Carver Cougars Parent Newsletter
February 5th-9th
Message from your Principal
Dear Carver Elementary Families and Caregivers,
What a fabulous week! It was so exciting to see our students engaged in After School Clubs, Tutoring, and our first Basketball game at Queen Palmer! Way to go supporting your student in academics, athletics, and our various clubs, THANK YOU! Please confirm with the Club Sponsor if pick up is at 3:50 or 4:00 PM as some clubs need to prepare between 2:50-3:50 PM.
Some reminders for second semester: the first bell rings at 7:45 AM and students proceed to their classroom where breakfast is offered to every student. For safety reasons, we are asking that students walk to their classrooms independently, we have staff positioned throughout the building to support them. School begins promptly at the 7:50 AM bell. Please have your student to school on time and if it is after 7:55 AM, parents are responsible for signing their student in at the front office.
Dismissal is at 2:50 PM and please pick up your students promptly, with the weather conditions, students may be dismissed from the gym or will be moved inside by 3:00 PM.
Shout out to the students in basketball and their first game at Queen Palmer! It was so great to see the positivity, energy, and overall good sportsmanship our students displayed. We look forward to hosting our first home basketball game on Tuesday, February 6th at 3:30 PM in our gym. There is practice on Monday this week and an away game on Thursday at Bristol Elementary. Way to go Coach Cutler and Ms. G!!
It is hard to believe that tomorrow, Monday, February 5th, marks 100 Days in School! Our kindergarten students will have a brief parade in the gym showing off their 100 items tomorrow at 8:00 AM. Please join us in the gym, all are welcome.
We have a School Accountability Meeting this Thursday at 2:00 PM in our library. All are invited to attend, we will discuss our Major Improvement Strategy #1 Academic Instruction. We also have a PTA meeting scheduled for Thursday at 3:10 PM in our library.
It is National School Counselor Week! Please show your support to Ms. Gio by dressing up in the following:
Monday-Wear Green! Ms. Gio's favorite color!
Tuesday-Wear your favorite college shirt! Counselors support college and career readiness!
Wednesday-Wear your pajamas or sweatpants! Counselors make you feel comfortable!
Thursday-Wear Mix and Match Clothing! Counselors help turn your day around!
Friday-Wear your favorite inspirational message! Counselors inspire us to be the best we can be!
Thank you for ALL of your support and we are excited to focus on Student Achievement second semester.
Mrs. Bizzell
Carver Identity Statement
In November, a small, but mighty team of educators from Carver worked together for two days as a strategic planning team and developed an identity statement for Carver. This is where we hope to be in the next 3-5 years:
As a quality neighborhood school in D11, the Carver community is supportive and safe as staff, parents, and students are valued and involved in creating engaging, intentional learning experiences that are responsive to student needs and results in a place where everyone wants to be.
Our three focus areas include:
Engaging, intentional learning experiences
Supportive and Safe Environment
Staff, Parents, and Students are valued and involved
We need your help and your voice! If you are interested in being a voice in this strategic planning, please reach out to lisa.bizzell@d11.org and let me know!
Parent Opportunities
FREE ESL and Adult Basic/Secondary (GED) Courses
Do Parents of your students need ESL or Adult Basic/Secondary Education "GED" classes? Is childcare preventing them from accessing their educational goals?
Adult and Family Education offers FREE ESL and Adult Basic/Secondary (GED) courses, AND a Family Literacy Program for children ages 6 weeks-5 years whose parents live in D11 or have children attending a D11 school and are enrolled in our Classes. Children attend class at the same time as their caregivers and learn from early childhood educators who use the Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines to design lessons and track literacy outcomes.
Please contact our Program Specialists for more information:
Adult Basic/Secondary Education: ("GED"): Kate Smit (719) 328-3045 (kathleen.smit@d11.org)
English as a Second Language: Johanna Wolfe (719) 328-3059 (johanna.wolfe@d11.org)
Family Literacy: Rosanna Czarnecki (719) 328-3017 (rosanna.czarnecki@d11.org)
What's Happening at Carver (Looking ahead)
National School Counselor Week! Please show Ms. Gio some love!
February 5th-9th National School Counseling Week
February 8th SAC Meeting 2:00 PM
February 8th PTA Meeting 3:10 PM Library
February 12-16th Random Acts of Kindness Week!
