Herd Happenings
Bradley Elementary Newsletter
This week at Bradley
NO School Friday 9/1-Professional Development Day
A note from our school counselor
Hello parents, I hope your transition to the beginning of the school year is running smoothly. I just wanted to introduce myself as your school counselor at Bradley. My name is Kristin Podojil, and I have been in education for 13 years. I am an Army spouse and am so excited to be here! Fort Leavenworth Unified School District 207 offers a wonderful program for our families that are currently deployed, TDY, or travel often with MCTP. This program is called Hearts Apart. It is designed to help students cope with the deployment of a parent. Your permission is required for your child to attend. If your student has a parent(s) that are currently deployed, TDY or in MCTP, and you would like them to participate in Hearts Apart, please sign the permission slip and return it to the Bradley School Counselor, Kristin Podojil. Our first event will be in September. If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to
Kristin Podojil at kpodojil@usd207.org or by calling the school at 913-651-6915.
School Picnic
Volunteers Needed
We are Hiring
Go the us USD 207 website to apply.
Thank You Site Council!
Upcoming Events
9/1-Professional Development/ No School
9/7-Fall Picture Day
9/8-Freedom Walk/ Picnic/Early Release
9/13-Site Council Meeting 9:00am in the Cafeteria
9/22-Early Release
Kristin Holland
Email: kholland@usd207.org