving benefits. Benefits for schools include school funding, so by completing the application you are helping to ensure every school in MPS gets all the funding it deserves. Student and family benefits may include free or discounted fees for cable and internet providers, no-cost meals and snacks, reduced athletic, transportation, and testing fees, etc.
Funding determined by the application can be used for the following:
Family Engagement CPEO – Connecting Parents to Educational Opportunities
Early Childhood, Hi-5, Pre-School
Professional Development
Instructional Services
Direct Remedial Instruction Services: Reading, language arts, mathematics, study skills
Additional teachers and teacher aides
Lower instructor to learner ratios
Out of School Time Programming
Instructional Materials, Digital Learning
Truancy Reduction Programs
Bilingual and Bicultural Programs
All Day Kindergarten
MPS Application Information
The Application for Educational Benefits (formerly known as Free and Reduced) can be completed at LINQConnect.com.
An eligibility notice letter will arrive via mail or email within 10 business days.
Opting Out
Families that do not qualify or are not interested in receiving benefits have the option to opt-out. This allows families to respond to our application request without filling in their personal income information. Families can only opt-out on the paper applications – When opting-out on the paper application, families will only need to include their MPS student’s names and birthdates, their total number of household members, their signature, and check the opt-out box. Online, families will complete the application as requested and their ineligible status will be calculated based off of their income.
ALL Families Must Fill Out the Following:
We have finally moved to digital documents. Please make sure that the following documents are filled out as soon as possible.
NOTES from the Health Office
We hope your student is having a great start to their school year. It is fun to feel the energy and excitement of a new year!
Below are just a few reminders from your Health Office:
If your student needs to take medications during the school day we will need a doctor’s order, parent/guardian signature and the medication in a labeled bottle from the pharmacy. Here is the link to our medication authorization form giving us permission to administer medications in the health office.
If your student is sick with a fever of 100 degrees or higher or is vomiting (more than once), please keep your student home.
If your student tests positive for COVID, please let us know in the health office. We will help you with your student’s return to school date and answer other questions you may have. If you are unsure whether to send your student to school, please call the health office at 612-668-4030 or 668-4064. We are here to help you make the best decision about your child’s school day.
As you all know, COVID is still impacting our community and continues to spread as we re-enter the school building.
We do not require students to wear a mask but if your student is feeling ill or concerned about exposure, masking is still an effective tool in slowing the spread of Covid and other communicable diseases.
We have COVID tests in the health office for all students and families. Your student may come to the health office to pick up tests at any time.
If your student is sick (cough, fever over 100, sore throat) please keep your student home and notify the health office.
If your student calls or texts you from school asking to be picked up due to illness, please direct your student to go to the Health Office. We will assess your student and contact you if they need to be picked up.
We are working to help families catch up on immunizations required for school. If you have updated records, please have your student bring them to the health office or have your child’s clinic fax it to us at 612-668-4050. Feel free to call/email us if you have questions about your student’s immunization status. anne.leo@mpls.k12.mn.us or chelsea.uhl@mpls.k12.mn.us.
As always, thank you for partnering with us,
Anne Leo/Chelsea Uhl
School Nurse/Health Assistant
There is No Wrong Way to PTA...
PTA Meeting
We are thrilled to invite you to our October PTA meeting, where we'll be brewing up some exciting plans for the upcoming months. Join us for an evening of collaboration, pumpkin spice, and all things autumn!
10/10/23, 5:30p-7pm @ JUSTICE PAGE MIDDLE SCHOOL, Enter in Door 9 and follow signs!
Special Guests: Emily Sowell - JPS Community Ed Coordinator
Translation will be available in English, Somali and Spanish. RSVP NOW or just come on out, all are welcome!
OTHER Upcoming PTA Events (click on the links below to see more info):
Volunteering Opportunities (sign into free account to get details/sign up):
Alisa Matheson
Justice Page PTA President 2023-2024
763-807-4898 (texting works best)
We all belong and there is no wrong way to PTA.
Welcome Students and Families to our 2023-24 school year. We are so excited to have you here at Justice Page, it really is a special place! Your school social workers are here to support you to have success in and outside of school.
Justice Page has a pantry of resources. This includes clothing, food, school supplies, etc. We also send home backpacks on a monthly basis with food. If you would like to have a backpack sent home with your student, please e-mail Cassie at cassie.zonnefeld@mpls.k12.mn.us or text her at 612-562-8558.
If there is anything else that we can do to be helpful, please reach out:
Oct. 2 - Picture Day
Oct. 10 - PTA Meeting at Justice Page (5:30p - 7p)
Oct. 11 - National Stop Bullying Day
Oct. 12 - Student Led Conferences (4:30p - 8p) In-Person
Oct. 13 - National Train your Brain Day
Oct. 17 - Student Led Conferences (4:30p - 8p) In-Person
Oct. 18 - Student Led Conferences (8a - 12p) Virtual Only
Oct. 18, 19, 20 - NO SCHOOL for Students
Oct. 27 - Morning Fun w/ Staff & Parents (8a)
Oct. 27 - Site Council Mtg. (12p - 1:15p) In the JPS Media Center
Oct. 31 - National Caramel Apple Day
Who to Contact...
Main Office (612)668-4040
Principal Tenner: shannon.tenner@mpls.k12.mn.us
6th grade Admin (Jim Schmit): james.schmit@mpls.k12.mn.us
6th grade Counselor: (Carolyn Cottingham): carolyn.cottingham@mpls.k12.mn.us
7th grade Admin (Erik Hensel): erik.hensel@mpls.k12.mn.us
8th grade Admin (Tara Stevenson): tara.stevenson@mpls.k12.mn.us
8th grade counselor: (Marie Hassel): marie.hassel@mpls.k12.mn.us
Justice Page Middle School - Minneapolis
“Never Whisper Justice” –
We’re growing a culture that cultivates world changers.Email: justicepage.school@mpls.k12.mn.us
Website: https://page.mpls.k12.mn.us/Home
Location: 1 West 49th Street, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Phone: (612)668-4040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mps.justicepage