Band Buzz: August 14, 2022
Falcon Band and Color Guard
Pep Rally on Tuesday!
Band Booster Club Meeting - Wednesday 8/17 at 7pm
Marching Uniform Distribution Update
Last week we assigned a bibber (overall) and shako (hat) to each student during afternoon practice. If your child was out last week and did not receive a uniform, please let me know.
A Great Big Thank You goes out to the following volunteers who helped: Marta Haile, Dawn Duncan, Sam Draper, Teresa Shurtz, Ly McGrath, Jennifer Gordon and Brianna Gordon!
Your child should have brought their shakos home last week. The bibbers are not quite ready to take home yet. We still need to finish pressing them and a few need some further alterations. Mr. Pearce will make an announcement in class when the bibbers are ready to go home. The students will keep their marching uniforms at home for the duration of marching season. While at home, please keep the bibbers on a hanger so they do not wrinkle. More detailed washing instructions will be provided later.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Erin Harris
Uniform Chair
Mattress Fundraiser Information Meeting - Tuesday, 8/23 at 7pm
The company will set up a one-day showroom at CLHS and all we have to do is spread the word! There will be an information meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 8/23 at 7pm. (Link coming later!) Please plan to attend!
And if you happen to need a new mattress or know someone who might, take advantage of the low prices and help the band by buying at CLHS on Saturday, September 17!
First Football Game is coming up! - Volunteers needed!
Be on the lookout for information about volunteering soon! We can't do it without all of our parent volunteers! Bonus! If you volunteer to help chaperone and move equipment for the halftime shows, you'll have free admission to the games!
When: Sat, August 27, 6pm – 9pm
Where: Edward Mercer Stadium, 16403 Lexington Blvd, Sugar Land, TX 77479, USA
1:30 Rehearsal
3:00 Load/Eat
3:45 Depart
5:00 Arrive/Unload
6:00 Kickoff Approx.
10:30 Return to CLHS
Tickets are already on sale for the Homecoming football game on Friday, October 7th
There are already big plans in the works for Homecoming weekend, including at the football game. If you are planning to attend the Homecoming football game at Challenger Columbia Stadium that night and you are NOT volunteering to help move band equipment or chaperone on the bus, you may need to order tickets sooner rather than later as there is a risk they may be sold out closer to the date. (Volunteers who ride the bus and move equipment are included with the band's entry that night.)
You can get more information about Homecoming tickets and special Homecoming events on the Anniversary website:
Need to order spirit wear, game meals, or join the Falcon Band Booster Club?
If you would like to order spirit wear, game meals, or join the Falcon Band Booster, then click on the link below.
Buzz Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the Band Buzz, please contact the appropriate committee or board member. They can send fully edited information to the following e-mail address: . The deadline for submissions is midnight each Wednesday night.
Thank you,
Rebecca Garland
(2nd VP Communications)