Being Hope, Joy and Imagination
From Annelies & Conduit for Change, LLC
Dear Ones,
As azalea bloom, felt green shoots pierce through mossy ground and unfurl from tall oaks above, I am cooed by nature's call and response to stay hopeful. And not just hopeful but joyful too. I'm feeling asked to lean in as we all lay low. What's life been like for you?
Join me and my sweetness for our little weekly check-in. It's too windy for an official fire-side so we'll host a kitchen table conversation. Join us as you're able. If you missed last week's, recorded sessions are all easy links down below. Glad you're here. Let me know how you are. I do care very much about your well-being.
Love and light, Annelies
Annelies Gentile of Conduit for Change and Greg Whitt of Drum for Change invite you into our home for a community conversation around the kitchen table or fire side chat. Let's talk-- old school with a modern twist!
Join us for a comfy cozy virtual conversation in our home fireside or at the kitchen table. We plan on hosting these weekly as long as they're needed. You tell us... are these conversations useful? Valuable? Comforting? What else do you need? We are here for you. How are you doing? Let's check-in, share resources and ideas for moving through such profound change.
Pull up your computer or phone, grab a glass of wine, water, kombucha or cuppa joe and let's talk. In addition to supporting you along this wild new ride we all face together, tonight, there may be poetry, flute or guitar as we'll share with you what we do best-- helping people navigate change mindfully and creatively. Have something to contribute? Bring your sharing, imagination and feelings to the fire.
Fire Side Check-in with Annelies & Greg
Friday nights 7PM-8PM (EST)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 797 574 365
Phone only.. find your local number:
Let's remember our compassion and faith to re-imagine and actively participate in our new tomorrow. Together.
Reality is— everything is connected. We’re never truly “off” from anything else. Change is a constant that which we can plan for only so much. Self similar patterns repeat but never exactly the same. The beauty is— the unexpected twists and turns can provide us with new ideas we could never imagine before. Let's all take a breath, show up for one another and be a part of what’s next. Let's create useful ways to bridge gaps, solutions and solace in the presence of the unknown-- together.
With kindness, love and imagination.... Annelies and Greg ✨
Gentle Tendings For You and Yours
Creative Resources
I trust you're getting out to walk if you can, or write poetry, cook something tasty, tend important tasks like hygiene and call many many friends to check-in. It's good to cry, it's also good to celebrate what's good in life.
Here's a few additional resources for mind, body and soul.
- VIRTUAL MUSEUM TOUR Visit a museum virtually
- MUSIC CONCERTS Virtual concerts
- SONG OF THE BUTTERFLY by artist Istvan Sky Kék Égto
1- Keep you from touching your face.
2- Reduce hoarding of face mask supplies intended for healthcare professionals.
3- Give you a sense of creative empowerment to slay fear, stress, reducing social anxiety.
Contact Annelies
Phone: 919-345-8396