No Place Like Jones
Parent Updates for the Week of 11.15.21
Principal Corner
Dear Ira. B. Jones Families:
Here at Jones, we are a very tight nit community of students, staff, and families. We have a saying that embodies our school and community: #noplacelikejones. This saying describes our school community perfectly. During this season of thanks, I would like to share my gratitude for what makes our school community like none other.
First, I am thankful for the faculty and staff who show up every day and create an academically engaging student-centered environment where students are challenged and feel safe to take risks. Their hard work ensures that the needs of the students are being met. They continue to rise to the challenge of teaching our students during a pandemic and a time when the circumstances are not always ideal. Our teachers continuously plan to deliver quality instruction that includes rigorous core curricula, differentiation for all students, and specific learning feedback to help our students grow.
Their attitudes have been grounded in being flexible, creative, adaptable, and willing to try new things. I appreciate and am grateful for their dedication to making this school year work for our students.
Second, I am grateful for the rest of our school's support staff, who care about student success and have our students' best interests in hand. I see dedicated and hard-working individuals going above and beyond to ensure that great things happen for our students and families. They make such a difference, and our students benefit from those efforts.
Next, I am pleased with our students for showing up every day ready to learn. They provide us all a daily reminder of why we are here and what is essential. They are thoughtful, compassionate, and curious learners - each student, in their unique way, contributes to what makes Ira B. Jones Elementary a fantastic place to be! They show up each day with smiles on their faces and are ready to meet the day's challenges.
Lastly, I am thankful for YOUR support and dedication to your children's academic and social-emotional development. Our partnership fosters your children's education and enhances our school in all aspects. I am also thankful that you have kept the trust and confidence in us. Thank you for sharing your children with us; we are fortunate to be part of their educational journey!
On behalf of the Ira B. Jones Elementary staff, I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you all a safe and happy holiday and that your family is healthy during this Thanksgiving break! We hope this time is joyful and bountiful!
Ruafika A. Cobb, Principal
Booster-thon PTO Fundraiser
You can still donate at
Painting in Our Building
Upcoming Important Dates
November 17: Picture Retake Day
November 18: PTO Hot Chocolate and Hot Apple Cider at the 3-5 Playground (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
Monday, November 22nd, and Tuesday, November 23rd: Required Teacher Workdays & no school for students.
November 24 - 26: Holiday. No School for Students
Week of November 29: Progress Reports Will Go Home
At Home Volunteers
Ira B. Jones Elementary School
Phone: 828.350.6700
Ruafika A. Cobb
Phone: 828.350.6700
Twitter: @Principal_IBJ