Our December Concert is this Sunday
Let Us Break Bread- The Music of Earth, Wind and Fire
All Title 1 school staff, students and families can access no cost tickets.
Symphony Concert Sunday 12.11.2022 at 4pm
Limited Seats Available for the December Concert!
Let Us Break Bread is the Oakland Symphony's most popular annual concert!
This month seats are available in Orchestra Rear rows AA - RR or Balcony Rear rows P - X
Reserve only the tickets you know will use and return them if your plans to attend change, we can offer them to others who would like to attend.
The Oakland Symphony presents Let Us Break Bread Together – The Music of Earth, Wind & Fire
Conductor Lenny Wee
Let Us Break Bread Together
Choral Arr. by Terrance Kelly, Orchestra Arr. by Ellen Hoffman
Combined Choruses, Oakland Symphony,Terrance Kelly (vocals), Ellen Hoffman (piano)
What Child Is This/Carol of the Bells
William Chatterton Dix, Mykola Leontovych, Peter J. Wilhousky
Arr. by Lenny Wee
Oakland Symphony Chorus (a cappella)
Silent Night
Franz Xaver Gruber, Joseph Mohr
Arr. by Claytoven Richardson
The Best Intentions, Lenny Wee band, Kev Choice (piano)
Philip Bailey, Charles Stepney, Maurice White
Arr. by Kev Choice
The Best Intentions, Oakland Symphony, Lenny Wee band, Kev Choice (piano)
Mary Did You Know
Buddy Greene, Mark Lowry
Arr. by Lenny Wee
Stevie Mackey, Oakland Symphony,
Lenny Wee band, Kev Choice (piano)
Sleigh Ride
Leroy Anderson
Madi Bayaca (guest youth conductor), Oakland Symphony
Shining Star
Philip Bailey, Larry Dunn, Maurice White
Arr. by Lenny Wee
Matthew Johnson, Oakland Symphony, Lenny Wee band,
Kev Choice (piano)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Hugh Martin
Arr. by Lenny Wee
Matthew Johnson, Oakland Symphony
Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
George Frideric Handel
Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir,
Oakland Symphony Chorus, Oakland Symphony
Intermission and more...
The Oakland Symphony welcomes all OUSD and neighboring district students and staff to attend concerts this season.
To show our ongoing appreciation for the critical work teachers, administrators, community school managers, counselors, librarians, custodians, office and attendance clerks, paraprofessionals, tutors, yard duty supervisors, food service workers, nurses, volunteers and others do within our schools.
If you are a part of a Title 1 school community click the link above.
If you are a part of a non Title 1 public school community click the link below.
2 tickets per order
Discount Code: OUSD102223
SAVE THE DATE! Young People's Concert will return March 22, 2023
The Young People's Concert program provides approximately 8,000 students their first introduction to orchestral music through a school day concert held in the spring; performed and conducted by members of the Oakland Symphony.
There will be (two) forty-five minute concerts for students on 03.22.2023 one at 9:30am the other at 11am.
School registration will begin in January 2023. Complete the YPC interest form here.