CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
Comic Con 2019
Staff and students had a fantastic day at Comic Con in Birmingham, the student costumes were amazing.
CCF Training Camp
Our CCF students took part in a Cadet Combat competition, pictured is Tinashe who was one of three cadets to complete the course in the quickest time.
School Production - High School Musical
Tickets are still available and can be purchased at school reception or Wisepay.
Stars of the Week:
- Miss Connellan has nominated Year 7 student Ella and Melissa for fantastic symbolic poetry in English.
- Mr Gourlay has nominated Year 13 student Stefan for his continued commitment and attitude shown towards his Computer Science A Level. He has made significant progress. Also nominated is Year 7 student Adam for his excellent work using the Small Basic coding language. He has confidently used high level programming techniques and always strives to extend his learning by completing the Excel tasks.
- Mr Cox would like to thank the cast of the High School Musical production for their continued hard work and dedication. Mr Cox would also like to say well done to his Year 9 Scientists for an excellent lesson on human evolution and Year 10 and 11 Biologists for excellent attitudes to revision.
- Mr Godfrey has nominated Year 11 students Callum, Ewan and Maddie for their great approach to Physics revision.
- Mrs Brown has nominated the following students for their excellent efforts in English Literature and Language, Year 11 student Aiden MS for outstanding progress with Romeo and Juliet, Year 12 students Taylor and Elijah for excellent work and Year 13 student Kara for her dedication.
- Mrs Ferns would like to say well done to the following Year 11 students who have increased their grades in Maths and English, Eimantis, Aiden C, Jack, Abbie, Daryl, Amelia and Nick, also Baixu and Musa who secured a grade 9 in the mock exam.
- Mr Jackson has nominated Year 9 student Grace for excellent effort in Maths.
- Mr Rogers would like to nominate Year 8 student Jason for his tireless work, resilience and excellent communication which lead to a player of the match performance in the Year 8 football game against Prince William. Also nominated are Year 8 students Gus, Bradley and Halle for their innovation during their handball lesson.
- Miss Fenner has nominated Year 11 students Caitlin, Lloyd, Aiden O and Callum-John for excellent effort and progress in English Language and Literature this term.
Celebration of Student Work
Year 7 - STEM
STEM students have been busy baking this week, pictured is Louis with his amazing cup cakes.
Year 11 - GCSE Art
Pictured is an amazing exam piece by Year 11 Art student Oliver.
Year 13 Psychology
Year 13 students have taken charge of their own revision now and have all prepared a full lesson and are currently delivering revision sessions to the rest of the class.
Attendance Matters
Every single day a student is absent from school equates to a day lost of learning. At Corby Technical School we pride ourselves in maintaining excellent attendance. Our target is to achieve and maintain a whole school attendance of above 96.5%. We will be giving you weekly updates on our whole school attendance, the tutor group and house who achieved the highest attendance this week.
Whole School Attendance
Whole school attendance this week is 95.79%, just short of our target, we need to achieve 96.5% next week.
Best Tutor Group
Tutor group winners are 7TE and 8CA with 100% attendance, well done to Mr Lee, Miss Hall an all your tutees.
House Winner
C house are our winners this week with 97.67%, well done to Cayley and Coleman.
- Can we remind all Year 9 parents to return your immunisation consent forms to school reception.
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby