Overton Newsletter
February 5-11, 2024

Monday, Feb. 5 is a B Day!
(Blue= A Day, Yellow= B Day)
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Feb. 5-9: Lunar New Year Celebration Week
Feb. 12-16: Black History Celebration Week
Mon., Feb. 19: Presidents' Day, Students do not report
January Academy Students of the Month
Freshman Academy = Jordan Aigbe
Academy of Interdisciplinary Research = Alex Zambrano
Academy of Health Sciences = Talitha Winningham
Academy of Information Technology = Cade Hawkins
Academy of Engineering = Norhot Aziz
Debate Team
The Overton Debate team won big at Lawson High, with Hasel Perez-Garcia bringing home the 4th place trophy in the novice division and Aubrey Patton winning both 1st place in Varsity and the Individual Speaker award in the varsity division. Congratulations Hasel and Aubrey!
Science Olympiad
John Overton's Science Olympiad team hosted an event of 26 teams from Tennessee and Kentucky. There were over 400 students demonstrating build events like airplanes and towers, technology devices, doing Chemistry experiments, designing experiments, and showing their knowledge on topics such as fossils, anatomy, and maps.
We are proud to have the following students medal in one or more events:
Amira Anaafi
Joseph Garate
Vincent Guo
Cade Hawkins
Amelia Lewis
Abram Shea
2023 Outstanding Earth Science Teacher for Tennessee
Congratulations Dr. Smith! Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) awards are given for "exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth Sciences at the pre-college level." Dr. Smith has been teaching the Interdisciplinary Science and Research program at John Overton for 4 years, where he teachers student to be scientists through inquiry-based projects, experiential learning at field sites, and mentoring independent student research projects. We are so proud of you Dr. Smith!
Lunar New Year Celebration Week
Monday February 5th- Friday February 9th
To honor our Asian and Pacific Islander population, we will be celebrating Lunar New Year! Trivia, Facts, Candy, and Chinese Zodiac Signs: handed out during lunch outside the cafeteria all week! There will also be a food festival on Thursday, Feb. 15th and an assembly on Friday Feb. 16 that will celebrate the Lunar New Year and Black History Month. We have many sign ups celebrating Asian & Pacific Islander and Black History Heritage months in the coming weeks. A comprehensive blast including all the links was sent out last week. You can still sign up by clicking: HERITAGE CELEBRATIONS
Poetry Slam
All students are invited to take part in the poetry slam event honoring poets of African/American descent on Wed. Feb.14th during 2nd block in the auditorium. To register for the event click: POETRY SLAM by Feb. 7th.
Parking Passes
Spring Parking Passes
The application for Spring Parking Pass is now available. Even if you already have a pass from first semester, you must apply for a new one for the spring. You will be required to upload a picture of your driver's license to the application, so please be prepared.
After School Credit Recovery
Beginning February 6th, we are offering after school credit recovery for students who are interested on catching up on credits. It will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:45. Please fill out this CREDIT RECOVERY FORM to register.
Class Registration for Next Year
Academy Selection for Freshmen
It is academy and pathway selection time for our freshmen. The week of February 5th, students will rank their top 5 pathway choices with results being announced on February 12th. Once results are announced, changes cannot be made until next spring. You can view academy and pathway information at https://bit.ly/JOHSAcademies24. You can view videos for our academies at John Overton Academy Videos 2024 - YouTube. (Academy information can be found at the bottom of the newsletter under "Highlights" for the rest of the semester.)
Registration for All Students
Last Tuesday, a detailed blast explaining the class registration process for all grades went out to students and parents. If you need access to that information again, you can find it here: 2024-25 REGISTRATION PROCESS Please read through this information so that you are prepared to register this week. A guideline of options for exceptional education diplomas is also included in this blast.
Advanced Academics: AICE Student Panel + Registration
Last Friday we hosted our first annual AICE Student panel where four seniors (Sharon Cardenas Useche, Aubrey Patton, Jesus Garcia Carillo, Emerson Kennedy) and one alumni (Math Teacher Mr. Colby Johnson!) spoke about their experiences with Cambridge classes, how they chose their classes and advice they have for new AICE students. Students shared the most critical element of success in Cambridge is being willing to put in the work. They spoke about favorite projects and experiences and the way their current and former teachers impacted their academic aspirations.
As the registration process begins for rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders and families consider registering for advanced academics we encourage you to reach out to your student’s academy counselor, Cambridge Coordinator Todd Douthit (todd.douthith@mnps.org) or Cambridge AP Amy Crutchfield (amy.crutchfield@mnps.org). You should have received a letter with this information that went home with report cards as well.
Valentines Day Parent Appreciation
Parents! Dr. Garner invites you to join her for a sweet treat on Valentine’s Day, Wednesday, February 14th from 11-12:30 in the library garage. Please RSVP here by 2/9/24.
