SCW Band Beats
July 5, 2023
Marching Band Season is Fast Approaching!
We still need volunteers for Band Camp, please see sign up sheet below.
Students, please complete the t-shirt size form below by Friday.
Parents, please make sure you have completed the rSchool Today account setups, information below.
Upcoming Events This Week
No Events this week due to the MSHSAA Dead Period
Events Next Week
Tuesday, July 11th - Percussion Rehearsal 6-9pm @ SCW Band Room
This was added to the schedule via the percussion memo.
If you are available, please attend.
If you are out of town or have a prior commitment, your absence to this is excused.
Full Marching Band Schedule June - October 2023
This is all the rehearsals, performances and other events in list form. For performances, more details will be provided at least two weeks prior to the event via the newsletter. For competitions, assume that it will be an all day event. We receive updated schedules and performance times from the festival at minimum two weeks prior to the competition.
Band Camp 2023! July 31-August 5
Band Camp is quickly approaching and we need parent help to make camp safe and successful. Currently we have openings for volunteers to serve as overnight Cabin Chaperons and Sunday Set Up help. Here is a document outlining the expectations of Cabin Chaperons and Sunday Set Up. To sign up, please visit the SignUp Genius Link below.
rSchool Today and Physical Forms
All students participating in sports and activities at St. Charles West must register with our activities portal called rSchool Today. This is the portal our activities department uses to organize student data such as emergency contact information, medical insurance information, student athlete medical records and updated student physical information. Marching Band students are considered Student Athletes and must register and have an up to date physical completed. Physicals are good for 2 years. You only have to register once for all sports and activities you plan to participate in this coming school year. Below is the link to rSchool Today as well as a parent guide document and the official MSHSAA Physical Form. This information is also available at Parents, please have your students registration completed by July 31st.
Form For Students to Complete
Students, please complete this quick form so that we can get your Band Camp T-Shirts ordered.
Please complete this by July 7th
The Band is proud to celebrate the many great accomplishments of our band students. Student celebrations are not exclusive and are not limited to band related accomplishments. If you have a student celebration to share, please submit info and a photo to and it will be shared!!! This includes accomplishments that pre-date this newsletter that I am unaware of. Please send so I can share with the band the great accomplishments of our students.
Introducing the 2023-2024 SCW Band Leadership Team
Drum Major - Emily Skodak
Student Assistant to the Staff - Emma Thornburgh
Woodwind Captain - Braelynn Taylor
High Brass Captain - Conner DePyper-Little
Low Brass Captain - Tyler Wood
All Brass Alternate Captain - Caleb Yackly
Color Guard Captain - Alyssa Carnes
Color Guard Alternate Captain - Julia Kean
Front Ensemble Captain - Kleyton Crate
Battery Captain - Quinn Kennedy
Battery Alternate Captain - Kolten Politte
Thursday, July 27th
All members of the marching band will perform for Freshman Transition Day. Freshman are welcome to join the band when you've completed other Freshman Day tasks. The performance timeframe will be approximately 7:30am to 10:00am. Students will be fed lunch. More official details will be provided closer to the date. We will perform simple pep band tunes from our basketball band books.
Tuesday, August 15th
All members of the marching band will perform for the St. Charles School District Opening Day Ceremony. This is a meeting of every district employee, held annually at St. Charles West High School. Students will need to arrive at 7:00am and will be done performing by 9:00am. More official details will be provided closer to the date. We will perform simple pep band tunes from our basketball band books.