The Souhegan Scoop
February 24, 2023
Upcoming Events
Community-Wide Announcements & Reminders
After several hours of very productive conversation surrounding cell phones and their impact on the learning environment, Community Council unanimously voted on Monday, February 13 to pass the school-wide cell phone classroom expectations proposal. There were no dissensions and only 3 abstentions. The new set of cell phone expectations will be placed into the 2023-2024 Student Handbook to be fully implemented next year.
In order to respect the right to teach and learn, we ask everyone to minimize distraction by putting electronic devices (phones, headphones, airpods, earbuds, portable gaming devices, etc…) away for the duration of each class. When directed by a teacher, students may use electronic devices appropriately.
If a student uses an electronic device when not permitted by the teacher, the teacher will verbally request that the student put that device away.
If a student persistently uses electronic devices when not permitted by the teacher, the teacher and student will have a conversation about respecting the right to teach and learn.
If, after the discussion between teacher and student, the student continues to use electronic devices when not permitted, that student will be asked to surrender their device to the teacher for the remainder of the period. This could look different in each classroom (phone motel, on the board, on a table in the front of class, etc.)
If a student continues to use electronic devices when not appropriate even after discussions and surrendering their phone for the period, that teacher will contact home about appropriate use of electronic devices.
School Highlights
Argentina Trip - February Vacation 2024
Souhegan is going to Argentina! Over February vacation in 2024, Aimee Gibbons and Matt McDonald will take a group of students to Argentina for the trip of a lifetime. This seven-day trip will feature tours of historical and cultural sites in Buenos Aires, a visit to a ranch (with horseback riding!), a ferry ride across the Rio de la Plata for lunch in Uruguay, a train ride to El Tigre, and more. The cost includes airfare, hotel, breakfasts and dinner, and a local guide. For additional information, go to or talk to Aimee Gibbons in room 131 or Matt McDonald in the Learning Commons.
Get To Know SHS
Meet the wonderful and talented staff members of SHS!
Steph Fritz
What is your role at Souhegan?
Art Educator
How long have you been with Souhegan?
This is my third year.
What do you love about your job?
Everything. I have wanted to be an art teacher since I was 15 years old. The fact I get to be an art teacher at Souhegan though, that's the dream and I'm living it. Perhaps the very BEST part of my job is that I get to create these really exciting art opportunities for my students who then take the framework that I have developed and they build the most incredibly creative things on it. In every case the products that our students generate far exceed anything I could dream up alone. I really enjoy that collaboration so if it wasn't for our students, I wouldn't get to do this job.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I am a military wife and mum of two kids, Kees who is 7 and Cornelia who is 10 months old. I love being outside, regardless of the weather. I enjoy lifting weights, sauna and ice baths for recovery from training and trying new foods. My main activity outside of teaching is Jiu Jitsu; it's my other "art". I love it because unlike my job where I have been learning and working in the Fine Arts for 20 years, this is still quite new. I can apply the one liners that I teach my students to my own learning. Statements like "practice makes progress" and "perfectionism is another form of procrastination". Jiu jitsu is a practice that reminds me of what learning something new is like. It's really hard and can be super frustrating. Trying hard doesn't mean you're going to succeed immediately. Growth isn't a straight trajectory and it takes consistency over a long period of time to become better. It's also a sport where you need to rely on your training partners otherwise you won't progress. I train with wonderful people and have excellent coaches. If it wasn't for their commitment to turning up and training, I wouldn't be able to do this sport, so it's quite special in that respect also. We rely on one another to be the best versions of ourselves.
If you were given one wish what would it be?
I'd like to be able to teleport so I could go home to New Zealand whenever I had the chance. I left when I was 22 to see the world and fate brought me to New Hampshire. My whole family is still in New Zealand however so if I could teleport, I'd be able to go "home" for Sunday dinners with my siblings, attend my high school reunions or gallery openings for my best friends from art school. Most of all, I'd be able to have Christmas on the beach with my family. I haven't had a Christmas at home in 13 years. That would be quite lovely.
Do you have a favorite quote or mantra?
Practice makes progress.
Student Services
School Based SAT
Juniors will be administered the SAT on Wednesday, March 22nd. The school based SAT is sponsored by the state and used for accountability measures. It is free to our students and provides reportable scores for college admissions and scholarships. Juniors have been preparing for the SAT by taking the PSAT (last Oct), connecting their score reports to Khan Academy, and participating in various prep opportunities in school.
This SAT is administered digitally on the student’s school issued laptop. Following the February break we will hold a preadministration session during advisory to give students the opportunity to become familiar with the digital interface and practice using the features.
This year we will be administering the PSAT 10 to all 10th graders on March 22nd. This is a practice standardized assessment made specifically for sophomores. It measures readiness for college and practice for the SAT. The SAT is a college admissions assessment and also the NH state assessment. Juniors take the school based SAT in early spring of their junior year.
Counselors have introduced the PSAT 10 to sophomores earlier this month which included information about what it will cover and what to expect on test day. They have distributed a booklet with information about the PSAT 10 and practice questions. The PSAT 10 is a paper exam. The content is similar to that on the SAT but not as challenging. Please visit for more information about what is included in the assessment.
As we get closer to the exams, more information will be shared about the March 22nd SAT/PSAT10 test day and schedule.
Dartmouth Health is offering summer paid internships. Earn while you learn! To find out more and apply to the program, go here Dartmouth Health. The deadline to apply is March 15th.
