The Palmetto
South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year
We are faced with another year of navigating through hard times and paving a way that seems impossible. As I sit here debating what is most important, I am reminded that there are few things we can do as we push on and push through during another tough school year.
Here are my thoughts:
1. Hope is most important. We got into this work because we had HOPE for the future. Hold on to that HOPE. Hold on to it for you and for all those that you serve. They need HOPE now more than ever.
2. Focus on what you can control, NOT what you can not control. Stop worrying about all the things you can not control. It will stop you from accomplishing anything. Trust me - set your eyes on what you can control - your attitude and your behavior.
3. Stop making things about you. Everything that happens to you is not about you. People hurt people when they are hurt. It has nothing to do with you. Your students, your colleagues and your families will hurt you and it has NOTHING to do with you.
As we move forward with this year, be the light for others.
Looking forward to a great year with all of you!
Dr. Ann Marie Taylor, SCCEC President
Dr. Ann Marie Taylor, SCCEC President
Become a Member Today!
Future Teacher of the Year!
SCCEC Annual Conference
Award Nominations are Open!
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2021-2022 SC Council for Exceptional Children awards. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, November 30. You can access the nomination page through this link: https://forms.gle/fGCKNC9aWWi9MEFV6 This year has been hard. Nominate someone you know for an award to celebrate their hard work!
Below you will find a list of all awards. If you want to know the criteria and necessary documentation for each individual award, visit https://southcarolina.exceptionalchildren.org/sccec-awards or email correspondingsecretarysccec@gmail.com.
Advocate of the Year
Betty Brown Training Grant
Exceptional Teacher of the Year
General Educator of the Year
Laura Mohr Scholarship
Instructional Mini Grant
Para-Educator of the Year
Principal of the Year
Rookie Teacher of the Year
SCCEC Member of the Year
Student Member of the Year
YES! I Can Award
VIP Award
2021-2022 Dates to Remember
October 2nd, 11:00am
April 2nd, 11:00am
Newsletter Submissions:
October 9th
March 2nd
April 9th
February 25th and 26th
Important Dates:
November 1st - Proposals for SCCEC Conference Due
November 30th - Officer Nominations Due
November 30th - Award Nominations Due
January 15th - Submit Names of Representatives for TA
February 1st - Completed Presentations Due
February 15th - RA Reports Due
February 26th - Representative Assembly
National Leadership Training Institute Update
Take Action! Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your members of Congress!
Become a SCCEC Member Today!
Contact Us!
Email: sccecpublications@gmail.com
Website: https://southcarolina.exceptionalchildren.org/
Location: South Carolina, USA
Facebook: facebook.com/SouthCarolinaCEC
Twitter: @MySCCEC