Red Cross Blood Drive
The Red Cross will be coming to Overton on February 13 in the auditorium lobby for staff and students only. You must be 16 with parental consent or older to donate. Mark your calendars now for this event. For more information, contact lucia.camarena@mnps.org
Costa Rica Trip
Dr. Levy is going to Costa Rica in Summer 2025, and you’re invited!
We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity: https://bit.ly/3HiIYsc
Meeting details:
Date: February 22, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Library Garage at JOHS
Contact: Anna.Levy@mnps.org
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
- How this opportunity will benefit your student
- What we’ll see and do on our trip
- Everything that’s included in this experience
- How your child can earn academic credit
- How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
- How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
The Snow Ball
The Snow Ball will be held on Saturday, February 24th from 7-10pm in the Overton cafeteria. Tickets will be sold on GoFan.co for $10 starting Feb. 19th. If you are bringing a guest from another school, you must have them approved by admin. You can pick up Guest Forms in Dr. H's room (259).
- Requirements:
- No level 300 behavior
- No more than 4 Q3 absences (not chronically absent)
The Bobcat Players - Change of Date
Zombie Love
The play Zombie Love presented by the Bobcat Players has changed show dates! It will now be presented March 21, 22, 23, and 25 at 7pm. Get tickets on GoFan.co
T-Shirt Design Contest
Are you an artist? Create a T-shirt design for the Bobcat Players' upcoming show, Zombie Love. We will turn the winning design into a professionally printed shirt. You'll get a shirt, your name will be announced on the morning announcements and you'll win tickets to the show! See Mr. Desch for design requirements, or click to design guidelines pdf below. All designs are due in pdf form by Friday, February 9th.
Class of 2024
Deloitte will be sponsoring FAFSA Night on FEBRUARY 21 from 5:00-7:00 at Overton. The FAFSA is required for all students who plan to attend a trade school, community college, or university. Volunteers from Deloitte, Chase, and Pencil Foundation will be available to assist senior families with the completion of their FAFSA application. Any family who would like assistance completing the FAFSA is encouraged to attend. Pizza will be served. Keep an eye on the newsletter for more information in coming weeks. More information about the FAFSA can be found at www.fafsa.gov
Senior Bonfire- NEW DATE!
The date of the Senior Bonfire has been moved to May 3rd. Please keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
Prom 2024
- @ Martin Center
- 7pm – 10pm
All requirements to attend Prom are for 2nd Semester (Q3 & Q4) only.
- Cannot be deemed “chronically absent” for Semester 2 with unexcused absences
(Q3 = 4-5 days absent, Q4 = 4-5 days absent.) By 5/11, “chronically absent” = ~9-10 days absent for the semester. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE EXCUSED ABSENCES.
2. No Level 300 Behavior for Semester 2.
3. Must be a Junior or Senior
Grades will NOT be utilized as a requirement for Prom.
If you are bringing a guest from another school, you must have them approved by admin. You can pick up Guest Forms in Dr. H's room (259). Any questions? Contact Dr. H at jenna.hagengruber@mnps.org
Our next basketball games will be on Feb. 6th and 9th. To view the entire schedule, see attached picture or click: BASKETBALL SCHEDULE. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Hopson at john.hopson@mnps.org
Soccer tryouts will be Feb. 12-14. Players need to complete all paperwork, or they will not be allowed to tryout. To receive the paperwork, contact Coach Eppstein in room 280 (cole.eppstein@mnps.org). The first scrimmage will be Sat. March 2, and the first game will be Tues. March 19th. To view the full schedule, click: SOCCER
Softball practice starts on February 12th and the first game is March 7 at 5:30 at home. For a full schedule click: SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Any questions? Email christina.carlson@mnps.org
BOYS: Monday, February 12th 2:30-4:00, Callbacks February 13
GIRLS: Tuesday, February 14th 2:30-4:00, Callbacks February 15
PHYSICALS and all other paperwork required to participate!
Contact Coach Fabie (Girls) benjamin.fabie@mnps.org or Coach Kiger (Boys) howard.kiger@mnps.org with questions. The tennis season is starting in March. To access the full schedule click: TENNIS SCHEDULE
The next wrestling match is on Feb. 10th. Please see the pictures for the whole season's schedules. Any questions, please see coach Hardy in room 150 for details. leo.hardy@mnps.org
Parents and students can view club information at overtonclubs23-24. New clubs and updated information will continue to be added as sponsors determine their calendars. If you have a question about a club, please reach out to the sponsor using the contact information provided on the list.
Beta Club Book Drive
Beta Club is having a book drive for the month of February. Bring new or gently used books to your academy office for donation. All types of books are accepted, but children's books are preferred.
Choir Open Mic
Do you like to sing? Come to the Open Mic lunch hosted by Choir on Wednesday, 2/21. Click OPEN MIC to sign up to perform or attend during your lunch period. Submissions are due by the end of the school day on Friday, 2/16. Space is limited, so sign up ASAP. Contact Ms. Clark in Room 161 if you have any questions. anna.clark@mnps.org
Student Government Association
Interested in joining the SGA? Apply here: JOIN SGA All submissions are due March 8th. For more info, contact Dr. H at Jenna.Hagengruber@mnps.org
All the info you need that was published in previous newsletters.
Academy Showcase
Questions about any of our academies? You can find the information here:
Academy Showcase and Academy One-Pagers and Pathway Descriptions and Academy Videos
Metro Nashville Public Schools interviewed students and staff about the Academies of Nashville that we have at Overton, and then featured it on the district website. Click Overton Academies to read all about it!
Advanced Academic Opportunities
Cambridge Program: Are you interested in joining the advanced academic Cambridge Program? For basic information, please click CAMBRIDGE INFO. If you would like to apply to the program for next school year, click APPLICATION. Any questions? Contact todd.douthit@mnps.org or michael.pintz@mnps.org
The Vanderbilt Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach (CSEO) is now collecting information from interested students for their high school programs. The Interdisciplinary Science and Research (ISR) Registration form is up and available to students attending Overton, Hillsboro, and Stratford High schools. Visit https://www.vanderbilt.edu/cseo/programs/high-school-programs/isr/apply-to-isr/ to learn more and complete the form by March 7. This form is for current 8th graders. Current Overton 9th graders interested in ISR should choose it during pathway selection. The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV) application is also now available at - https://www.vanderbilt.edu/cseo-ssmv/prospective-students/. 8th graders may begin the application process. The due date is February 11. Students applying to the SSMV will be automatically considered for ISR if not selected for SSMV admission.
Upward Bound Math-Science Southeastern Regional Institute is a program that provides its participants with an academically advanced and intensive 5-week residential STEM-based summer program. Students will live on the campus of MOREHOUSE College in Atlanta, GA, attend classes, and conduct research alongside college professors and field experts. The courses taken during the summer will prepare students for their upcoming academic school year. Students will also work with participants from varying states and meet new friends. The program is fully funded by the US Department of Education!! If you are interested in applying or would like more information please see Mrs. Thweatt (danielle.thweatt@mnps.org), Ms. Cecil (tocarra.cecil@mnps.org), or Ms. Osborne (deborah.osborne@mnps.org).
Vanderbilt Summer Academy is an accelerated summer program for academically advanced students. Students will live on Vandy's campus during classes. Applications are now open. Click APPLY TO VSA
John Overton High School provides students many opportunities to enroll in advanced coursework. Students are encouraged to challenge themselves academically and take advantage of advanced courses that best align with their postsecondary aspirations and goals. To learn more about other advanced academic offerings available, please visit https://bit.ly/overtonaa
2023-2024 Academic Calendar
The 2023-24 academic calendar is available to download on the MNPS website.
District Calendar - Metro Nashville Public Schools (mnps.org)
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The MNPS district academic calendar for next school year is now available. It is currently available in seven different languages which you can find here: CALENDAR
Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. To receive more information and to apply for the plan, click: CONNECT
AICE Exams Spring Calendar
Attention Cambridge Parents and Students: The calendar for spring Cambridge exams can be found here – Cambridge Exam Calendar Spring 2024. Please mark these dates on your calendar, as these exams are required for students in AICE courses. Feel free to reach out to todd.douthit@mnps.org, or michael.pintz@mnps.org if you have any questions.
Attendance Matters
When students miss school, they miss out. Students who are in school learn more, achieve higher and are more likely to graduate. We all want the best for our students, and together we can make sure they’re reaching their full potential. Help us reach our attendance goal this year! Linked is the 2023 - 2024 Overton High School Attendance Expectations Letter. If you have additional questions, feel free to email julie.keeton@mnps.org any time throughout the school year.
Bell Schedule
This year, we are running on a five block day. Click the link BELL SCHEDULE to access this new schedule. In case of inclement weather where we would be on a delay, or half days, you can click ALTERNATE SCHEDULES to view.
Enriching Scholars
Starting September 23 Overton High School will be participating in MNPS’ Enriching Scholars Program. This enrichment program will provide Reading and Math instruction and support two Saturdays a month throughout the school year. Enriching Scholars will be provided by MNPS teachers and staff. Transportation will be provided if needed, and students will be served breakfast and lunch. If you would like your child to participate, please sign up using the QR code on the Enriching Scholars flyer or click THIS LINK.
Find My Bus Stop
The Find My Bus Stop online tool provides families with the planned school bus route/stop information. Actual route/stop times could vary due to driver shortage route coverage, traffic or mechanical breakdowns. If your student’s bus is more than 15 minutes later than expected feel free to call (615) 259-INFO (4636).