40 local scholarships have just been activated on Naviance! Whether you are applying to a 2 or 4 year college there are a wide variety of opportunities so please review them carefully to see which ones you qualify for!! Be sure to make note of the criteria as requirements are specific to each scholarship. All local applications are due into Student Services on March 16th ~ no later than 3pm.
Log into your Naviance account and go to College/Scholarship. Download the applications, print them off and fill them out. Completed applications should be delivered to Student Services by 3/16. We will attach transcripts and recommendations if requested.
There truly is a scholarship for everyone and most of these are exclusive to Souhegan seniors! I would be more than happy to help you identify which scholarships would suit you!
Finally - continue to update college decisions on Naviance. Acceptances are being recognized on the window of Student Services. Please help us share your good news with the Souhegan community!
If you have any questions – please stop in and see Maren in Student Services.
More detailed information will be shared with you soon.
If you would like help identifying which scholarships may suit you – please do not hesitate to come see Maren in Student Services!
Senior Year Notes
Senior Project News
On Wednesday March 22nd, the same day as SAT's, the seniors will have a dedicated day to work on senior project. If a senior has any of the THREE checkpoints incomplete, they will be required to come to school and meet in the learning commons to work on their project. Seniors are required to fill out this form on google classroom regarding their plans for the day and to discuss this information with their mentors by March 17.
Community Service Opportunities
WHEN: Friday, March 10 (Two Shifts: 4-6PM & 6-8PM)
WHERE: Amherst Middle School
WHAT: Scooping ice cream, serving chili, cleanup
WHAT: Concession Stand Assistance
WHERE: SHS Theatre
- Thursday 3/16: 6-9 pm
- Friday 3/17: 6-9 pm
- Saturday 3/18: 1-4 pm
- Saturday 3/18: 6-9 pm
CONTACT: Lisa Eastland at to sign up!
WHEN: March 21 from 5:45pm - 7:45pm
WHERE: Mont Vernon Village School
WHAT: Childcare during the Parent Math Night
CONTACT: Charlene Brown at CBROWN@SAU39.ORG
Performing Arts
Yearbook Club is looking for Winter Sports and Club photos for the 2023 yearbook! Please send them to!
Don’t miss all of the great times at Souhegan High School that are in the 2023 yearbook!
Coming in March is the SHS Spring Musical "Addams Family"! The Project Graduation Committee will be operating the concession stand in conjunction with the Theater Department. We need some donations of water and candy, but most importantly, we need some adults and students to help! Students will earn Community Service hours. The biggest help we need is on March 17th. I typically do all the shows, but that is my son's 18th birthday and my middle child is coming home for Spring Break that day. I would really appreciate it if someone could volunteer for that date--I will tell you all about how to do it and it is the easiest gig ever--I promise!
Dates are Thursday 3/16 from 6-9 pm; Friday 3/17 from 6-9 pm; Sat 3/18 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm. Attached is a Sign-up Genius or you can contact Lisa Eastland at Thank you!
Community Happenings
Saber Spotlight
The next Saber Spotlight will take place after vacation on Monday, March 6.
Click here to view information from the latest Saber Spotlight.
Please log into PowerSchool, click forms on the left hand side, then Athletic Registration-Spring to complete the process.
Start dates for tryouts/preseason are 3/20 for baseball, Lacrosse, Track and Field, Softball, Unified Track, and Tennis. 3/27 is the start date for Boys Volleyball.
Spring Meet the Coaches night will be on Monday, March 13th at 6pm.
The Wrestling Team took 5th place at the State Meet. Chase Knuckles took 2nd place at 126, Christian Knuckles took 3rd at 152, Logan Brown took 1st at 132 and Noah Denis took 2nd at 138!
The Boys Team did some great skiing!
GS Highlights - 9th place team finish. Reid Kimball led the team with a 16th place finish, followed by Will Upton (28), Cole Mobley (41), Josh Pisinski (49) and PJ Cloutier-Kennedy (52).
SL Highlights - 9th place team finish. Reid Kimball led the team with a 9th place finish, followed by Darren Leary (21), Will Upton (22), PJ Cloutier-Kennedy (37), Josh Pisinski (46).
Our girls team skied strong against some very tough competition! 3rd in GS, 3rd in SL and 3rd Overall!
GS Highlights - 3rd Place Finish. Lyla Kimball led the team with a 5th place finish. Followed by Erin Taylor (16), Sierra Burke (22), Elysse Bell (29), Tylee Jancar (59). McKenzie Burke had a spectacular fall that had us all holding our breath in the first run and came back and took 34th in the second run.
SL Highlights - Lyla Kimball led the team with a 4th place finish. Erin Taylor also broke the top 10 with a 7th place finish. Followed by Elysse Bell in 19th, Sierra Burke (25), McKenzie Burke (27) and Shea Llewellyn (52).
Congratulations to Erin Taylor, Lyla Kimball and Reid Kimball for a great day at the Alpine Meet of Champions at Cannon Mountain. These three were faced with a firm surface and some challenging courses but all of them finished all 4 runs, which not all athletes were able to do. They represented Souhegan well!
Erin Taylor finished out her high school racing career with a 30th finish in GS and 27th in SL.
Lyla Kimball took 9th in GS and 7th in SL, which qualified her for Eastern High School Championships! Lyla will race at Cannon Mountain on March 3rd & 4th with Team NH.
Reid Kimball took 30th in GS and 32nd in SL.
Weekly Schedule can be found here. Hope to see you at some games!
Contact us!
Location: 412 Boston Post Road, Amherst, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 673-9940
Twitter: @SouheganHS