Friendly Friday Update
The weekly newsletter for the FHMS Community - 9/1/23
Mr. Hiti's Message
As students return back to school, it is important to establish a routine that can be utilized throughout the school year. Adolescents need their rest, and getting students the proper amount of sleep each night will help make them more productive during the school day, and lessen the roller coaster of moods that they may experience as they are growing. Students need to eat as well and the calorie intake should be ample enough for them to not run on an empty stomach. It might be a good idea to pack an extra snack or two for your students to keep in their locker during the first few weeks of school, so they have something available in case they need it.
Please remember to drive slowly in the parking lot and on or around school grounds. Students can appear out of nowhere without notice. Please pay attention, be courteous to other drivers, and take your time.
Upcoming Dates
- September 5 - First Day of School (Grade 5)
- September 5 - 5th Grade WEB Orientation Day
- September 6 - First Day of School (Grades 6, 7, 8)
- September 11 - PTA Meeting @ Friendly Hills IMC, 6:30 p.m.
- September 13 - LGBTQ+ Parent/Guardian Meeting @ Heritage Middle School IMC, 6 p.m.
- September 18 - Picture Day
- September 30 - Warrior 5K @ Two Rivers High School, 9 a.m.
Acceptable Use Policy
Please note: a school iPad will not be issued to your student
until this form is turned in to the office.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are valuable and important communicative devices in today’s world. However, use of cell phones during the instructional day seriously impedes and distracts from the learning process. Friendly Hills Middle School will not allow the use of cell phones during the school day (8:45 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.). Students should leave their cell phones in their lockers, or at home. Below are the procedures that will be used by Friendly Hills staff if a student has their cell phone out during the academic school day:
1st time- The student will be asked to turn the phone off and put it away.
2nd time- The student will be asked to bring the phone to the office and pick it up after school.
3rd time- The student will be asked to bring the phone to the office, a parent will be called by school administration, and the phone will remain in the office for the remainder of the school day.
4th time- A meeting will be held with the student and family. An alternate plan will be put in place (e.g. leaving phone in office for the school day upon arrival, leaving the phone at home.)
All phones will be kept in a secured location if they are collected by a school administrator.
- Parents can contact their student(s) by calling the school’s main office at 651-403-7600. Office administrative assistants will connect the student via the school’s phone system.
- Students can contact parents by using a phone located in the main office.
-Students will not be able to use their cell phones during the school day. If there is a medical need or other circumstance where a cell phone is needed, please contact the school.
*Personally-owned devices are brought to school and used by students at their own risk; Friendly Hills Middle School and District 197 accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personally-owned devices brought to school by students.*
Middle School Athletics
All participants MUST have a current Sports Physical on file at school in order to register. Physicals are good for three years. Download the MSHSL Sports Physical Exam form here.
Once the physical is cleared with the school office, complete registration online through SmartSchool.
Learn more about Middle School sports here.
Supply Drives
If you have any questions, please contact
Application for Educational Benefits
While meals are now free, District 197 is still encouraging all families to complete the Application for Educational Benefits. Discounts are available in other beneficial categories including: middle and high school athletics, college applications and admissions tests, school fees for band instruments, and home utilities and internet access.
Attendance Procedures
If your student will be absent from school, please call the attendance line at 651-403-7607.
If the line is not answered, please leave a message including the student's name, grade, date of absence, and reason for absence.
Early Pick-Ups
Please send a note with your student on the morning of the absence stating the date, time, and reason for the early dismissal. The student should bring the note to the office first thing in the morning. Office staff will send the student an ePass (to their school email address) to leave early and record their absence in Infinite Campus. At the time indicated on the pass, the student can leave and come to the office where a parent/guardian must come in to sign the student out.
Late Arrivals
No need to call the office to report a late arrival - send a note with your student, and the office will adjust their attendance in Infinite Campus.
About Friendly Hills
Respect. Readiness. Relationships. Responsibility.
Follow FHMS on Instagram @friendlyhillsmiddle!
Follow ISD197 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Location: 701 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA
Phone: 651-403-7600