Athens State University RIC
October 16, 2023
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Region 2 Request Links
Remember, If you have specific professional learning needs please use the PD Request Form or if you need to reserve a learning space at the Regional Inservice Center or on the Athens State Campus, please use the Facility Reservations form.
Click on Agency Icons for Websites
Region 2 - RIC
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Science in Motion
Assistant Director - Emily Byrd
Ken Kirby - Regional Literacy Leadership Specialist (RLLS)
Kimberly Hargett - RLLS: Limestone, Hartselle, & Morgan.
Kim Goodwin - RLSS: Blount, Cullman City & Co. & Oneonta
Melissa Penley - RLSS: Athens City & Lawrence Co.
Tracie Howard - RLSS
Angela Richardson - RLSS
Christy Lockhart - Region 2 Math Specialist
TEAMS Professional Learning
Teacher Professional Learning
Monthly NBCT Sessions - North Cohort
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 3 Instruction and Planning (North Cohort)
Description: Component 3 is The Teaching Practices and Learning environment component. Collaboration with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect on lesson ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes a video of your interactions with students to be analyzed and reflected on in your writing.
Date: Tuesday, October 24
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Morgan County Educator Resourced Center
235 Alabama Hwy 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 2 Instruction and Planning (North Cohort)
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction component. Candidates will collect work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: Tuesday, November 28
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Morgan County Educator Resourced Center
235 Alabama Hwy 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Monthly NBCT Sessions - South Cohort
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 3 Instruction and Planning (South Cohort)
Description: Component 3 is The Teaching Practices and Learning environment component. Collaboration with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect on lesson ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes a video of your interactions with students to be analyzed and reflected on in your writing.
Date: Tuesday, October 24
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Blount County Schools Professional Development Center
62541 US Hwy 231
Cleveland, AL 35049
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Title: ATH RIC 2023-2024 ATH-NBCT Component 2 Instruction and Planning (South Cohort)
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction component. Candidates will collect work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: Tuesday, November 28
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In-Person
Location: Blount County Schools Professional Development Center
62541 US Hwy 231
Cleveland, AL 35049
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Need an ATLAS account? Send your requests to Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
Upcoming OMI Activities
Secondary Coaching Sessions
Diane Sweeney
ARI Resources
The Real Writing Series w/ Tim Cobb & Leigh Hudon
Thur, October 26: 3:30 - 5:30 pm
GEMS - Girls Engaged in Math & Science
Sound Wall Training (K-3)
Library - Media Specialists
Special Education Teachers Professional Learning
Administrator Professional Learning
ASCD Bootcamp - October 25
- Virtual Attendance
- 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
- Registration Information
October 25 - Textbook ACLD PLU w/ Patrick Chappell
- Online: AASCD Fall Bootcamp - October 25, 2023
- In-Person: AASCD Winter Conference - January 22 - 24, 2024
- Online: AASCD Spring Bootcamp - February 29, 2024
Register via http://www.clasleaders.org
AASMSP Fall Conference: Nov. 5 - 8
- Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, AL
- Registration Information
AAESA Fall Instructional Conference: Nov. 12 - 15
- Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach
- Registration Information
October ALSDE PE Newsletter
The Alabama Social Studies Chronicle
ARI - Strong Leader/Strong Leader & OMI - Everyone Counts Sessions
NORTH- Florence City School BOE
*Athens City, Decatur City, Lawrence County, & Limestone County.
- Wednesday. December 6
- Thursday, February 8, 2024
- Wednesday, March 13, 2024
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
SOUTH - Wallace State - Hanceville
*Blount Co., Cullman City, Cullman Co., Hartselle City, Morgan Co., & Oneonta City
- Thursday. December 7
- Wednesday, February 7, 2024
- Thursday, March 14, 2024
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm
District Level Professional Learning
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL