The Leopard Tale
October 2023
o 10/2-10/6 College Week (Dress up Week)
o 10/3 Watch Dogs event
o 10/11 Picture Day
o 10/17 Book Fair Family Night
o 10/18 Pink Out (Wear Pink)
o 10/23-10/27 Red Ribbon Week (Dress up Week)
o 10/24 Chick Fila Spirit Night
Release of Students
You can find the student Code of Conduct here as well as on the cfisd website.
Bus Riders
Car Rider Safety Procedures
This year we have close to 200 Car Riders, oour staff is working as quickly as possible to get you children to you. Please be patient and we ask to follow the car rider procedures for the safety of our students and staff. Please be sure you are in the car rider line no later than 4:30 p.m. After 4:30, car riders will be brought to the front office, and you will need to park and sign them out with a ID.
Again, thank you for being so supportive!
Car Rider Procedures:
General Information:
-You must enter the parking lot by making a right turn from the entrance off of Longenbaugh Drive and exit the same way. The Fry Road parking lot entrance is for buses and daycare ONLY.
-You must follow along the perimeter of the lot until you reach the loading/unloading zone.
-As a consideration for other families waiting, please do not cut through the parking lot to get in the middle of the line.
-When you are in line, please move up quickly as the line proceeds, remembering that driveway entrances should remain open.
-For safety reasons and to keep the car rider line moving, students are expected to enter and exit the passenger side independently. Staff members may or may not be able to assist.
-Parents/Guardians must remain in the car at all times.
-All car riders should be dropped off and picked up on the Longenbaugh Drive side of the building.
-As a reminder, cell phones are prohibited by law for use in school zones while driving.
Morning Drop Off:
-Begins promptly at 8:25am. Staff members will be out at this time to safely begin unloading.
-A whistle will signal unloading to begin.
-Students will be admitted at the side entrance to the front of the building.
-Please be sure to gather all belongings and say your goodbyes once you enter the parking lot. This will avoid any delays in our line and ensure all students are unloaded before the bell.
-Your car must be in the line by the 8:45 bell. Once the bell rings, any cars not in line must park and walk the student(s) to the front door to sign them in. This applies to ALL parents/guardians.
Afternoon Pick Up:
-Transportation changes should be completed prior to 3:30 PM.
- Car rider numbers are taken on the corner of Longenbaugh and Fry. We ask that parents please do not come in from any other way as this will slow down the process and your child will not be waiting for you in the car rider line. Numbers will stop being collected at 4:30. Anyone who arrives after 4:30 will be asked to park and check out your student from the front office after dismissal.
-Students who are car riders in the afternoon will be issued a car rider number.
-We will load 12-15 vehicles at a time using our numbering system.
-To help us load students as quickly as possible, we need all drivers to place the ORANGE car rider number tag/placard so that it hangs from the rear view mirror of your car. When recognition of the driver is not apparent or there is no car tag, you will have to park your car and come to the front doors with your driver's license to sign your child(ren) out. This applies to ALL parents/guardians.
-In consideration for other families, please do not cut in line. Car rider numbers are collected in order of arrival. Because of this, if you cut in line, your number will not be recorded and your child will not know to come to the loading zone.
-Once all cars have come to a stop and it is safe, car rider staff will release students to your vehicle. Do not signal to your student(s) to walk to the car.
-If you need to assist your child with seatbelts, please load and pull all the way up to the front to buckle.
-As a reminder, dismissal will begin promptly at 4:10. Cars not in line by 4:15 will run the risk of having to park and sign their student out from the front office.
-In the event of an emergency, and you will not be able to pick up your child, please call the front office at 281-463-5500.
Please practice your assigned car rider number with your child, as this will help the afternoon dismissal move more smoothly.
-Also, practice having your child get in and out of the car independently and quickly.
Please follow the set procedures to ensure your safety, your child’s safety as well as the safety of our staff and others.
ID Badge Replacement
Students must wear distinct issued ID badges at all times, including lunch, library, restroom, hallway, nurse, front office, etc. Students are issued two badges at the beginning of the year, one for the bus (which stays on the backpack) and another one that is to be worn on a lanyard throughout the day.
Replacement Badges can be purchased through School Cash Online.
Items to be purchased for Bus Card Replacement:
- Badge
- Lanyard
- Plastic Sleeve
ID/LIBRARY/LUNCH CARDS ARE $3 (No Lanyard or Plastic Sleeve Included)
We will replace the card as soon as payment is received. Please allow the card number to update in the system up to 48 hours.Please note that the campus will no longer accept cash payment all payments should be made through School Cash.
Pink Out
Mrs. Monjaras and Mrs. Hobson will be providing whole class guidance lessons monthly to grades PreK-5th. The topics that we are discussing are: Friendships, Expressing Empathy, Time Management and Goal Setting, Managing Emotions, etc. If you have any questions regarding the topics that will be discussed, please reach out to your counselor:
Laura Hobson
PreK, 1st, 3rd, and 4th
Cinthia Monjaras
PreK, Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th
ESL Classes for Parents/Clases de inglés para padres
Si usted tiene hijos en una escuela del distrito de Cypress-Fairbanks y desea aprender inglés, está invitado a inscribirse en las clases de inglés para padres. ¡Las clases de inglés son GRATUITAS! Se ofrecen tres niveles: Introducción, Principiante e Intermedio.
Birthday announcements
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer be sure to create a Volunteer Portal Account https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzYxOmVuLVVT
Once you have created an account let us know when you can help!
Order Spirit Shirts and Sign up for PTO Membership on our website. Being a member helps support out school and students! You will get access to our website calendar and will be able to receive communication from the PTO about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. (Shirts will be delivered to your students’ classroom.)
PTO Contact Information
www.andrepto.membershiptoolkit.com - you can sign up for membership here and order t-shirts.
Email- Andreleopardpto@gmail.com
Facebook (Andre' Elementary PTO) - follow us here for upcoming event information
Twitter (@AndreElemPTO) - follow us here for upcoming event information
Help Andre Earn “Free Money”!
My Coke Rewards: https://us.coca-cola.com/give/schools/
When you make a Coca-Cola purchase, you simply enter the product codes on the website and we get a donation from Coca-Cola.
Kroger Plus: www.krogercommunityrewards.com
Add Andre’ Elementary PTO Inc as your community rewards organization under “My Account.” You will need to confirm your selection if you have signed up previously.
About Us
Email: andre@cfisd.net
Website: andre.cfisd.net/en/
Location: 8111 Fry Road, Cypress, TX, USA
Phone: 281-463-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cfisdandre
Twitter: @cfisdandre