At The Creek....
November 4, 2022
Next week:
November 9th-Picture retakes-see below
November 9th-Craft Club grades K-2
November 10th-Craft Club grades 3-6
November 11th-No School for students-Veteran's Day
Coming Soon:
11/15-PTA meeting at 7pm in the Library
11/17-Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse-come support our school!
11/24 and 11/25-Thanksgiving Holiday
Let it SNOW!
With the snow on the ground, it is critical that every child come to school daily with all of the necessary gear. Our rule is that students need to have the "Big Five" to go out in the field and on the hill during the winter. The five items needed are coats, snow pants, boots, gloves and a hat. Tennis shoes get wet and cold and become miserable for students to wear for the remainder of the school day, making boots a necessity. While our older students may prefer wearing a sweatshirt to a coat, there isn't any comparison when it comes to keeping one warm for a 35 minute recess. Gloves are critical, as fingers get cold fast and can ruin a recess. If at all possible, please send children with gloves that will not get wet quickly in the snow. Winter items can be expensive and a challenge to purchase. If your family needs assistance in purchasing gear, please reach out to your classroom teacher, Nurse Debbie or any of us in the office and we will do everything we can to help.
These next couple of months will go very fast, with November full of days away from school for holidays and in-service days. Next Tuesday, November 8th, is an asynchronous school day for students. Student learning will be done at home on this day, with teachers sending items for completion. Please watch for this information to come home Monday. Our school will be open on Tuesday for voting and staff will be on site. Friday, November 11th is Veterans Day, with staff participating in professional development throughout the day. We will be involved in math training with all ASD elementary schools on this day while students are out of school. Rabbit Creek will welcome the staff from Girdwood to join us in learning. These days are followed by two days off for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The month of December has us in school almost right up until Christmas! The last day of school for students is Wednesday, December 21st, which is also the end of the second quarter. Staff will be on site December 22nd to work on grades that will be shared with family upon our return in January. We will complete our Winter Benchmark assessments in December with our K-3 students assessed on the 5th and the 6th. Dates have not been finalized for our other students yet, but we look forward to seeing the growth everyone has made to this point in the year. We will also do our annual "12 Days of Christmas" activities that include dress up themes for the final days of the semester. It's very fun!! School resumes on January 9th, 2023.
As always, thank you for your support of our school, our staff and the mission to provide the best learning for all students. Rabbit Creek is lucky to have such an amazing community!
Ms Peterson
I hope to see all of you at the Dine to Donate with Texas Roadhouse happening soon. It's really a fun event and kids LOVE to see their peers outside of school.
Christmas Towne Bazaar tomorrow!!!!
If you have never attended this wonderful event, tomorrow is the DAY! I hope you will join many Rabbit Creek families and students at the annual Christmas Towne Bazaar tomorrow at South Anchorage High from 10-4:00. This event has been happening for close to 40 years and is a highlight to the holiday season-as well as being a great place to start or finish holiday shopping!
Our FABULOUS community donated an incredible amount of baked goods for the event which will be sold by our sixth grade students at the Cookie Caper.Thank you very, very much!!!
In addition, we have close to 15 Student Council officers and representatives participating in the Coat Check for the Christmas Towne Bazaar. They are eager and excited to be of assistance to shoppers at this major event! 🙂 It's going to be a great day!!!
Dine to Donate...a wonderful community event!
Mark your calendars for a night off from cooking-November 17th from 4:30-9:00pm at the South Texas Roadhouse location.
Healthy Futures Information
Thank you to all the students who participated in October Healthy Futures Logs! October Healthy Futures incentives and grand prize tickets are on the way soon!
November Healthy Futures logs are being distributed to students!
Students who are active for at least 60 minutes a day, 15 days a month, and record their activity on the Healthy Futures Activity Log are awarded fun incentives at the end of the month when they turn completed their Healthy Futures Logs to Mr. Nees or Mr. Pemble, students also receive 1 ticket for each month completed for the grand prize drawing at the end of the year!
The grand prize can be selected from a menu of fun items including Ladderball, Spikeball, a Healthy Futures Hoody and more!
Stay active and enjoy the winter weather outside!
First grade is a BUSY place with Math and Reading happening all day long!!!!
November 5th, 2022
Hello RC families,
Burrr… Old man winter is upon us. I can’t wait to go skiing in about a month! I’ve even seen some folks already ice skating.. Oh, winter fun!
There are sooo many activities coming up this month!
The 44th annual Christmas Towne Bazaar is this Saturday November 5th at South HS from 10am-4pm. The 6th grade class needs everyone to bake homemade cookies and treats and wrap them by the dozen, festively, to sell and give to RC by this Friday.
Just a reminder that Asynchronous Learning Day is November 8th (learning from home).
Picture retakes will be held next week on November 9th.
There is NO SCHOOL on November 11th, 2022.
Our biannual Dine to Donate event held at Texas Roadhouse will be on November 17th. You can sit back and relax, enjoy a meal out with the family knowing 10% of the meal will go back to Rabbit Creek!
Thank you to everyone who brought in food and beverages last week for the parent-teacher conferences. I know the teachers appreciated all of the delicious food.
Tim and Melissa Frey, PTA Community VP wanted to thank everyone who helped make our second annual Monster Mash Trunk or Treat a blast! We couldn’t have done it without so many great volunteers and donations! Thank you to our 23 trunk hosts, who creatively came up with a theme and braved the cold to hand out candy: The Burch, Neff, Jensen, Tillman, Oldford, Webb, Jones, Sharp, Gardeline, Browning, Marshall, Shumar, and Hulquist families, the awesome Rabbit Creek SPED team for hosting three trunks, and Amy Habberstad and the South Anchorage High School student leadership and peer mentorship teams for hosting six trunks!
And thank you to Ms. Peterson and the Schoetz, Czajkowski, Lee, Kolberg, Baldridge, and Boyd families that helped with the logistics, including set-up, serving hot cocoa, checking people in, and clean up, and to the Barnes family for bringing the spirit wear to the event. We appreciate you all! A special thank you to Dino’s Donuts for donating donuts and to Lou Sizemore and R&R Productions for emceeing and keeping us dancing with their great music and fun lights!
Congratulations to Mr. Ring’s class that won the biggest PTA participation and celebrated with a pizza party last week!
You can still purchase memory books at ybpay.com with the Yearbook ID code of 13268823. The books are $20 each and parents can decide to personalize the book with their child’s school photo on the front, if they wish.
Please join us Tuesday, November 15th at 7pm in the RC library for our next PTA meeting. To stay up to date with current PTA issues and activities, refer to our PTA website www.rabbitcreekpta.org and our closed PTA Facebook group "Rabbit Creek Elementary PTA".
Your fabulous PTA President,
Kelly Joy Quisenberry
President, Rabbit Creek PTA
president@rabbitcreekpta.orgRabbit Creek Elementary
Email: peterson_kristina@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/rabbitcreek
Location: 13650 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5700