Brittany Woods Broadcast
October 2, 2020
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 7th- Parent Teacher Conferences (see info below)
Thursday, October 8th- Parent Teacher Conferences (see info below)
Friday, October 9th- No school due to conferencesFriday, October 23rd- Records Day & 1/2 day for students (Students will have asynchronous instruction and work on lessons posted into Google Classroom by the teachers)
Parent Teacher Conferences, 10/7 & 10/8
This semester, conferences will be held virtually on zoom. Please click on the link below to sign up for your conference spot. This year, we will be using a conference scheduling system to schedule conferences. Teams will hold their conferences together and electives and PE teachers will hold them individually. If you are unable to attend during the timeframes offered or the times you are available are already taken, please contact your grade level principal. We will schedule conferences with you to ensure you have time to share a conversation with your child's team. Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we navigate this new platform this semester!
Wednesday, 10/7 from 1-3pm and 4-8pm
Thursday, 10/8 from 4-7pm
Art Supplies Update
Hello BW Artists and Families,
Art supplies are ready for pick up at the main entrance of the school in clear plastic bins. There is one bag of art supplies available for every student. The art supplies bags do not include basic school supplies (such as glue, scissors, pencils, etc.) because our lovely school provided them at the beginning of the school year. If you did not get your black bag of basic school supplies then you can pick up those basic school supplies at the same time in the main office.
Pull up to the main entrance (no need to park) and grab your supplies any Monday-Friday between 7:30 am and 4 pm.
If you are certain that you and your family will be unable to pick up the supplies at the school then Ms. Linskey can drop them off at your house.
If you need supplies dropped off please send her an email with:
1. "Drop Off" in the subject line
2. your address
3. grade level
4. if you have not gotten your black bag of basic school supplies and
5. whether she should drop off supplies in your mailbox or at your doorstep.
She will be making her first round of deliveries this Saturday after 3pm.
Step Team Tryouts
Flu Shots
Virtual Curriculum Night
BW Gear Fundraiser
The BW Gear website/store is live and you can officially order your BW Gear! There is a wide variety of items and new designs. We also get a kickback from the items sold, that will come back to our school. You will order online like last year, however, this year they will send your items to your house. Please see some of the available items below and click here to visit the store!
Wednesday U Time 1st Quarter
Tutoring Help
Online Tutoring Available connects students in grades K-12 with live tutors in a safe and secure online classroom. Students can access academic tutoring, homework help and test prep assistance. Resources are also available for early college students, adult learners and job seekers. Anyone with a valid St. Louis County Library card can use
Live tutoring is available from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day of the week. Students may also upload a document 24/7 to receive tutor feedback.
To get started, visit and log in with your last name, library card number, and PIN.
This program is part of the Digital Equity Initiative, announced in July 2020 by St. Louis County Executive Dr. Sam Page.
A Note from the Nurse
Hello Brittany Woods Middle School Families!
My name is Dena Bashiti and I will be your student’s new school nurse at Brittany Woods. I have been a school nurse for the past 12 years working with all ages and grade levels, but my favorite place has always been amongst middle school-aged children. They are rapidly growing and changing, and I understand the great challenges they are presented with emotionally and physically and how that can translate into the classroom. I will advocate for your student’s overall health and wellness, and assist them to understand the importance of the mind-body connection. University City is an amazing community and I am so excited to be a part of it! Please see the information below that is sent to all families in our District, with specific requirements for middle school-aged children:
The health care team of the School District of University City welcomes all new and returning families. We also would like to remind families of the importance of annual physicals and up-to-date immunization records. Vaccine preventable diseases have the potential to increase when the number of vaccinated children starts to decline. This puts our children at increased risk of catching these diseases. During a pandemic, it is best to be fully vaccinated to minimize the risk of becoming infected with preventable diseases.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Bureau of Immunization, states requirements remain the same for 2020-2021 school year enrollments. All immunizations must be up-to-date before school enrollment. This also includes virtual enrollment because children who do not receive all of their vaccines are still at risk of being exposed to diseases.
Students entering 8th grade need a Tdap booster (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) and at least one dose of MCV4 (Meningococcal) to meet the requirements. You can scan the updated immunization record directly to my email or fax to Brittany Woods, the number is listed above.
The health team is also recommending an annual flu vaccine for all children 6 months and older. Pediatric offices and clinics are open for physicals and vaccinations. Please make your appointment as soon as possible. If you do not have a private doctor, North County Community Health Center, 4000 Jennings Station Road has a walk-in immunization clinic Monday-Friday. The phone number is 314-615-9700. A flyer is located on the district website or Peach Jar.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to meeting you and your students in the near future!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Nurse Dena
Contact Information
Grace Lee, principal –
Pablo Flinn, 6th assistant principal –
Kellie Willis, 6th counselor –
Yvonne Rooks, 7th assistant principal –
Emily Bardot, 7th counselor –
Cate Pautsch, 8th assistant principal –
Rashaad Davenport, 8th counselor –
Stephani Hudson, SSD area coordinator –
Allegra Grawer, school social worker –
Dena Bashiti, school nurse-
Tech support-
Brittany Woods Main Office – 314-290-4280
About Us
Location: 8125 Groby Road, University City, MO, USA
Phone: 314-290-4280