February 16th Student Council Movie Night 3:30-5:00 PM
February 19th President's Day No School
February 20th Skate City 5:00-7:00 PM
March 14th and 15th End of 3rd Quarter, No School
March 25-29 Spring Break, No School
Office Hours: 7:45 AM-3:45 PM
Carver School Hours: 7:50 AM-2:50 PM
Duty teachers do not start duty until 7:40 am-Please do not drop off your students before then.
Tardy bell rings at 7:50
School Recess-When is it to cold to go outside?
As the temperature changes in Colorado, Carver students will play outside for recess as long as the temperature and wind chill is at 16 degrees or above, including light snow.
Please be sure that your children are dressed to play outside, with hats, coats, mittens or gloves, and appropriate footwear.
Inclement Weather
Food & Nutrition Services Information SY 23-24
Attendance Matters!
Did you know?
- Starting in Preschool and Kindergarten that TOO MANY absences can cause a student to fall behind in school.
- Frequent absences in school can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school, dealing with a bully, or facing some other difficulty.
- By sixth grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By ninth grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates, than eighth grade test scores.
- Missing 10% or two days over a month, over the course of the school year, can affect a student's academic success.
How to Make Attendance a Priority
- Communicate with your student the importance of attending school every day.
- Discuss creating daily routines such as setting a regular bedtime and morning routine, finishing homework, and getting a good night's sleep.
- Create backup plans for getting your student to school in case of bad weather or something comes up.
"When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances of graduating." Attendance Works
We are currently averaging 90.35% attendance. Our GOAL is 93%. Let's work towards this to help support our student's learning!
Attendance for 2023-24 School Year: 90.35%
Attendance for last 20 days: 88.84%
Attendance for last 10 days: 88.84%
Lunch Times
10:55-11:15 Kindergarten and Third Grade
11:15-11:35 First and Fourth Grade
11:35-11:55 Second and Fifth Grade
Essentials Schedule 2023-2024
K/3 12:10-1:00
1/4 1:05-1:55
2/5 2:00-2:50
Essentials: Art, Music, PE, Technology
Band for grades 4th and 5th
Wednesday and Thursday
Orchestra for grades 4th and 5th
Monday and Wednesday
Volunteer Opportunities
Please join us!
Carver Elementary School Accountability Committee (SAC)
At Carver Elementary, we care about your children's developmental needs! That is why our mission is to ensure that each and every student has access to the learning tools and programs they need to succeed in school, and in life. We strive for a higher standard of excellence and take the time to focus on those who need extra support. Joining our SAC is a fantastic way to keep up to date with the initiatives our school has put in place to better our learners, and to also voice your opinions and concerns!
Please join us on Thursday, February 8th at 2:00 PM!
If you are interested or have been a member previously, in joining Carver's SAC committee please reach out to Lisa Bizzell @ lisa.bizzell@d11.org or Corinna Archuleta at tcoco77@live.com
Looking for a way to connect and get involved at Carver?
Contact our President, Rhiannon Blackett at if you are interested at rhiannonblackett85@gmail.com. Come be a member and have a voice in Carver's PTA!
We are currently reviewing items for purchase for second semester-Carver Welcome Mat, supporting Art Club, and other items that need your vote!
We are also looking for a Treasurer.
Our current PTA Administrators are:
President-Rhiannon Blackett
Vice President-Samantha Taylor
Secretary-Kelly Dawson
Treasurer-Betty Barnett
Our next meeting will be February 8th from 3:10-4:00 PM in the library. Please join us!
Zones of Regulation
Notes from our Counselor
Hello everyone!
Have you ever wonder, how do children learn to be honest, respect, integrity and other values and social norms ? Children are not born with integrity or the behaviors we associate with it, like honesty, honor, respect, authenticity, social responsibility, and the courage to stand up for what they believe is right. It is derived through a process of cultural socialization and influences from all spheres of a child's life. Here are some ideas on what Courage and Integrity look like and sound like:
COURAGE -To have the confidence to meet a challenge, without giving into fear.
What does it look like?
Trying new things and ideas
Resisting peer pressure
Facing your challenges
What does it sound like?
"I will try it.”
“That’s not a good idea, I won’t do it.”
“I am not afraid.”
