Newsletter 2 Term 2
Onerahi School Friday 10 June 2022
Te Karere o te Tumuaki/Principal's Message
Kia ora e te whānau,
Sadly, I’m letting our school community know of the recent passing of Maikeli Tuitubou, a respected teacher at Onerahi School from 1965 for around 30 years. Mr Tuitubou, his late wife Mary, also a teacher at school, and their children were a large part of Onerahi School and the community over many years. I’m sure many of our school whānau will remember them both well. I was honoured to be invited to attend the graveside service for Mr Tuitubou last week and to extend our condolences to his family.
Moe mai, moe mai ra e te rangatira.
The school also acknowledges the passing last week of Dave Meredith who taught guitar to some of our students over the past few years. Another sad loss to our school whānau. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this time.
Moe mai ra e te hoa.
It is times like these, that you appreciate how amazing our tamariki are at Onerahi Primary School. Their zest for life and learning is evident in their laughter, senses of humour, and obvious enjoyment of their learning and their play. Whenever I need an injection of happiness, I know just where to find it.
I am excited for our upcoming Matariki event, last years one was incredible and I hope to see lots of you at school at some stage during that day. More information will come out soon. Remember, we have a staff only day on Thursday the 23rd of June, the day before the new national Matariki holiday. I hope this gives you a nice long weekend to spend with your friends and whanau and observe Matariki in your own special way.
Nga mihi kia koutou
AnnMaree MacGregor
Kei te hea inainei - Where are they now?
We are excited to be able to start once again bringing you news of past Onerahi students, who remember their time here, and impart some words of wisdom for the current generation.
Murray Donnelly is a past Onerahi Student, from the late 1950's and early 1960's.
He has had both children AND grandchildren attend Onerahi, that's a relationship with the school that has lasted decades!
My name is Murray Donelley, I was brought up on a dairy farm at Waikaraka and had to bus up to school each day. I started at Onerahi Primary School when it was at the Airport in 1954. The school was a 3 room building with two prefabs, the bell was rung at every break, usually the privilege of the Form 1 and 2 pupils, and we all wanted to do it. Swimming was a different story, we had to walk down to the beach and swim between the groynes. Going to the dentist was a frightening walk from the old school to the new school for a 5 year old. When I was 7, I moved to the new school.
I have very pleasant memories of my schooling at Onerahi, enjoying all my teachers, especially Charlie Devonshire. We certainly got a good work ethic from Charlie, he had 2-3 of us that he took under his wing and and we helped develop the gardens by pushing wheelbarrows of mulch from Fromonts orchard across the road. I remember fondly the carving and nature walks to different Pa sites around the area, we certainly learnt a lot from him.
I did an apprenticeship at 15 years old, then came back to the Waikaraka farm until I was 40, before moving to other dairy farms away from the area, followed by a stint of avocado growing. With family we brought the Parua Bay Tavern 17 years ago.
We had 4 children go to Onerahi School, they have all done well.
I had a good grounding at the School and am sure it has helped me in my life. All children can be what they want to be, you just have to work hard. Good luck to all future students.
Can you spot Murray? Circled in red..
Wood carving done in Mr Devonshires class
Murray and his clan
Akonga/Students Corner
Ruma Rima/Rm 5 are currently learning all about Friedrech Hundertwasser, and Maria Wilson has created this beautiful vibrant poster, showcasing elements of the unique art styles he was so famous for.
Below, the students of room 13 have shared with us a piece of writing they have compiled...
"Here is our writing. We worked on expansion. First we wrote a very simple story that left the reader wanting more information. We then identified all of the different subjects throughout the story (in bold). After that, we got together in groups and each group worked on a sentence. We had to write 3 more sentences giving more information. We then put it all together and collaboratively wrote this story.
Last night there was a storm.
The rain was very heavy. The rain was very loud. It was pouring and the ground flooded. It was muddy on the grass.
The thunder was loud outside. The thunder was growling like a monster. BANG! The thunder shook the ground. It was so loud it woke everybody up.
The wind was blowing strongly. Trees bent over with the force. Window panes started rattling. Air currents swirled into tornados.
There were lightning strikes happening all night. When the lightning hit the ground, the grass lit on fire. The lightning was very strong. The lightning was white and yellow.
Denver snuggled into her bed. She was wearing a fluffy jersey. In her bed, Denver was comfy and warm. Tiredly, she fell asleep. She was scared.
I was cold. I did not want to leave my room. My body was shaking. Last night, I was so cold that I stayed in bed almost all night…
Ka Mau Te Wehi
Kirsty's Corner
Kia ora e te whānau,
It has been a busy term in the school library.
We joined the national simultaneous story time. Thank you to Emma for reading to our junior students. We participated in two zoom author talks run by the Hell Pizza reading challenge, with more to come throughout the term.
There are now two therapy dogs - Deborah and Hani who come and visit the Library where students read with them each week.
The Hell Pizza reading challenge is proving popular with some students already having earnt a free pizza.
Lego Club is now running two breaks per week.
