Murray County 4-H Messenger
August 1, 2023
Murray County Information
Please sign up for Exhibit Hall Assistants
Murray County Fair
- Hard copies of the Murray County Premium List are still available in the Extension Office if you would like one.
- FairEntry deadline is July 15th!!
- Want to have Murray County 4-H Fair information in the palm of your hand? Download the Murray County 4-H App to get up to date schedules, premium book, barn information, food stand information, placings, and more!
- Keep an eye on your email (and snail mail) for fair updates and information. Letters for Performing Arts, Food Review, and Clothing Projects will be sent out in July.
State Fair Livestock Online Interview - Opens August 1
Hello 4-H State Fair Livestock Exhibitors!
In Murray County we do things a bit different instead of waiting until after our county fair. We need you to take the state fair Exhibitors interview test online (except for dairy) BEFORE our county fair. We need to have anyone who would like to earn a trip have this online interview test completed prior to fair. A reminder that again this year you need to take your livestock interview test online prior to arriving at the State Fair! Exhibitors (except for dairy) will each view an educational video and then complete a specie specific test. The whole process will take 30-60 minutes to complete. Questions from the video will be included with specie specific information on the test.
Tests need to be completed by August 17 at 5 p.m. in order to be eligible for higher than a blue ribbon at the State Fair (I highly recommend you complete the video and test prior to arriving at the State Fair!). Links to the video can be found on the 4-H Livestock Exhibitor Information page at Select your correct specie and age group to view the video and participate in your livestock interview test. Be sure to enter in an email address when you begin and once you complete the test, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Again, this process must be completed no later than 5 p.m. on August 17. If you have any questions on the process, please contact Kim at the Murray County Extension Office
Pre-Paid Food Stand Coupons new this year
Please share in the email - family name - youth name able to use the card and dollar amount you would like to have on the punch card. Any remaining funds on cards will be non-refundable at the closure of fair.
Hub City Barrel Bash
Flag holders needed for Traveling Memorial Wall Procession
Regional Opportunities
Minnesota State Fair
Livestock Exhibitor Resource Page
The State Fair Premium Book is available on the Extension Website. You can also find a copy of it on our Website or on our app.
General State Fair Premium Book
Livestock State Fair Premium Book
The state fair is Hiring and need your help.
Learn more and apply at
Apply today! Each year, we hire 150 employees to make the state fair experience.
happen for 4-H’ers. Those jobs include food service, maintenance, exhibit assistants,
livestock exhibit assistants, dorm staff, activities staff and more.
Lamb Lead at the State Fair
In addition, the top five exhibitors in each division (senior and intermediate) will receive an additional cash prize:
- 1st - $100
- 2nd - $50
- 3rd-5th - $25
Exhibitors don't need to participate in lamb lead at county fair to participate at the state fair -- they simply need to register for lamb lead on their state fair paperwork.
2023 State 4-H Horse Show Updated Schedule
⚠️ Attention poultry project participants ⚠️
Free family-focused webinars May through August
The University of Minnesota Extension will present a series of webinars from May through August to support families and those who serve families in making informed decisions that lead to greater health, resilience and well-being.
All webinars are virtual and free. Learn more about the webinar series. (Follow the link for each series to learn more about webinar topics, dates, times and registration.)
Charlas en Español (Talks in Spanish)
Brindamos información y recursos en español para ayudar a las familias a tomar mejores decisiones. Los temas que tratamos son de utilidad para su vida diaria.
Climate and disaster preparedness
Find practical strategies for planning, navigating and responding to climate change and natural disasters to support better health and wellbeing for all.
Family-friendly earth care
Explore the connection between global health and wellness. Gain practical tips and resources to promote environmental wellbeing through gardening and farming practices.
Finding balance
Discover practical tips to prioritize your mental, physical and emotional health while navigating life's challenges and opportunities.
Making cents of it all
Learn strategies for navigating financial decisions, including, budgeting, saving, credit and debt management.
No place like home
Whether you rent or own your home, get tips to make your home and community healthier, affordable and energy efficient.
Parenting and relationships
Receive effective tools for maintaining positive, healthy relationships, including practical tips for parents and caregivers.
Recovery and health
Understand how recovery and health are interconnected as we discuss opioid use disorder (OUD) and harm reduction.
What’s for dinner?
Discuss various food-related topics, including food safety, farmer's market visits, managing allergies and food’s connection to mood and self-care.
Please register for the webinar(s) you plan to attend via the link above and share these opportunities with friends, family, co-workers, networks, and program participants.
Ambassador Information
Murray County Ambassador Events for August
Ambassadors will be very busy helping with fair throughout the week. Interested in learning more about the Ambassadors - feel free to ask any of the 23 ambassadors throughout the week of fair what it means to be an ambassador. Murray County 4-H ambassadors need to have completed grade 8 to participate. Look for more information about joining ambassadors.
Volunteer Information
New Member Information
Below you will find a link to the new member newsletters
Edition 1 October- November New Member Newsletter
Edition 2 December- January New Member Newsletter
Edition 3 February- March New Member Newsletter
Edition 4 April - May New Member Newsletter
Kim Hause
University of Minnesota Extension, Murray County
Location: 2848 Broadway Avenue, Slayton MN USA
Phone: 507-836-1144