Raleigh Hills Newsletter
September 11th, 2020
Weekly Message
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
Welcome to the new school year! Our teachers and staff can't wait to welcome you to learning with us online starting Monday. We are ready to take on this adventure with you. We so appreciate your willingness to engage with us in this whole new way. One of the lessons we've learned as we're preparing is to be patient with yourself. This is a whole new way of doing school and you need give yourself and your students grace if it doesn't go smoothly at first. We will all get there. Be in contact with us if you need assistance.
You should have received access to your student's Zoom information and schedule from your teachers. Following this will get you started right on Monday morning. Each year, teachers begin the year setting up their expectations and building community. We always start with this. We call it going slow to go fast. In other words, we create a great learning community and teach kids how to access all of the things they will need to do their best learning. This often takes several weeks. Once students have these skills, we begin to ramp up the academics. We will take extra care with your students this year to make sure they're set up for success!
Again, welcome! We look forward to getting this year underway in partnership with you!
With anticipation,
We loved seeing students at the drive-up events!
Attendance Counts
- teachers will check daily to make sure that students have either attended Zooms in person or have interacted with the material that is posted daily.
- they will enter this engagement into our data collection tool by 4pm each day
- because parents may not be able to help students with coursework until after school hours, teachers will be able to go back into the system until midnight the following day to give credit for attendance (as judged by engagement with material) for the previous day
- community notifications will be sent out by 4:45 to let you know that your student did not engage with the work for the day
- you can still call the attendance line at 503 356-2161 to report that your student will not be able to engage with work on days when they are ill or have appointments
Middle School Schedule
Servicio de alimentos para llevar
El comienzo de la escuela está a la vuelta de la esquina y nuestro departamento de Servicios de Nutrición ha estado trabajando arduamente para desarrollar un plan para proporcionar alimentos durante el Aprendizaje a Distancia (CDL por sus siglas en inglés). Acabamos de recibir permisos del Departamento de Agricultura (USDA por sus siglas en inglés) y con estos ahora cualquier niño (de 1 a 18 años) podrá recoger alimentos gratuitos hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2020.
- A continuación, se muestra cómo se distribuirán los alimentos este otoño:
- Los padres o tutores pueden recoger los alimentos de los estudiantes que no estén presentes.
- La repartición de alimentos se realizará dos días a la semana: martes (2 días de comida) y jueves (3 días de comida) de 11 a.m. a 12:00 p.m.
- Los alimentos se empaquetarán con el desayuno y el almuerzo juntos.
- Todas las personas que recojan alimentos deben usar máscaras.
Los sitios escolares y las ubicaciones de las paradas de autobús se están finalizando y les comunicaremos cuales son pronto.
Technology Usage Report
Click the picture of the checklist to access the links
Click the picture to access the Family Toolkit
Important Dates
September 14 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Join your teachers online!
September 14 & 15 Kindergarten Assessments
September 16 No School for Kindergarten
September 17 Kindergartners with last names A-L attend school via Zoom
September 18 Kindergartners with last names M-Z attend school via Zoom
September 21 All Kindergartners attend
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8