Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition 8-30-2020 to 9-5-2020
We have had an amazing start to our school year! Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement new procedures to keep students and staff safe.
Remote Learning
Please make sure that your students is working during their remote learning days. They should have assignments to complete. If you have any questions, please reach our to their teachers.
Don't forget about our Grab&Go program during your remote learning days!
Thank you to everyone for being so patient with our new procedures! These are in place to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Friendly Reminders
- Due to limited capacity/social distancing on the buses, student are not allowed to switch buses for any reason
- Please remind your students to do their best on their iReady diagnostics
- New school time is 8:30-3:30. Everyone has been doing a great job getting here on time!
- Students should have work to do during their Remote Learning Days
- Please reach out to your teachers if your child needs additional support
- JCMS is closed on Wednesdays for deep cleaning
Next Week
- From School Nutrition: We want to remind parents that breakfast and lunch meal prices go into effect on September 1. Unless your child has been approved for free or reduced-price meals, your child will need to pay for meals
- If you are looking for assistance for your child's remote learning, please follow the link below
Looking Ahead
- September 7 - Labor Day Holiday
It's A Great Day To Be A Wolverine!
Website: https://www.gaston.k12.nc.us/chavis
Location: 131 South Chavis Drive, Cherryville, NC, USA
Phone: 704-836-9606
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnChavisMiddle
Twitter: @JohnChavisMS