Last but not least, we have two in person author talks happening before the term ends! On the 17th of June as part of the National Storylines tour we are hosting Elena De Roo and on the 1st of July we are lucky enough to be hosting Kyle Mewburn. If you are not familiar with their work check them out on:
https://www.elenaderoo.com/ and https://kylemewburn.com/
Nga mihi,
Kirsty Oliver
Librarian and Resource Co-Ordinator
From the BOT /Ngà Poari Kaitiaki ō te kura
Tenā koutou katoa
Most of you will know that we have a board of trustees at Onerahi Primary School. In fact, regular readers of the newsletter will have seen our faces appear in the last edition as we took turns introducing ourselves and saying a bit about why we volunteered to be on the school board. You may be wondering though; What actually is it that a board does? This message from the board aims to explain the role of a school board and give some further insight into how we function.
Everyone knows that parents and caregivers play a hugely significant role in the education of their children; every interaction and experience with parents and whanau helps shape a child. One way in which parents help is by being part of a school board. A school board is a collection of parents and school staff who are responsible for a school or kura's performance and ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
The primary objectives of the board are to ensure that every student achieves their highest possible educational achievement, to help set the tone for the school, give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and provide an emotionally and physically safe setting that is inclusive of different needs.
Every state and state-integrated school or kura in New Zealand has a board which is accountable for student achievement, setting the vision for the school or kura, and ensuring the school or kura complies with legal and policy requirements. The school board works with the Principal to help boost student achievement and fulfil the vision of the school. Whereas the Principal’s job is to manage the day-to-day running of the school, the board’s role is to provide governance - that is, to help shape the vision and direction of the school and to monitor and oversee progress.
In summary, a board is a group of parents and staff who care about the success of the school and want to help make it a reality. School boards should represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a well-considered future for all our children. If you are interested in joining the board, please don’t hesitate to contact us at boardoftrustees@onerahi.school.nz to find out more
Ngā mihi nui
Richard Pollard
Onerahi Board of Trustees - Parent Representative
Upcoming Board Elections - Parent Representative Vacancies
13 July - Returning officer closes main roll
15 July - Calls for nominations will have been sent by the end of this date
03 August - Supplementary roll closes
05 August - Nominations close
10 August - Voting papers will be issued by this date
7 September - Elections close - all votes must be in
13 September - All votes counted and result notified by Returning Officer
14 September - New board takes office
Further information will be out to our community in the coming weeks.
Support Staff Week
At Onerahi Primary, the wonderful students of Room 12 prepared a beautiful afternoon tea for our support staff. This included handmade placemats on a nice long table (there are a few of us) yummy savoury muffins and ambrosia made onsite. There was even some table service tea and coffee. We all felt very cherished and appreciated indeed!
We also ask that if you are dropping students off, always encourage them to exit your vehicle curb-side rather than road-side. Also for safety, rather than performing a u-turn, a better option would be to turn into Pine Park Road, and use the end of the cul - de - sac to turn around.
Important Dates
- Thursday 23 June - Accord Staff Only Day
- Friday 24 June - Matariki Holiday
- Tuesday 28 June - Rm 15 planned trip to Hundertwasser Art Centre
- Friday 01 July - Rm 12 planned trip to Hundertwasser Art Centre
- Wednesday 06 July - School Matariki Event
- Friday 08 July - End of Term 2
- Monday 25 July - Start of Term 3
- Monday 29 August - Mid Term Break
- Tuesday 30 August - Mid term Cohort entry
- Friday 30 September - End of Term 3
Accord Staff Only Days 2022
The final accord staff only day for 2022 will be held on Thursday the 23rd of June, prior to the national Matariki holiday. These days have been important staff development opportunities which directly lead to better outcomes for your tamariki and we thank you all for your support and understanding.
Cooler days are starting to arrive. We still have a large stock of 2nd hand jumpers available at a bargain price of $10 each. Come check them out at the office. We would like to remind you that for rainy days, the KidsCan jackets issued to each student can be used as part of the school uniform. It is also a good idea in wetter months to bring a change of clothes, just in case. Please can you ensure all items are named, as at times our "found property" is overflowing, or our second hand uniforms stocks get a large boost.
8:15am School gates open to students and whanau
9:00am School begins
11:00-11:30am 1st Play Break
1:30-2:00pm 2nd Play Break
3:00pm School finishes
3:15pm School gates close 3
There are two eating breaks within the day, taken at times that suit each class. Please ask your child's teacher when their times are.
Medication: If your child requires medication to be brought or kept at school, please be aware that due to health and safety concerns, this must be kept secure in the school sick bay. It is not to be kept in children’s schoolbags during the day. This is to protect the safety of not only the child requiring the medication but also all other students. All medication requires an accompanying permission/approval form signed by their parent or caregiver. This includes epi-pens for allergy management, inhalers for asthma or any other medication your child requires on a short-term or as needed basis.
Community Notices
Contact Us
Email: office@onerahi.school.nz
Website: https://www.onerahi.school.nz/
Location: Onerahi Primary School Church Street, Onerahi, Whangārei 0110, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 436 0521
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onerahischool