Rāmere Friday 29th July Hōngongoi 2022 (T3: Week 1 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
- School Board Elections: Nominations for the School Board close next Friday. The board holds three main important functions: it is the employer of staff, it monitors and reviews school systems and processes (policies, financials, health and safety) and it helps build the school of tomorrow through the school strategic plan and the annual budget. There are eight formal meetings a year (twice a term) and one strategic visioning meeting. Prior to each meeting, the material for that meeting will come out a week before, as the School Board holds a no surprises approach to meetings. If this sounds like you put your nomination forward.
- Term Three DRIVE Inquiries: We have two inquiries this term. The first is around science where the children will become 'zoologists' learning about the many different types of animals. Our termly visit to Bush School at the Kamahi Reserve will time in nicely here. The second is Physical Education and Health entitled 'Be the Best You Can Be' and it will tie into Life Education at the end of the term.
- Property Projects: The school has four property projects (administration remodel, classroom remodel, boiler upgrade, pool roof replacement) that are in various stages of 'back room' advancement around financials, planning, tenders and construction timeframes. For example, one recent advance was the confirmation of additional funding for the pool roof project. Over the next six months, we hope to have some of these projects 'land' and get completed. They will continue the advancement of the property infrastructure, through the School Board, which supports the education of our students here at Edendale Primary School.
- Term Two's Poetry Anthology Book: The books are here and look amazing. The order form is below. Thank you to those who have already ordered.
- Masks: Masks are being encouraged again throughout the schooling system to help with the management and spread of illness. Covid is still working its way through the school with over 50% having had it, but that does still leave quite a few to go. Each classroom from Year Four upwards has a supply of masks for children to use when in close proximity to each other.
- Weet-Bix Card Swap Meets: Next week we will start up our swap meets for the Weet-bix Stat Attack Cards 2022. We will do this during intervals. If you have any spare cards you don't want drop them into the school and we will use them to swap with the children. Thanks.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Congratulations: A big congratulations to Miss Caci Mineur on her engagement during the holidays to Josh Young. Very exciting. All the best to both of you.
Authors and Illustrators
- McKenna Clarke
- Caitlyn Abbott
- Taite Clarke
- Piper Muir
- Bonnie McCauley
- Marcus Orr
- Divine Mukundu
- Erica MacBeth
- Piper Johnstone
- Fillan Bajo
- Jackson Miller
- Madden McKelvie
- Jenny Coyle
- Peter Power
- Aria Power
- Jack Duffy
- David McKenzie
- Ally Webber
- Eva Chapman
- Macie Mikkelsen
- Erman Singh
- Rylie McCauley
- Grayson Ozar
- Wylie Clarke
- Bonnie Garguilo-Harris
- Fleur Blackmore
- Fleur Blackmore
- Caitlyn Abbott
- Wylie Clarke
- Chloe Martyn
- Taite Clarke
- Laura McVicar
- Ella Bryson
- Halle Barrett
- Coby Power
- Madden McKelvie
- Maya Mann
- Fillan Bajo
- Jack Duffy
- Erica MacBeth
- Lana Reid
- Angus McRae
- McKenna Clarke
- Briar McKenzie
- Georgia Abbott
- Charlie Frantz
- Finn Wallis
- Ben Bayliss
- Eva Chapman
- Harry Smyth
- Simone Cupido
- Nova Barrett
Term Three: Principal's Challenge - Lego Masters Edendale 2022
This year's theme is THINGS WE EAT. What will you create? An apple? A hamburger? A cake? A carrot? A plate with dinner on it? Fish and chips? A chocolate bar? Lollies? A doughnut?
How delicious can you make your Lego creation?
Age Groups:
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section: Parents, grandparents, past students, community members.
Judging Criteria:
- Attention to detail - did you think of everything in your build?
Use of colour - is the colour scheme consistent and thought through?
The originality of design - you cannot build from an instruction kit. It must be all your ideas, from scratch. This is about you being creative.
Technical building skills - How do you use the blocks? Are there ways that you use them that are different to what they were intended?
A strong story - Can you create a story around your creation?
Entry Instructions:
- Please have your creation in a sturdy container.
- Clearly name your container.
- Include your year level.
- Have your entry in by Thursday 8th September.
Our Kura News and Information
School Photos - Term Three
School Photos are next Wednesday 3rd August.
A consent form has been sent home for family photos at the end of last term. Any queries please contact the office.
Students are expected to be in full correct uniform. We have preloved items here at school.
The order of photos will be as follows but the exact times will require a little bit of flexibility...
- Family/sibling photos 8.30am
- Team Kea
- Team Kiwi
- Team Pukeko
- Team Tui
- Team Kereru
- Team Kahu
The whole staff photo will be 11.15 am.
Book Club - Issue 5
Scholastic Book Club Issue 5 has gone home.
All orders need to be returned to the office by Friday 12th August. You can also order online.
Lunch Orders List - Update
There has been an update in the Edendale Dairy Lunch Orders list. See below for the newly updated list. Children have the opportunity to order from this each Thursday.
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practice, effort and attitude.
Work hard, have a go and do our best.
Leave everything how we would want to find it.
Wear our uniform with pride.
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Sullivan Bayliss for showing our school values in class and at play.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Term Three - Meeting Five
The next general meeting for the School Board in Term Three is Tuesday 9th August at 6.00 pm. Meeting material goes out a week prior to this meeting. This will be the final meeting of this current School Board.
Board Election - Timeframe
- Call for nominations: Friday 15th July
- Nominations Close: Friday 5th August before 4.00 pm
- Voting Papers Issued: Wednesday 10th August
- Voting Closes: Wednesday 7th September at 4.00 pm
- New Board Takes Office: Wednesday 14th September
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Three 2022
The Term Three 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 15th August starting at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Fundraiser - Whittaker's Chocolate
As part of the Edendale Home and School’s ongoing commitment to improve facilities and resources available to the students of Edendale School, this term we are running a Whittaker’s Fundraising Campaign. This has been a successful fundraiser for us in the past and we welcome everyone’s support to ensure this success continues.
A pack of chocolates and further information will be sent home with the eldest child in each family. If you object to participating in this fundraiser, please advise us and we will exclude you from the list.
We suggest you sell to family members, friends or neighbours, colleagues in the workplace, at busy sports fields. Posting the chocolate for sale on your Facebook page is also easy and effective. If children are involved in selling, they should do so under adult supervision, especially if selling door to door.
We ask that all Fundraising Packs and money collected be returned to the school office by Friday 12th August 2022. We urge you to sell the chocolate quickly. However, if you are experiencing difficulties, please return excess as early as possible as others may be looking for more Whittaker’s fundraising bars to sell.
There will be a grand prize of an Amazon Tablet on offer to the student/family that makes the most sales, as well entries for each full box sold to be drawn for a range of spot prizes.
Fundraising activities such as this make a vital contribution towards improving facilities and resources for the benefit of our school. We look forward to a successful fundraising campaign and thank you for your support.
If you have any queries please contact: Louise Duffy 021 022 50599.
Our Community - News
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool