Hembree Highlights

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
This week was amazing because I was able to accompany our 5th grade class to Rock Eagle. Rock Eagle is an extension of the University of Georgia Agriculture Department. The campus is in Eatonton, GA. There our students went canoeing, went looking for small creatures in the lake bottom, had a campfire with s’mores, and so much more. It was a jampacked 24 hours, but to see the joy our students had made the lack of sleep more than worth it. There is no kind of excitement like first-time-experiences-excitement. I heard many stories of firsts: first campfire, first canoeing expedition, first time sleeping away from home, and first time taking a group of students to an overnight camp as principal. Even though I have led camp experiences since I was 18, doing it as principal is the best. Students were given a little more freedom to run and play, and I got to do that right along with them. I truly love our kids. I know that you as parents are putting in the sleepless nights when they are sick, there to give a high five on a scored goal, and there for the tears of a bad day. Your Hembree staff share that load with you as they lose sleep over kids they are worried about, give high fives for that 100% on the test, and dry tears when a friend has hurt their feelings. Hembree Springs is a successful school because we (parents, families, teachers, and staff) all have one goal which is to love, support, and education our students. We do this in partnership with you. We do this because Hembree has heart. Thank you to everyone who went on the trip to Rock Eagle. Thank you to Carrie McAtee for working tirelessly to organize the most perfect trip. Thank you to parents for letting me take your child on this trip. Special thanks to all of teachers and chaperones that went on the trip. We would not have been able to do this without you. On a side note: 4th grade parents, we will do this again next year, so get excited about another opportunity of firsts!
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
10/13 School Picture Day (see below for details)
10/17 Hembree Perk- (ELL Parent Workshop) @7:40-8:40am
10/20 Spirit Night at Cici's Pizza @4-8pm
10/20 PTA Trunk or Treat @5:30-7:00pm (outside playground, trunks, costume parade)
10-23-10/27 Red Ribbon Week (see below for details)
10/24 Reflections Awards Ceremony @8:00-8:30am - note date change (Media Center)
11/3 Title I Literacy Night/PTA Books for Ownership Event/Star Night @6:00-8:30pm
11/13-11/17 Hembree Springs Book Fair
11/14 Hembree Perk @7:40-8:40am (Title I- Technology)
Congrats to our Best of the Nest winners for September! Way to go, Hawks!
Picture Day is Friday, October 13th!
Prepay here: https://www.gciportraits.com/pre-pay-for-pictures School Code- H115
Order form: https://www.gciportraits.com/order-form
Class Schedule for Picture Day
iReady Diagnostic Reports Available to Families
iReady has added a new feature this year that allows schools to share students’ Diagnostic results digitally by providing access to the For Families report directly on students’ iReady dashboard. Families will have digital access to the For Families report after logging in to their student’s iReady dashboard and entering our district report code: 1HX9DP on the top right-hand corner of the For Families tab. This code is applicable to all students throughout the district. Click this link https://i-readycentral.com/familycenter/understanding-your-students-i-ready-diagnostic-results/ for more information.
Results will also be shared during parent conferences in October. For any questions please reach out to Carrie McAtee at McAtee@fultonschools.org
Café Celebrates National School Lunch Week
Tips and Tricks from Our Literacy Coach, Mrs. Mizzell
Word Chaining: This strategy is for younger children but can be adapted for older students too. It can be done orally (to practice letter sounds) or on paper (to practice phonics/spelling). Give children a word and ask them to change one sound/part to make a new word.
Example: The word is house. Change the beginning sound to /m/. What is the new word? (Mouse)
Would you like some manipulatives for at home practice? Reach out to our Title I Parent Liaison, Lucy Gilbert, gilbertL2@fultonschools.org
PK-2nd Parent Literacy Units
Fulton County Schools is providing self-paced and interactive parent/family learning to support early literacy development at home through a series of engaging online experiences. These Parent Units are no more than 20 minutes from start to finish to complete. In the unit, an easy-to-replicate strategy is provided for parents/families to use at home to support literacy development.
Each Parent Unit will launch one at a time throughout the school year releasing Friday, September 30th! These units are designed to support PK -2 parents and their families and will focus on different topics:
Unit 1: Oral Language
Unit 2: Vocabulary
Unit 3: Reading with your child
Writing :
Unit 4: Early Writing Development (PK – K)
Unit 5: Beginning Writing Development (1st – 2nd)
Unit 6: Transitional Writing Development (2nd -3rd)
Unit 7: Advanced Writing Development (4th / 5th grade and above)
Multiple languages will be provided as well as additional supportive resources. The units and resources can be found on the district website https://www.fultonschools.org/parentunits and are also linked at the bottom of all elementary school websites. Parents will have the opportunity to earn a certificate for completing each unit.
If you have any questions about the units, please reach out to Becca Goddard goddardr@fultonschools.org
Red Ribbon Week is October 23-27
Red Ribbon Week is the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program. Students can join us in our mission as we dress up to promote keeping kids healthy and drug free!
Spirit Night at Cici's Pizza, Friday 10/20, 4-8 pm
Need dinner plans the night of Trunk or Treat? Head to Cici's Pizza on Alpharetta Highway for Spirit Night and either dine in or bring it to Trunk or Treat to enjoy! Fifteen percent of sales that day from 4 to 8 p.m. will go to our PTA as long as you mention Hembree Springs when you pay!
Trunk or Treat
Please join us for our October 20th Fall Trunk or Treat from 5:30-7:00pm. Would you like to sponsor a trunk? Sign up here! https://bit.ly/48pL8Cl Please sign up to volunteer here:
From Title I
Please check out the flyer below regarding the new digital signature process for the School-Family Compact. Signatures need to be entered into Infinite Campus for all parents and students age 10 and up by 10/13. If you have questions please reach out to:
Lucy M. Gilbert
Title I Parent Liaison
Let's Taco 'Bout Literacy Night on 11/3
Parents and Families!
You’re invited to our “Let’s Taco ‘Bout Literacy Night on November 3rd from 6:00-8:30pm. Follow the link to RSVP in order that we have an accurate headcount for food- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-44681155-lets . There will be complimentary Moe’s taco feast for everyone, the choice of 2 new books for every Hembree student, star night, mystery readers and more! The presentation will begin promptly at 6:15pm. See the attached flyer for more details! We hope to see you there!
Please reach out to Lucy Gilbert, Parent Liaison, gilbertl2@fultonschools.org with any questions.
Have a Coat? Need a Coat?
We will be hosting our 2nd annual coat exchange on Friday, October 20th during the PTA Trunk or Treat event. Please feel free to drop off new or gently used (clean) coats prior in the bin in the breezeway, or you may drop them off at carpool October 12, 13, 19 and 20. This will allow us to have everything organized and ready to go! You may also drop off coats during the exchange and grab a “new to your child” coat for winter.
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
If you have not already, please make sure you've completed the Volunteer Registration Application through Fulton County Schools:
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is scheduled for 10/20, 5:30 pm. We need volunteers for the day of the event!
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-44806893-trunk#/
Grown Ups on the Ground
Have you ever wanted to join in at Recess? Well, now’s your chance! PTA will provide the supplies; you help provide the fun. Join the kids for a game of Freeze Tag, Hopscotch or Basketball. Have a special skill or game like you’d like to share? Then sign up for Parent’s Pick. Each week slots will be available for each grade and their recess times. If you have any questions, please reach out to staffsupport@hembreespringspta.org. See you on the grounds!
Media Center
Mrs. Soberanis is looking for one volunteer every other Tuesday, 8 am - 9 am, to help with shelving. She thinks the shelving will take about 20 minutes. Sign up for a slot here:
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Roswell Jr Hornets Wrestling
- Ages: 7-13
- Practices Schedule: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-7:15pm (first practice late Oct/early November at the Roswell HS wrestling room at 6:00pm)
- Location: Roswell High School 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA, 30075
- Dues:
- ~$225 Program Fee - Please use this link for sign up https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dEzBjGO1dyAGUlCRBQsWxXD82vhxm7I9rEF_lDdRAxg/viewform?edit_requested=true
- Roswell Youth Wrestling Website for additional information: https://roswellwrestling.com/youth.html
- Head Coach: Alex Foti
- Assistant Coaches: Matthew Varnado, Clint Fleetwood and Henry Bradley
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902