Parent and Family News
Week of February 5, 2024
Re-enrollment packets should have been received at your home, if you did not get the form please call the school office.
Please Make sure you have returned your packet by February 29th.
All students who return their packet with all required documents will be invited to participate on March 9th from 9-11:30 in our First Annual Commitment to Graduation Ceremony. Our Commitment to Graduation ceremony is a charge to the students to remain in the Westminster Pride and to graduate eighth grade ready for High School success. Here, students and families committing to Westminster Community Charter School will be celebrated.
Documents Required:
Completed re-enrollment form
Meal Form
Emergency Contact Form
TB-1 Parent Request/Authorization Form
Completing your re-enrollment form is required to remain in the school for the following year. This is how to guarantee your child's seat for the 2024-2025 school year. It is also the time to apply for any new students for next year, including Kindergarteners. If you need to apply for a new students, please use this link, that is found on our website,
Upcoming Events
Feb. 6 - Away Basketball Games
Feb. 7 - LOCKDOWN DRILL Farm to Table 9-10, STEM Night
Feb. 12-16 Spirit Week
Feb. 16 Black History Showcase
Feb. 19- 23 No School February Break
Feb. 27 - Faculty Meeting - no after school clubs
Feb. 29 - Last Day to Return re-enrollment packets
March 5- UB Basketball Game
March 6 - Good for the Neighborhood
March 9 - Commitment to Graduation Ceremony - Super Saturday
March 13- Math Night, Spaghetti Dinner
March 21- Open House New Families
March 28 - 1/2 for Students, Parent Teacher Conferences in PM
March 29-April 8 No School for Students
April 10 - Full School Day for Students
Attendance All Day/Every Day 8:00 am - 2:45 pm
Please help support your scholars educational success by having them at school, all day, everyday.