Tech Trouble Shooting
& General Information
Message from the Principal
Greetings Standing Bear!
We had a great first day with students. Our Cubs were online, excited and learning. If you experienced any issues today with your iPad or connectivity, we can assist you! This newsletter provides multiple links to help you trouble shoot as well.
If you need support from Standing Bear, please use the iPad Support Request Link below to submit your request. This will allow us to process incoming concerns and get back to you in an efficient manner.
School Day Support: classroom teachers will NOT be able to assist you with technology related questions. They have office hours built into their schedule to assist with parent questions or students needing assistance. The 'chat box' feature during the TEAMS meeting is available for students to use for instructional purposes only. Classroom teachers will not be able to pause and answer parent questions during that time. Please reach out during the scheduled office hours to get in contact with your child's teacher. We appreciate your patience and understanding!
We are happy to assist you with any concerns:
Tech Issues or Questions- complete the iPad Support Request Link below
Classroom/Instructional Questions- email teacher during scheduled office hours
Logging in- be sure to add the email ending @ops.org following your students email login.
For Example: (ehallj567@ops.org)
If your child is having difficulty connecting to the class meeting in the morning and you receive a robo call regarding attendance, please note that we understand that the absence may be related to technical difficulties. If an absent is directly related to a technical issue, you may still receive the call, however, that will not go against your child's attendance. You can always submit that information/absence in the link below or call the main office at 531-299-2140.
If it is connectivity related, T-Mobile is the internet provider contracted by Omaha Public Schools. Our staff is in regular contact with them. If families are experiencing cellular data issues, the T-Mobile contact number is 1-844-341-4834. You may also connect to your home internet if that is an option.
A Quick Fix to try first-
- Go into settings and click on cellular data, then switch it off and then back on
Apple Support
Apple, our iPad provider, has two support options for families:
- 24/7 phone support is available at 1-800-800-2775, option 3
- Apple Support Website: https://support.apple.com/ipad
Multi-Lingual Family Introduction Videos
Student and Community Services created an introductory video that is translated into several languages common in Omaha Public Schools. Those videos are available here.
Family Support Centers
For health and safety reasons, we encourage families to explore solutions by phone, email or Teams. Understanding that some solutions may require in-person assistance, starting today, Aug. 18 we will open three Family Support Centers. This will be a one-stop shop to help families start the school year successfully. Families will be able to work with nutrition services, technology support staff, counselors and other staff to answer any questions they may have.
The following services will be available for families at each location:
- Student Support Liaisons
- Bilingual Liaisons
- Counselors
- Social Workers
- Nutrition Services – to assist with meal applications and Meals2Go information
- Technology Support
- Student and Community Services
There will be signage at each location to help direct families. We will have three locations centrally located throughout Omaha. The locations are:
- Skinner Magnet Center
- Beveridge Magnet School
- Bryan Middle School
The Family Support Centers will be open Aug. 18-21 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. At the end of the week, we will determine if future dates will be needed.
See you all tomorrow! Great First Day Cubs!!
Stay positive, patient and flexible!
Bridget O'Melia
iPad Headphones Available Now!
Come to the main front door anytime during school hours to pick those up for your Standing Bear student.
Drive Up Tech Support
If you need additional assistance from us, you may bring your device up tomorrow, August 19th from 12:00pm-6:00pm. We will be set up outside, look for the "Tech Tent."
We will do our best to trouble shoot with you and get your device going!
Drive up to Standing Bear
Have your iPad and login Info
Tech Assistance is Available!
iPad Resources
Bridget O'Melia, Principal
Email: bridget.omelia@ops.org
Website: https://standingbear.ops.org/HOME/tabid/36/Default.aspx
Location: 15860 Taylor Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-2140
Omaha Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status, or economic status in its programs, activities and employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following individual has been designated to address inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Superintendent of Schools, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (402-557-2001).