Where Do I Begin with SBG??
A Guide to Standards Based Grading...Written as I Learn...
Determine YOUR "Why"
Seven Reasons for Standards-Based Grading
Reason 1: Grades Should Have Meaning
Reason 2: We Need to Challenge the Status Quo
Reason 3: We Can Control Grading Practices
Reason 4: Standards-Based Grading Reduces Meaningless Paperwork
Reason 5: It Helps Teachers Adjust Instruction
Reason 6: It Teaches What Quality Looks Like
Reason 7: It's a Launchpad to Other Reforms
There WILL Be Challenges....Be Proactive!!
The Challenges of Standards-Based Grading
Challenge 1: Clarifying the Purpose
Challenge 2: Differentiating Grading Criteria
Challenge 3: Moving from Letter Grades to Standards
Challenge 4: Grading Students with Special Needs
You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks--It Just Takes Time....
Change CAN Be Good!!
Setting Your Standards
Helping Standards Make the Grade
Written By: Thomas R. Guskey
Five things to consider in order to make standards-based reporting work:
1) Move from norm-referenced to criterion-referenced standards
2) Differentiate the types of grading criteria;
3) Clarify the purpose of reporting tools;
4) Develop a standards-based reporting form or report card;
5) Maintain consistency in reporting forms.
A Reassessment Write Up Form
Syllabus Insert
Summative Deconstruction Form
Students Deconstructing a Summative Exam
Couch to 5K Running Plan
Standards Based Grading-Implementing Slowly
Below, Christi Hack, CRA of Jessamine Career and Technology Center, and former Agricultural Education Teacher, discussing the process of school-wide SBG.
Standards Based Grading-What I Wish We Would've Done.....
Five Years in and Still Working Out the Kinks
Standards Based Grading--It's NOT All About the Grade!!
If you want to change the way students think, you have to change the way you talk.
I have noticed that the more I talk about the standards and their PERFORMANCE level and stay away from the talk of "what's my grade?"....the less students ask that question. I want students to focus on the questions like "how can I do better?" and "what can I do to improve my performance level?" and not "what can I do to get an A?".
Standards Based Grading and Infinite Campus
Standards Based Report Card Manual
Manual Written By: Custom Computer Specialists, Inc.
Another major challenge for our school was re-learning Infinite Campus, to
Christina D Thomas
Email: christina.thomas@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: http://www.jessamine.k12.ky.us/12/Home
Location: Jessamine Career and Technology Center, Wilmore Road, Nicholasville, KY, United States
Phone: (859) 881-8324
Twitter: @RCBThomas