Longacre Weekly News
October 5, 2020
Dear Longacre Families,
This week our teachers will begin NWEA fall assessments. Farmington Public Schools is continuing its use of EasyCBM in Kindergarten and NWEA’s MAP Growth Assessment in grades 1 -9 as part of our fall assessment plan. These assessments will help gauge each student’s instructional level and monitor student growth throughout the year. These assessments also ensure our compliance with Public Act 149 which requires districts to administer a benchmark assessment and progress monitor reading and math performance. These assessments will occur during the testing window of October 5th - October 23rd.
Kindergarten students will take the EasyCBM assessment during the week of October 12th. Your child's kindergarten teacher will communicate individual testing times with you. Due to testing, grade level schedules have been adjusted. The updated schedule for your student will be posted in Canvas.
Reminders for 1st & 2nd grade students who are taking the NWEA at school this week from 8:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.:
Before Leaving Home:
Make sure your child does not have a temperature or any symptoms related to COVID 19.
Make sure your child has a mask and is prepared to wear their mask the entire time they are at school.
Be sure to pack the following things in your child’s backpack:
charging cord
supply box with pencils and crayons
a snack and water bottle (optional)
Reminders for students who are taking the NWEA remotely next week:
Below are some tips and tricks to help with testing from home. For those who are using a personal device, please do the Device Readiness Check with your student’s device prior to the Testing Day (see link below).
NWEA Remote Test Preparation
Prior to the Test Day:
Make sure your device has an internet connection
If using a personal device (not district provided), disable pop-up blocking on your internet browser
If using a personal device (not district provided), make sure your device meets testing requirements using the Device Readiness Check
Watch the MAP Growth introduction video
Practice the test at practice.mapnwea.org
(Username: grow, Password: grow)
On Test Day:
Minimize distractions for your child as much as possible
Provide a quiet test environment
Open the Google Meet Testing Link provided in Canvas using your child’s Chromebook
Allow the teacher/proctor to open the session first
Open the testing site at test.mapnwea.org
Students will be in a Google Meet or Canvas Conference (BBB) with their teacher/proctor. They should be muted, camera on and communicate any issues
Should your student have questions during the test, please direct them to type any question into the chat for the teacher to respond to.
Any family who was unable to pick-up the materials on Friday, October 2nd can stop by the main office during the week of October 5th between 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Please ring the main office door bell and our office staff will bring the kit out to you.
As always, feel free to contact me at rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net or call the main office at (248) 489-3733 should you have any questions.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry
Get Creative with PTA Program Reflections
Thank you to Evann Guthrie, our Longacre PTA Reflections Chairperson, for organizing and coordinating our PTA Reflections this school year!
Students will use the arts to share their personal Reflections on this year’s theme:
I Matter Because…
Please click on this link for the official rules and entry form:
Reflections Official Rules and Entry Form
Submissions are due to mailto:longacreptareflections@gmail.com by 11/13/2020.
Experienced artists will review your work for interpretation of theme, creativity and technique. We look forward to celebrating your artistry and achievement in the arts!
2020-2021 Reflections Call for Entries Video
Virtual Fun Run 2020 is coming soon! October 16th-18th
Get ready for our biggest fundraiser of the year!
What is a Fun Run? It’s a day for students to demonstrate Habit 7, “Sharpen the Saw,” the
habit of renewal - taking care of our bodies, our heart, and our minds. While we are not able to
run together at school this year, we invite each student to pick a fitness activity that you enjoy
such as running, walking, dancing or biking. October 16-18 students will spend at least 15
minutes to complete their fitness activity and upload photos for us to share. Additional details
will be sent next week.
What is our school goal? It costs approximately $50 per student to run all of the year’s
activities and events, but we know that this is a challenging time for most, so we ask that you
donate whatever you are able to. We have lowered our whole school goal to $18,000 this year.
Once again this year we are using the online website, Get Movin’, to make it easy for our
families. Use this link to set up your child’s online page where they can add a picture and
personalize their goal and enter their active minutes for Fun Run. If you had a page for your
student last year you can use the same email and password.
Rise & Shine- Modified Program Opportunity
Our Physical Education teacher, Mr. Thompson, is offering modified Rise and Shine program sessions. It has been very successful and the students are really enjoying it! He offers two mixed age-group sessions each Friday. The program will be similar in design to our Rise and Shine morning program except it is outside with social distancing.
The sessions will be at the following times on Fridays:
Participants will need to sign up in advance at:
Here are the guidelines for participating:
Participants may arrive 5 minutes before each session begins.
Participants should wear weather-appropriate clothing.
Wear shoes that are appropriate for damp morning grass.
Students must wear a mask while participating and adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Participants should bring their own water bottle.
Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from the program. Please arrive for drop-off and pick-up promptly.
Due to the program being conducted outdoors, we will need to cancel if there is inclement weather. Should this occur, we will send an email out the morning of the sessions.
Leader in Me Family Night- October 21 from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
Members of our Parent Lighthouse Team will lead an evening of learning If you would like to learn more about Leader in Me and how we incorporate the terminology and ideas into our everyday learning, we would love your family to join us in this virtual learning session. This a great way for new families to connect to what their child is learning about the habits of leadership. Habits 1, 2 & 3 will be highlighted during this session.
Click on the link below for more details and to sign-up to attend:
Dining Days Out
Please join that Longacre PTA for our next Dining Days Out fundraiser at Basement Burger Bar (33316 Grand River Avenue, Farmington, MI 48336) on Monday, October 19th from 11:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Present a paper or electronic copy of the flyer when picking up your order and Basement Burger Bar will donate a percentage back to the PTA. This is for carry out!
Upcoming Events
Week of October 5th- NWEA testing for students in grades 1-5 begins. Please look for a detailed schedule from your child's teacher.
Wednesday, October 7- Count Day
Week of October 12- EasyCBM Kindergarten assessments begin. Kindergarten teachers will communicate individual testing times with families.
Thursday, October 15- 7:00 p.m. virtual PTA meeting. Mr. Kevin Mulcahy will present on internet safety. A zoom meeting invitation will be sent to families prior to the meeting.
Friday, October 16- Sunday, October 18- Virtual Fun Run
Wednesday, October 21- Virtual Family Leader in Me Night led by members of our Parent Lighthouse Team. If you would like to learn more about Leader in Me and how we incorporate the terminology and ideas into our everyday learning, we would love your family to join us in this virtual learning session. This a great way for new families to connect to what their child is learning about the habits of leadership. Habits 1, 2 & 3 will be highlighted during this session. Click on the link below for more details and to sign-up to attend: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c44aaa62ba20-leader1
Longacre Elementary School
Email: rhonda.henry@fpsk12.net
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon
Location: 34850 Arundel Street, Farmington, MI, USA
Phone: 248- 489-3733
Facebook: facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: @LongacreElem