Save the Dates!
Unionville Elementary School's BIGGEST and MOST FUN fundraiser is just around the corner! We hope you can join us!
Please save the date for the 2022 SpringFest Online Auction & Fun Fair
Our 1st Annual SpringFest Fun Fair will be held on Friday, April 1 from 4:30-7pm.
The auction will open on March 28 and close on April 3 and there will be some amazing auction items and experiences available to bid on!
There are 3 ways you can help:
1. Donate an item or an experience to our online auction
2. Create a themed family or group basket for our online auction
3. Volunteer to help out on the day of the event
Our homeroom parents have already selected their class's basket themes, but there are plenty of themes still available.
For the first time we are accepting auction basket donations, and donations of other items or experiences that can be auctioned, from families and local businesses!
All donations are tax deductible, and proceeds benefit the PTO – which benefits UE’s students & teachers!
For more information or to sign up to donate an auction item or basket,
please check out the link to our SignUp Genius below.
Please browse the available themes and choose something fun for your family or group. We have included samples of items needed for certain themes, but the creative possibilities are endless! Please have fun with this and feel free to claim and name your own.
New ideas for baskets or other auction items are welcome - please select the "Other" slot at the bottom of the screen and add your own themed basket or details about another item or experience in the comments section.
Also… and as usual… WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!
We cannot pull this event off without volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time to help us make this event memorable and fun for everyone!
SpringFest Fun Fair Volunteer Opportunities are available at the link below.