The Westgate Wire
Friday, March 5, 2021
Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend! ~ Ann and Scott
Class Placements for 2021-2022
Please know the class placement process is very complex. Much time is devoted by our staff to form well-balanced classes that support a positive learning environment for all students. Our teachers know their students well both academically and socially-emotionally. Specific teacher requests will not be honored.
News from the Office
Refresher on Attendance Procedures:
- If your child is going to be absent or come late: Please remember to use the WESTGATE STUDENT ABSENCE FORM. This timestamps the absence and helps the office tremendously. If you don't have access to a computer, the second option is voicemail (that we then transcribe to the Google Form). Parents are forgetting to notify the office of absences and it creates extra work tracking the students down.
- When you bring your child late or pick up early: There is a QR code on the front door with the STUDENT SIGN IN/OUT FORM. This timestamps the arrival or departure of your child and is important for proper attendance recording. You can bookmark it, but we prefer that you fill it out at the school, not from home, for accurate timestamps.
- If your child is going home for lunch: Please use the LUNCH HOUR SIGN OUT FORM. We need this information to dismiss your child from the building and check them back in afterward.
We really appreciate everyone taking the time to follow these procedures. We understand this has been a crazy year, full of new and different (understatement!) protocols. Thank you for being so flexible. As you can imagine, attendance is an important albeit time-consuming responsibility of the office. If we aren't notified of an absence directly by the parent, it takes time to call into the classroom and then to the parents to track down the missing students. We're interrupting learning time and causing panic when you see "Westgate" pop up on caller id. Obviously, it's also important to notify the teacher of an impending absence, so those emails are also appreciated.
Westgate Feedback Form
A huge THANK YOU to those who have taken the time to complete the form!
Summer U 2021
K-2 Virtual Family Math Night
Supplies will be provided to your family- all you'll need to provide is scissors, tape, and pencils! Reach out to Amy Arce ( with any questions.
See the flyer below for details. Click this link to sign up. Registration Closes Friday, March 5th at Midnight. We hope to see you there!
Reminder-Please be sure your child brings their fully charged device and charger to school each day. We have a very limited supply of devices for loan.
Important Upcoming Dates
3/12- Picture Retakes from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
3/12-Report Cards
3/22-3/26- No School- Spring Break
4/2- No School
4/19-SIP Day- No School
5/28-SIP Day-No School
5/31-Memorial Day- No School