CVE Friday Flash
October 27, 2023
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
The Centerville Character Parade for grades PreK-4 will take place on Tuesday, October 31, at 2:00 P.M., and we welcome you to come and watch the fun! Parents may enter the building starting at 1:55 and watch the parade from three locations. I have included a link to a map that highlights the parade route and viewing locations. No matter where you decide to watch the parade, you will see all grade levels as they will make a loop.
There are many fun things planned for the end of the day, so we recommend kids stay at school for the remainder of the day. However, if you choose to take your kid home with you, we ask all parents to wait until the end of the parade. With over 500 kids and staff traveling through the hallways, we need to limit additional traffic or possible disruptions. There will be an announcement when the parade has ended to make things easy.
Finally, please remember that kids’ costumes should not be violent or scary. If you question whether an outfit is appropriate, please err on the kid-friendly side, as our preschool kids will also be participating.
Thank you for helping make the event successful.
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Oct 31: Character Parade @ 2:00PM
- Nov 6: No School for Students
- Nov 6: STEM Night @ 6:30PM
- Nov 20: Direct Drive Kick Off
- Nov 22: Grandparents Day (Only 1st, 3rd & 5th Grades)
- Nov 23-24: No School
The 2023-24 Centerville Elementary Calendar is on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2023-2024 District Student Calendar and the 2023-2024 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
Check out the CVE TV Slides HERE to see what is happening at CVE!
Volunteer Spotlight: Sarah Luckow
I am on the PTA board and I enjoy opportunities to help in my kids' classrooms. I have a full-time, remote working job that allows me the flexibility to volunteer. And I also make it a family event whenever I can and bring the kids along.
Why did you decide to volunteer at Centerville?
I wanted to be closer to the people and environment that my kids spend most of their time with - our school! I like being connected to the network of people who are passionate about education and child development.
What is your favorite part about volunteering?
I love volunteering at school events where I can see my kids interacting with their friends and teachers. Seeing them in their natural habitat allows me to learn more about them and feel closer to them. And it's fun!
Interested in volunteering? Sign up HERE!!
Character Parade: Tuesday, October 31st @ 2PM
What type of costume should my student wear for the Character Parade?
We ask that all families choose a costume that is non-violent/scary. These are day costumes and may differ from something a student wishes to wear in the evening. Examples of appropriate character costumes are sports figures, historians, fairy tale characters, occupational outfits, storybook characters, heroes, etc. A source of reference is if the character is from a PG13 or Rated R movie, it is inappropriate for school. Examples of costumes that would not be appropriate are zombies, Scream, Freddy Krueger, anything with blood, etc. No play or real weapons are ever allowed on school grounds. If you are wondering if a costume is appropriate, don't hesitate to contact Mr. Macken, as we want this to be a fun event for everyone participating. Finally, if your student wants to participate but needs help getting a costume, please contact the school office at 763-792-5800
If you prefer that your child not participate in the character parade please complete this form to request an alternative activity.
Engage your elementary schooler in conversations to build vocabulary
When you have regular back-and-forth conversations with your child and use some advanced vocabulary, you can teach new words—and your child may begin using them! That’s great because having a large vocabulary makes reading easier.
When using words your child doesn’t know:
1. Provide a definition that is easy to understand. “It’s a brisk fall day. The weather is get-
ting cooler, but it’s not cold enough for snow yet.”
2. Help your child make connections to the word. “Can you remember another time when
we were outside in the brisk fall air?”
3. Keep using the word in your conversations. “It’s another brisk day today. Let’s be sure
to put on an extra layer for our afternoon walk.”
Where can you learn more about Character Strong?
Learn more about Character Strong and look for them on social media. In addition to the sample lessons on their website, families can sign up for "Family Access" to the Character Strong curriculum and will be given 30-day access to review content.
Register here for family access.
Centerville Parent Teacher Association
The CVE Spirit Wear Store is still OPEN!
- Order by November 11th to ensure your order arrives before Winter Break.
- Click here to shop: https://centervillemn.memberhub.com/w/spiritstore
- Use the code shiptoschool at checkout to have your items delivered to your child’s classroom.
- Questions? Contact Rae at jeepinchick@technologist.com
Direct Drive – Save the date!
- We will be hosting our Annual Direct Drive fundraiser from November 20th – December 1st.
- More information coming soon!
Check out the CPTA Website for more information.