To find your student's route and stop:
- Use the Find My Bus Stop online search tool.
- Enter your student's grade and your address for the result to generate.
Graduation will be held at Municipal Auditorium at 6:00 PM on Monday, May 20, 2024.
Rehearsal and details of the day will be released after Winter Break.
Homework Hotline
Free homework help and tutoring for students K to 12 is available from the Homework Hotline. It's a great resource and available Monday to Thursday 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Call 615-298-6636. We offer help in: English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Hindi, and Farsi. https://homeworkhotline.info
Infinite Campus Portal
Campus Portal allows families to see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, and discipline incidents.
To create your Campus Portal account, email Mr. Krech for your activation code: austin.krech@mnps.org. Once you have a Campus Portal account, you can receive notifications through the mobile app. For step by step instructions follow this link: Receiving Notifications.
Math Tutoring
Students from any school can now visit hfamualphatheta.com to request free, high-quality, one-on-one tutoring in any subject they need help in at a time they choose themselves. Once on the website, click “Find a Tutor” and fill out some basic information such as name and phone number, etc. Then, a tutor will reach out to the student and arrange a Teams or Zoom meeting during the appointed time. Our tutors are trained in everything from basic algebra to multivariable calculus and the ACT math section.
Parent-Student Handbook
Engaged parents and guardians are critical partners in student success. The more you know, the more you can be involved — and we want you to be fully involved!
MNPS Handbook
MNPS wants to encourage you to take full advantage of the resources and information provided in this ONLINE PARENT-STUDENT HANDBOOK.
Overton Handbook
Access the parent-student handbook specific to Overton by clicking: Overton Handbook
Overton FAQs
Do you have questions about Overton? Click Overton FAQs to link to the answers of some of our mostly frequently asked questions.
Promising Scholars
Promising Scholars - May 30 to June 28, 2024
- Registration for Promising Scholars 2024 opens January 22.
- The priority window closes March 29.
- Information for students affected by the third grade retention law will be shared.
- To register in Promising Scholars, you will need the student's 9-digit student number and an email address.
- If you do not have the student number, you can find it in Campus Parent, our district's parent portal.
- Please allow 24 hours for the enrollment website to update with information you have added, or updated in Campus Parent
Permissions Portal
In January, the Lifetime Wellness Classes will begin the Family Life and Sexual Health Education curricular unit, which is part of the State's approved Lifetime Wellness standards. Students must give consent to participate, a form that can easily be filled out through the link: MNPS Permissions Portal which will allow a seamless completion of the form electronically. If you want a hard copy, print this consent form (translations available in Arabic, Burmese, English, Kurdish, Somali, Spanish, and Swahili). If you would like to view the content in this portion of the curriculum, there will be a copy available in the front office.
Have you checked yes on the permissions portal to allow for your child's picture to be taken? If not, please visit the MNPS Permissions Portal and check yes today!
Schoology Parent Account
Student work also can be reviewed in Schoology, the district's learning management system. Families can sign up to receive an update on student work via email from Schoology. To create your Schoology Parent account, email Lori Bervoets for your activation code: lwbervoets@mnps.org. If you’re having trouble with your account, Ms. Bervoets can contact the appropriate providers for help.
SchoolCash online payment system
Parents can create an account by visiting the SchoolCash Online webpage on our website. They can then attach their student(s) to their profile.
Title 1 Presentation
If you missed our Title 1 Meeting on August 30th, you can still get all the information by clicking here to read through the Title 1 PowerPoint Presentation. If you have questions after reading it or would like additional information, please contact lindsay.miller@mnps.org.
The yearbook is now on sale. Order here: BUY A YEARBOOK.
The Deadline to order a yearbook is February.
Under classmen School Pictures are Ready!
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
- Event Code: FE287823
- Also Needed: Infinite Campus Unique Student ID (their 190#)
How to view the Newsletter in additional languages.
To translate the newsletter into another language, click anywhere on the newsletter so that it opens in a browser. At the top of the screen will be a "translate" dropdown box where you can choose which language and have it translated (see picture).
Para traducir el boletín a otro idioma, haga clic en cualquier parte del boletín para que se abra en un navegador. En la parte superior de la pantalla habrá un cuadro desplegable de "traducir" donde puede elegir qué idioma y traducirlo (ver imagen).
لترجمة النشرة الإخبارية إلى لغة أخرى ، انقر فوق أي مكان في الرسالة الإخبارية بحيث يتم فتحها في المستعرض. في الجزء العلوي من الشاشة سيكون مربع القائمة المنسدلة "ترجمة" حيث يمكنك اختيار اللغة وترجمتها (انظر الصورة).
Social Media
Follow Overton on different social media platforms by clicking the red bars below.
The weekly newsletter is linked to the homepage for easy access.