INTEGRITY - Having the courage to do what is right, even when it is difficult and no one is watching.
What does it look like?
Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching
Sticking up for another student being bullied
Not giving into peer pressure
What does it sound like?
“I will be respectful of myself and others.”
“I will not blame others for my mistakes.”
“I will be honest and trustworthy.”
Here is a book to explore about Courage : I'm Brave! by Kate McMullan
- National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9, 2024, The 2024 theme is "School Counseling: Standards-Based, Student-Focused."
To Parents and/or guardians; Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you communication and partnership, thank you for asking for supports either for your kiddo or for yourself; it makes the world of difference, when it comes to better support them so he/she can be successful in school. THANK YOU!
Mrs. Gio (Giovanny) Franco-Diaz
504 coordinator
School Counselor, Carver Elementary
Phone # 719-328-2171
“I can’t do this, I don’t get it, take a deep breath… then try adding “YET” at the end of the sentence”
If you are in immediate need please contact one of the options below:
Safe2Tell # 1.877.542.7233 / Suicide and Crisis Lifeline# 988
Random Acts of Kindness
What is happening in Random Acts of Kindness!
RAK is deliver during their morning breakfast in the classroom by their teacher. This month students will be learning about Integrity. Integrity it is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Here are some books to check about Integrity : Ruthie and the (Not SO) Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin (3-6 years)
- Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big by Berkely Breathed (6-9 years)
- Code 7: Cracking the Code for an Epic Life by Bryan R Johnson (7-12 years)
- Parents *Here is a book and a podcast to check out : Raising Human Beings : Creating a Collaborative Partnership by Ross W. Greene
If you have any questions regarding outside mental health services, housing, food support, or other resources available in our community, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Ms. Gio
PAWS Expectations
P- I am Prepared
A-I have a great Attitude
W-I Work hard
S-I am Safe
Students are asked to: "Show Me Your Paws" to get their attention. Students respond with both hands in the air, voices off, and eyes on the speaker.
Student Council
Student Council
Students went to a field trip to El Paso County Combine Courts, as representers of Carver student body they learned how our judicial system works and the importance of it; they will be sharing their experience this week with the school; please check our Carver Facebook/ website https://carver.d11.org/ and D11 https://www.d11.org/ for pics about their experience.
Meeting dates: Most of our students have other activities such as basketball, so we will be meeting the following dates:
Monday January 29 / Wednesday February 14 / Wednesday February 21
February: RAK week February 14 to February 20, 2024 – Friendship bingo students can win a friendship bracelet!
February 14 - “Candy grams” fundraiser activity. Parents, Teachers, and Students can treat friends/ teachers to a special Candy Gram delivered to their classroom on February 14 by Student Council with a special note (they will be deliver Feb. 1st check your kiddo’s backpack for it 😊)
TBD - Movie night on February 16, 2024 “ The lady and the Tramp.” (please let me know if you can volunteer)
March: Career week with great guest / Dates TBD
Thank you all for supporting Student Council, if you have any suggestions/feedback, please don’t hesitate to email our advisor
Mrs. Gio Franco-Diaz at giovanny.francodiaz@d11.org
Candy Grams!
Carver Student Council fundraiser Candy Grams - Greeting cards will go home MONDAY FEBRUARY 5th 2024
Parents, Teachers, and Students, You can treat your child, grandchild, friend, teacher, or staff member to a special Candy Gram delivered to their classroom on Wednesday, February 14 by Student Council. You may send your money and greeting to your child’s teacher or to the front office in an envelope by Monday , February 12th for delivery of Candy Grams.
Please cut out the completed greeting cards, put them in an envelope with the exact amount of money (e.g. 3 Candy Grams requires $3) and bring them to your child’s teacher or the front office by Friday, February 9th, COST: $1 Each or six for $5 (Exact Amount – No change will be given)
A message from our Director of Security and Safety
Safety drills should be practiced regularly in order to be prepared for emergencies or crises that may arise. Below is a list of the drills we practice.
- Lock Down
- Secure Drill
- Shelter Drill
- Evacuation Drill
- Hold Drill
- Fire Drill
Title I
Carver Elementary is a Title I school.
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
If you have any questions, please reach out:
Email: lisa.bizzell@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Page/69
Location: 4740 Artistic Circle, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-7100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carver.d11.org/