The Attea Flyer
The weekly newsletter for Attea families
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The Week Ahead
Mon., 9/4
No School-Labor Day
Tues., 9/5 (Silver)
- SAIL - 3:15-4:15pm
Wed., 9/6 (Blue)Late start
Thurs., 9/7 (Silver)
- Girls Volleyball at home vs Springman - 4:15pm
- Soccer at Springman - 4:15pm
Fri., 9/8 (Blue)
Bears/Packers Spirit Day
- Cross Country at home vs Shepard & Caruso - 4:30pm
A Moment with Mrs. O'Donnell
Dear Attea Families,
Our Flyers had a fantastic first week of school! Students are transitioning well back to school and are extremely happy to be back with their friends. On Thursday and Friday, students engaged in NWEA/MAP assessments for reading and math. The results will assist us in setting goals for achievement and growth.
Please save this date for our ATTEA Curriculum Night on September14th!
Go Flyers!
Mrs. O’Donnell
Fall School Picture Day - Monday, 9/11
A flyer with information on ordering will be sent home. Here is a digital version for your convenience. All orders need to be made using the steps and codes detailed in the flyer.
If the prepay ordering date was missed, families will have a chance to order pictures with their child's personal Ticket Code (not the event code). After placing the order with a personal Ticket Code, picture packages will also be shipped to the Attea.
Food For Thought: Delivery or Drop Off from Vendors Not Permitted
Breakfast is provided or can be purchased every morning in the cafeteria before school until 8:10am. Items from outside vendors are not permitted. We recommend finishing drinks and food purchased outside the school cafeteria's offerings in the morning before entering the building to avoid being tardy to class and keep our building clean.
Lunch can be purchased from the cafeteria, or students can bring lunch from home.
Health regulations and Federal funding guidelines state that food from outside vendors (including Starbucks!) may not be brought into the cafeteria. Students are not permitted to have outside vendor's food and drink dropped off by families or delivery services from restaurants. Only food brought from home or purchased in the cafeteria is permitted in our cafeteria. Students may not bring in food to be shared by a group. This includes birthday treats.
Only water bottles with a tight lid are permitted in classrooms.
2023-24 Sports Season Ahead
Fall Sports:
No Tryout Required -
Co-Ed 6th-8th Grade Cross-Country - Coach Witte
Do you like Golf?
Sign up for the Golf Intramural team. Please see Ms. Garner in the 3A Commons for a permission slip and information on how to sign up for tee times at the Glenview Prairie Club.
IMPORTANT: Students must have a current physical on file in the Attea Health Office to try-out/participate in ALL interscholastic sports. For 7th and 8th grade students, either the IESA Pre-Participation Examination form or the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form with Interscholastic Sports box marked “yes” are accepted. 6th graders must hand in the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form with the Interscholastic Sports box marked “yes”. Click here for forms. Physicals are valid for 395 days from the date signed by the doctor. Please plan accordingly this summer to assure your child has the opportunity to try-out or participate in their chosen sport this fall.
Interested in Joining a Club?
Check out a listing of clubs often offered on the Attea website.
Register for the Gelfand Gallop Color Dash!
Register for the Gelfand Gallop Color Dash today!
Sept. 17, 2023
John’s Park, 2120 Central, Glenview, IL
Color Dash 1 will begin at 8:30am with a one or two mile option. Check in will open at 7:45am.
Color Dash 2 will begin at 10:30am with a one or two mile option. Check in will open at 9:45am.
Mini Dash, for runners age 5 and under, will begin at 8:30am just prior to the start of Color Dash 1. This event is for runners ages 5 and under. There will not be a mini dash option at the 10:30am color dash.
The Gelfand Gallop is a community colored powder run supporting the Debra Gelfand Children's Foundation. This run is an untimed two-mile event where, throughout the course, you will get covered from head to toe with vibrant color made from safe, food-grade, biodegradable cornstarch. By the time you cross the finish line, you’ll be a brilliant color palette of warm and cool hues!
Register by Aug. 31st to guarantee a t-shirt.
To learn more about the run, register on line, or simply donate, please go to this link HERE
SPAT - PTA Corner
Only 1 week until our School Fundraiser! This is the only fundraiser we will have this year and all proceeds will go to our PTA initiatives of supporting student events, providing each school with grants, funding/organizing staff appreciation week, providing teacher luncheons, and providing community service projects. We hope you can join us for a fun night to support our middle schools! If you are not able to make it but would still like to contribute, please consider purchasing a ticket as a donation.
The PTA keep you informed and offer an opportunity for you to share your voice. We are always recruiting new volunteers and hope that you join us.
Please use this link to join the PTA
As an all-volunteer organization, we thank you for your time, energy and support in helping the SP-AT PTA. Let’s have a great year supporting our schools and our kids!
Connect with Attea!
Email Us:
Diana O'Donnell, Principal
Allyson Thorne, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning
Heather Santella, Assistant Principal for Student Services
Amy Frederick, Student Success Coordinator
Call Us:
Main Office#: (847) 486-7700
Attendance#: (847) 486-7712
School Nurse#: (847) 486-7716
Find Us Online: