The Riebli Record
April 16, 2021
A note from Mrs. Todd
Please review all the information below. Start times are different than Hybrid. Some pick up locations are different than Hybrid.
I just want to thank the Riebli Community for everything! This past year was hard for all, but we so lucky to have you to this with.
End-of-Year Info for Music Program
Music classes will continue until the end of April. Final Zoom meetings will occur the week of April 26-30. After April 30, Mrs. Kaufman will begin to collect borrowed instruments and books at each school site. If you have borrowed a school instrument or book, please note the following return dates for each school for students attending school in person.
Return Instruments and Books:
Riebli: Monday, May 3 before school in room 17 (music room)
San Miguel: Tuesday, May 4 before school in room 40 (music room)
Mark West: Friday, May 7 before school in the music room
If a student is in distance learning or homeschooling or if the student is absent on their return date, please return the instrument/book to your school's office at your earliest convenience in May. Please send Mrs. Kaufman an email to let her know when you've returned it. All violin, viola, trumpet, and clarinet students were issued a book that needs to be returned as well. If the book has been lost, it is $10 to replace for violin/viola and $8 for clarinet/trumpet.
A huge thank you to all the brave students who sent in videos for our virtual concert! And thank you all for your patience! Our virtual concert will be released the first week of May. Also, to celebrate after a most unusual and challenging year, Mrs. Kaufman has planned a special virtual field trip for all 4-8th grade music students to see the hip-hop duo Black Violin on Tuesday, May 11th at 2:30 p.m. Save the date and stay tuned for more details!
Thank you!
Mrs. Kaufman
Help keep music in our schools! The board positions for president and treasurer still need to be filled for the Mark West Education Foundation to continue. Please contact the Foundation at mwef@mwusd.org if you are interested or have any questions.
Students in hybrid learning may have already spotted Mrs. Kaufman playing the violin at recess this week. If you haven't seen her yet, not to worry! She'll be visiting your cohort soon! Again, song requests are welcome!