ERD Parent Smore, Week of 10-17-22
ER Dickson Elementary School
Thank you for reading our weekly newsletter! We want to keep you informed with everything that's going on at ERD. Go Tigers!
Parenting Day, October 17
Please complete this important survey. The deadline is October 17. We want to hear from all of our parents! Survey results help us to know what we are doing correctly and what we need to work on. Your opinion matters!
Fun times at ERD! Please see our Facebook page for more pictures and descriptions.
Remember, even if you don't have a FaceBook page, you can still access our page by Googling E. R. Dickson FaceBook page and see it that way.
Upcoming Spirit Days
Friday, October 21st: *will be a part of Bullying Prevention Week activities
Friday, October 28th: *will be a part of Red Ribbon Week activities
Important Dates
October 17 - Bullying Prevention Week
October 17 - Statewide Parenting Day with report card pickup; more info coming soon
October 18 - After school tutoring begins
October 24 - Red Ribbon Week
November 9 - Santa pics, prepay
October 27 - Read for the Record
November 8 - Election Day (potential learn-from-home day; info shared when we receive it)
November 10 - Visits with Veterans Day (in the planning stages)
This week's lunch menu
E. R. Dickson Elementary School
LEAD- Love, Explore, Achieve, Discover
Location: 4645 Bit and Spur Road, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 241-221-1180