Questar III School Library System
March 18-22, 2019
School Library System Regional Recognition 2019
The person to be nominated for the School Library System Administrator of the Year Award exhibits leadership in recognizing the library as an integral part of the whole school program and has an active personal involvement in the program.
Leadership is evidenced by:
Supporting the library program by making available: sufficient staffing, flexible scheduling (when able to do so), and a budget that promotes the equity, availability and accessibility of resources in all formats.
Knowledge of what the library program offers students and staff.
Collaborating with the school librarian in short- and long-term goal planning and implementation
Supporting the instructional value of the school librarian by promoting the collaboration of the school librarian with teachers on school-wide curriculum.
Recognizing the role of the school librarian in meeting the NYS Standards via classroom collaboration, etc.
Understands and supports the ethical use of information by all members of the school community.
Ongoing, continuous evaluation of the library program.
Supporting professional growth and development opportunities.
Recognizing of the value of the school librarian’s involvement in professional activities beyond the local school setting (i.e. SLS, state and national organizations, public library)
Librarian Recognitions
This recognition is for a new member librarian who has made significant contributions to the school and/or library community and has demonstrated the potential for leadership and growth in the profession.
Selection Criteria:
Must be new (within two years) to the profession, region, or their school
Must have made a significant contribution to the profession and/or school community. Specific examples will be required.
Participates regularly in library and other education related professional development.
This recognition is for a member librarian who has made a significant contribution to the school and/or library community and has demonstrated the potential for leadership and growth in the profession.
Selection Criteria:
Must not have received a Questar III Regional Recognition Award in the past three years.
Must have made a significant contribution to the profession and/or the school community. Specific examples will be required.
Participates regularly in library and other education related professional development.
Presented at a conference on the local, state, or national level on a library related topic
Most likely to have overdue books
Mostly likely to keep the local bookstore in business
Most likely to cheer on another librarian
Most likely to be a creative problem solver
Most likely to be relentlessly resourceful
Most likely to correct your grammar
Most likely to be shushed
Most likely to see the positive in any situation
Most likely to see opportunity through the obstacles
In addition to the recognitions above, please fill out the form linked below if you know anyone who is retiring or newly tenured:
Retiree Recognition: This is for anyone who has or will retire by the end of this school year, including aides and assistants.
Newly Tenured Librarian Recognition: If you or someone in your district was tenured this school year, please email me their information so we can recognize them for this special achievement.
Please let Kerrie know if you have any questions. All nominations are due by April 15, 2019.
Reminder: Professional Journals Now Available
- Booklist
- Computers in Libraries
- Horn Book Magazine
- School Library Journal
Once you are logged in and you choose a journal, you will see that you have access not only to this month's journal, but to previous issues as well. There are two ways to access the journals:
1. Go to: http://bit.ly/ProJournals and log in using the information sent in the email. Using this method of viewing the journals will allow you to print articles.
2. Download the Flipster app at your favorite app store. Click on Get Started. Complete a search for Questar III BOCES. Choose Questar III BOCES and then enter in the username and password from the email that was sent. Articles are not able to be printed from the app.
Please email Kerrie with any questions.
Soundzabound Information
QUESTAR III BOCES has purchased music from Soundzabound and it is now available as part of the Multimedia CoSer. More than 35,000 music copyright violation lawsuits have been filed against students and others by the Recording Industry Association of America. While RIAA has been heavily criticized for these lawsuits, their success rate in court is significant. No more worrying about breaking copyright laws regarding music as long as you use Soundzabound. Please click on the link below and sample videos created by students and teachers around the world to see what your students could be producing with Soundzabound.
Soundzabound Music Library offers a wide variety of music, audio themes and sound effects for grades K - 12 and universities that ensures your copyright safety. Perfect for podcasts, PowerPoint, videos, news shows, video yearbooks, digital storytelling, presentations, TV broadcasts, web design and more. Contact Kerrie for more information.
ENYSLMA will recognize two School Librarians
ENYSLMA will recognize two School Librarians seeking professional benefits through the continuing education opportunities and collegiality provided by attending a SSL Conference. The application is due April 5th!
Vote for the Read Together Award
The 3rd annual Anna Dewdney Read Together Award is now open for voting! ! For the first time, librarians, teachers and booksellers will have the chance to decide which of six deserving finalists is the best read-aloud book and most thoroughly conveys feelings of empathy and connectedness.
The six finalists for this year’s award are:
Drawn Together, by Minh Lê; illus. by Dan Santat
Dreamers, by Yuyi Morales
I Am Enough, by Grace Byers; illus. by Keturah A. Bobo
Julian is a Mermaid, by Jessica Love
The Rabbit Listened, by Cori Doerrfeld
Thank You, Omu!, by Oga Mora
The award winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize from Every Child a Reader and Penguin Publishing House, as well as choose a library, school, or literacy organization that will receive 250 copies of their book. Voting will be available until March 28th and you can click here to cast your ballot.
You can also visit the Every Child A Reader website for more information about the Anna Dewdney award.
2019’s Hudson Children’s Book Festival set for Saturday, May 4th in Hudson, NY from 10am – 3pm!
The Hudson Children’s Book Festival, established in 2009, is held each year in the historic city of Hudson, NY, and strives to create, sustain, and nurture a culture of literacy in partnership with our community and schools. This free, public event fosters a love of reading as families meet and greet world-class creators of books for children of all ages.
Seymour Simon is the Featured Author this year! For a listing of authors and illustrators, please follow this link:
Professional Learning Opportunities
SSL Annual Conference 2019 - Register Soon!
May 30, 2019 through June 1, 2019
OnCenter, Syracuse, NY
Earlybird Registration Deadline: April 20, 2019
Advance Registration Deadline: May 20, 2019
Join NYLA-SSL for the 2019 Annual Conference in Syracuse, NY, May 30 - June 1. Join us for the 2019 NYLA-SSL conference, a three day celebration of learning that brings together school librarians, teachers, technology specialists, and public libraries. For complete details click HERE
If you plan to attend, the SLS can help with registration costs. Please review and complete this Conference Request Application:
AASL Standards Day 3/4 Combined - LAST CHANCE - April 11th
Open to anyone who has not yet attended Day 3/4 of the second round of AASL training. Day 3 and 4 are being combined into one day, instead of two days. We will focus on aligning with content areas, assessment, and more!
Date: April 11, 2019
Time:8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Location: WSWHE BOCES, 27 Gick Road, Saratoga Springs, NY
Sign up with My Learning Plan: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=18589&I=3046563
Spend Spring Break with ENYSLMA at the Eric Carle Museum
Spend Spring Break with ENYSLMA at the Eric Carle Museum Thursday April 25, 2019 for an 11:00 Guided Tour featuring the exhibit - Out of the Box: The Graphic Novel Comes of Age.
After the tour we will have a studio tour including a hands on art project to bring back to our students.
For more information check out the flier on our Facebook Page or go to our website via NYLA - Membership - Round tables. Questions? Please contact Shannon Thompson sthompson@niskyschools.org
Questar III School Library System
Kerrie Burch, Kerrie.Burch@questar.org
Jane Bentley, Jane.Bentley@questar.org
Kim Harris, Kharris@questar.org
Location: 10 Empire State Boulevard, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY, USA