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principal's Chair:
Lily Irvin
Pizza Winners
Ellarie Honl
Carter Moore
Oliver Pap
Theo Strom
First Grade
Eli Irvin
Logan Otto
Second Grade
Graham Saffert
Austin Chudzik
Third Grade
Mallory Kern
Brendan Xiong
Fourth Grade
Ishnaya Magar
Ella Sawyer
Fifth Grade
Hazel Tamura
Samir Kedir
Treat Winners
Sam Tobias
Nikki Panchputre
Zoe Henson
Elijah Kyllo
First Grade
Sureeya Yang
Claire Xiong
Second Grade
Izzy Downing
Ava Bennett
Third Grade
Zoey Haynes
Krishna Vue
Fourth Grade
Daniel Lo
Brinley Norton
Fifth Grade
Arn Olson
Nolan Rognrud
Buy Your Yearbook Now!
SRP Training Information
As part of the Centennial School District’s ongoing commitment to safety and security, the District will follow the I Love U Guys Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) when an incident may occur in our schools such as safety issues, fire, or tornado. The protocol is based on a common language shared by staff, students, and first responders.
Students and staff will practice the safety protocols throughout the school year, October - May. There are five actions—Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter—which can be performed during an incident, and with each action, comes a directive. Execution is performed by active participants which include students, staff, teachers and first responders.
Family Communication
Protocol Practices: Families will be notified by the principal/director before each practice.
In the event of a real situation: Families will be notified if protocols Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter are used in the event of a real situation. Communication will not be sent to families when the Hold protocol (a temporary hold in a classroom to keep hallways clear) is used as it typically pertains to a medical emergency or other situations when hallways or areas need to remain clear for a short period.
Helpful Links
Standard Response Protocol information can be found online on the Centennial website, and additional information can be found at I Love You Guys Foundation.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school.
Community Education
New! Elementary Cheer Basics (gr. 1-5)
This will be a fun and energetic introduction to what the sport of cheerleading is all about! Learn about jumps, stunting, tumbling and more. Perform in the district-wide cheer show in January. Registration includes a T-shirt and bow.
Don’t miss the Centennial Middle School Theater production of The Princess and the Pea at CMS Auditorium, Nov. 2-4. “The Princess and the Pea” is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a princess who is tested to see if she is worthy of being the wife of a lonely princess. Purchase tickets online now!
Happening Soon:
Nov. 6- DASH Multi-Sport Non-School Day Camp (gr. K-5)
Nov. 7- Conquer Ninja Rec Team (ages 6-13)
Nov. 11 - Skyhawks Basketball Camp
Nov. 13- Fall Soccer Skills (gr. K-1)
Dec. 2- Breakfast with Santa (up to age 10 with adult)
Scratch and Sniff Christmas Creation (ages 4-9)
Dec. 7- Santa’s Holiday Workshop: Gingerbread House (ages 3-11 with adult)
Go online to view all activities and to register, communityed.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please get in touch with the organizations directly. View the Digital Backpack online.
Nominations for Centennial’s Hall of Fame due December 1 - Deadline has been extended
Do you know of someone who has a longstanding history of providing services of time and commitment to education? Or, do you know a Centennial graduate who has demonstrated outstanding professional accomplishments and/or has used their education to impact society? Nominations for the Class of 2024 are due November 1. More information on criteria and how to submit a nomination can be found on the Centennial website.
Reminder: Immunization Information
Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt.
If proper documentation is not provided, students will be unable to attend school after November 1, 2023. What you need to do:
- Contact your healthcare provider and review your student’s immunization status to ensure they are current.
- If you missed a required vaccination, make an appointment with a healthcare provider or local clinic as soon as possible.
- Follow up with your student’s school if they have contacted you regarding your student’s immunization status.
- Turn in medical (must be signed by health care provider) and non-medical (must be notarized) exemption forms to your child’s school.
Visit the MDH website for vaccine schedules, exemption forms, and more information including where to get free/low-cost immunizations today. Please reach out to your student’s school for any questions. Please note, that K-12 immunization status is available on Campus Parent Portal.
Centennial Middle School Theatre Performs “The Princess & The Pea”
Catch a performance on:
- November 2 & 3: 7:00pm
- November 4: 1:00pm & 5:0pm
Location: Centennial Middle School Auditorium, 399 Elm Street
Tickets: Available for purchase beginning October 16. Tickets are purchased online only; cash not accepted at the door.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800