Launch into the Week
February 2, 2024
Richards R-V School
Location: 3461 County Road 1710, West Plains, Missouri, 65775
Phone: 417-256-5239
Sometimes the best laid plans change, so if corrections are made to this document please visit the online version using the "Launch" link found on the Richards website or follow postings on Facebook.
Important Dates
Groundhog Day Today!
Midterm Reports
Friday, February 9, midterm reports will be sent home with students. Be sure to review your child's progress and take time to discuss academic expectations with your child.
Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 14 is Valentines Day. Teachers will be hosting activities and parties in their classrooms. Parties are only for classroom students, no outside guests.
Board Meeting
Thursday, February 15 is the monthly school board meeting. It will be held in the Richards Boardroom.
Four Day Weekend Coming Soon!
No school Friday, February 16 - Monday, February 19. Friday is a teacher's in-service day and Monday is Presidents Day.
Change Drive to Fight Cancer
The Lady Zizzer Basketball Team has invited us to participate in the City Wide Change Drive that will raise money for this Pink-Out Event. All homeroom classes will start collecting money January 29 - February 2. The winning class from each school will get an ice-cream party and the winning school will get in FREE to the last home game on February 8. All proceeds will go to Ozarks Healthcare Cancer Treatment Center. Let's show our Rocket spirit and raise the most $ to fight cancer.
Sports Information
Boys Practice
3:45 - 5:00 PM
Wednesday, February 7
Girls Practice
3:45 - 5:00 PM
Monday, February 5
Upcoming Games
Tuesday, February 6
vs Howell Valley
Boys @ Home
Girls @ HV
Order of games: 4th @ 5:30, 5th @ 6:15, 6th @ 7:00
No bus to or from games.
Volleyball Practice
A & B Team
3:45 - 5:30 PM
Monday, February 5
A & B Team
3:45 - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 6
A, B, & C Team
3:45 - 5:30 PM
Thursday, February 8
First HCAA Volleyball Game of the Season
HOME vs Howell Valley
Friday, February 9
C Team will start at roughly 4:45, B Team at 5:30 and A Team to follow.
Coach Facebook Pages for More Information
Girls Rocket Athletics Facebook Page
Visit Lady Rocket Athletics to learn more!
Student Activities
Strategy Club
Strategy Club meets on Mondays, 3:45 - 5:15 PM. This club is sponsored by Mrs. Lovan, for students in grades 7 & 8. Students engage in games of strategy to develop critical thinking skills. Students have an opportunity to stretch their thinking to develop minds that are more flexible, focused, logical, methodical, and perceptive.
FCA Club Meeting
Tuesday, February 6, 12:30 - 12:55 PM Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club will meet in the Bunch Gym. Lunch provided.
Results from the MSU-Middle School Math Relays
Saturday, January 27, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Missouri State University - West Plains held their annual Middle School Math Relays at Melton Hall. Richards Rocked!
We are so excited to announce the results from the MSU-WP Middle School Math Relays! Richards brought home 20 medals and won third place overall! We are so proud of all our Rockets who participated and represented Richards in this event. A special thanks to Mrs. Dewey & Mrs. Niles who coached these young mathematicians! Go Rockets!
Arithmetic Skills/Fraction
5th Grade, Maddilyn C - 3rd
6th Grade, Jacob H - 3rd
5th Grade, Maddilyn C - 2nd, Lucy F - 3rd
6th Grade, Madelyn R - 4th
7th Grade, Gracelyn Y - 4th
8th Grade, Lacey C - 1st, Lena F - 4th
Problem Solving
5th Grade, Lucy F- 4th
6th Grade, Madelyn R - 5th
7th Grade, Elias G - 5th
8th Grade, Lena F - 4th
Number Theory
6th Grade, Clayton D - 4th
8th Grade, Lacey C - 3rd
5th Grade, Lucy F - 3rd, Cobin S - 4th
6th Grade, Ruger A - 3rd
Math Relays
5th/6th Grade, Richards 3rd
7th/8th Grade, Richards 3rd
Mining for Chocolate
In this lesson, chocolate chip cookies simulate the earth and the chips are the fossil fuel (coal) to be mined. The task is to remove as much of the "fuel" as possible with the least amount of damage to the "earth".
Students then had to summarize their findings and consider options to reduce the damage and/or reduce the amount of extractions needed. Finally, students were able to clean up their classroom environment by eating up the cookies, crumbs and all.
Meet the Letter "O"
Origami starts with the letter O!! Ginny Thomason demonstrated the art of origami at the Early Childhood Center. She displayed all kinds of animals and airplanes that she has created and showed how to create a beautiful Crane, step by step. Ginny explained that the Crane is a symbol of peace and surprised them all with their own special crane!
Hunter Safety Course
Richards will be hosting a Hunter Safety Course for all 6th graders. Interested students should contact Mrs. Bryant or Mrs. Gastineau. Students will be given a Hunter Safety Workbook that students will complete. Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Gastineau will be available in the mornings to help students with the workbook, if needed, from 7:15-7:45 AM, starting January 29. All students must be present on Saturday, February 10, at the Richards Library, to complete the skills portion with the Missouri Department of Conservation from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
For more information about this program and how to sign up: Richard Hunter Safety Course Information.
Parent Information
College Scholarships for Former Richards Students
Through the generosity of Donna & Michael Hayes, scholarship opportunities are available to Richards students who will be attending Missouri State University at the West Plains or Springfield campus.
• Students must be enrolled full-time.
• Graduates of the most recent high school year seeking an undergraduate degree must have a minimum high school GPA of 3.0.
• Graduates of the most recent high school year seeking a certificate must have a minimum high school GPA of 2.0.
• Recipients not directly out of high school (non-traditional students) must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. No minimum high school GPA is required.
• Scholarship is renewable for up to four years.
--recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA
--students seeking certificates must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GP.
WP Bank & Trust Helps Richards!
West Plains bank contributes to Richards when you use your West Plains Band & Trust debit card! Visit West Plains Bank and Trust Company to learn more!
Casey's Cash for Schools
Give back to Richards with Casey’s Rewards
Dear Parents,
We’re excited to share that our school is participating in Cash for Classrooms, part of Casey’s Rewards. This opens up Richards School to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students.
The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you buy from Casey’s and use their rewards program you can simply turn your points into a donation to our school.
Download the Casey App to get started! Locate the School Donations tab in your Casey’s App Account Settings. Type in Richards R5 School and select. Once you reach 250 Points you can begin donating!
Help Richards R5 School make the most of this program and learn more at Casey's Rewards.