Fall Into Learning
World Languages and Bilingual Department
Vision & Mission for Multilingual Learner Success
The Hempstead Union Free School District will challenge every multilingual learner (MLL) to develop a command of literacy in the home language, the English language, and other World Languages to meet the demands of a global society. Multilingual learners will become inquirers, knowledgeable thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective students.
The Hempstead Union Free School District will build the capacity of all teachers of multilingual learners to become facilitators of learning language through content and the love of life-long learning through professional development that is meaningful, actionable, and applicable to every diverse learner.
Director of Bilingual Education and World Languages
Dear Friends and Families,
We hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We look forward to continuing the spirit of gratitude that has pervaded the month of November. We want to express our endless thanks to everyone who makes it possible for as many students to come to school every day, on time ,and ready to learn. The smiles in the students' eyes and the energy they exude while engaged in our many, varied instructional and after school activities is indicative of the connection we feel to our Hempstead community.
We thank:
•Our students and families for making daily attendance a priority since they know the habit of attendance will help them do well in the classroom and eventually in their careers
• Our wonderful teachers who pour their energy into making each classroom an exciting place for exploration and knowledge so children do not want to miss out on learning
• Our support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need
On behalf of the department, building administrators and teachers, we appreciate each one of you so much!
Director of Bilingual Education and World Languages
Michelle Pineda-Rodgers
Hempstead Union Free School District
Meet the Dream Team
Marshall Office
Liz Diaz Sarceno
Maria Trevino
Eduardo Martinez
Meet Our Support Staff
Daniela Ranieri
Instructional Support and Operational Monitor
Alexis Jovel
Xiamara Roman
Vanessa Parrado
Barack Obama Elementary School
Newcomers AfterSchool Program
Barack Obama celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
Student of the Month: Meet Our Risk- Takers
Grade 1: Douglas Fernando
Grade 2: Jason Alvarez
Grade 3: Stefani Moran
Grade 4: Braylin Lopez, Valeria Euceda, Junior Molina
Grade 5: Yasmine Huerta
Grade 6: Cristel Vargas Pineda, Jhonny Calderon
These students were chosen as Student of the Month because they are risk-takers in the classroom. They take risks by always participating in class, raising their hand to answer questions and to speak in front of their classmates, never giving up even when they might make a mistake, and always trying their best. Congratulations to our David Paterson risk takers!
Jackson Main/Jackson Annex Elementary School
Students went on a walking trip to the police station in celebration of the holidays. The police station was beautifully decorated for the community they service. The students enjoyed the interactive learning stations with the police officers. This experience fostered a positive connection between the students and the police officers.
Joseph McNeil Elementary School
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month -Joseph McNeil
6th grade: Ms. Sebelen's Class
4th grade: Ms. Flores's Class
3rd grade: Ms. Lanfranco's Class
2nd grade: Ms. Guerrra Mitchell's Class
1st grade students performed in the Hispanic celebration at Joseph McNeil. Students sang songs, danced, and presented their projects in celebration of their culture and heritage.
My View Curriculum
"Rare Treasure, Mary Anning and Her Remarkable Discoveries by Don Brown"
After studying the life of Mary Anning and her remarkable fossil findings as a young girl, my students did their own research on dinosaurs. Students found interesting facts such as: name of the dinosaur, the meaning of the name, time period it lived in, height, weight and length, the dinosaur's diet and where in the world the dinosaur once lived. Ms. Frias stated, "My students were true inquirers!"
Students worked on Unit 1 Viajes having to do with texto informative en Inmigración y expansión en los Estados Unidos, ¡Que lugares visitan los científicos!, La era de la exploración, la máquina de poseía, Un viaje en pinturas, y el proyecto de investigación en el folleto de viaje a su país favorite. Unit 2 observaciones estudiamos texto informative en Como estudian los científicos la vida en la vida en el océano. Proteger los hábitats y genero de ficción realista en la historia de el hacha.
Thanksgiving Hands-On Project
Students learned about the importance of family during this time and to give thanks. Students decorated a turkey with items students found around their homes. Students presented projects and described the sequence of events they followed with their projects.
Prospect Elementary School
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage with Family and Friends
Math Fun with Number Lines
Rhodes Elementary School
Hispanic Heritage Month
Rhodes Academy celebrated Hispanic Heritage through research projects that recognized the achievements and experiences of Latin American authors, inventors, politicians, athletes, actors, and musicians. Students studied not only their biographies but their attributes that made them good role models. Our spirit week was filled with traditional hats and dress, artifacts show and tell, and Latin American flags. The week culminated with visits and workshops from Hispanic community members and staff.
The Arts
Honoring Our Veterans
Rhodes Academy honored veterans of the armed forces on November 10th.
Guests from all branches of service came for classroom visits and presentations to share military culture, memorabilia and experiences.
Rhodes Academy Student Spotlight- Arsen Isakov
Arsen was born in Kazakhstan and came to the USA in July of 2022. He’s currently in Ms. Oliphant’s 2nd grade class at Rhodes Academy for the Humanities & Arts. As a newcomer, Arsen has flourished- excelling in all subjects while developing his English language proficiency. His ENL teacher, Mrs. Vanschuyler says, “Arsen is a confident learner. I am so impressed by his ability to absorb and apply new language and content learned.” In his short time in the country, he has gone from speaking is short words and phrases to full complete sentences. Arsen also reads with fluency and comprehension. Keep shining Arsen!
Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School
Diary of Anne Frank
Diary of Anne Frank
Learning in Action
IB Learning
Hempstead High School
The International Academy held their Quarter 1 Report Card Conferences this past week. During this time, mentors conferenced with students, reflecting on their grades and progress they have made. Students were encouraged to set goals and create a plan of action. The conversations were truly insightful and meaningful! Thank you to all our Mentors and our International Academy Lead Teachers, Mrs. Rivera and Mr. Hogu, for organizing the event!
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Hempstead High School Key Club
High School Sports in Newsday
"Hempstead Girls Soccer Turning Corner After First Victory in Almost 3 Years"
Peer Group Connection (PGC) is a new program being implemented in the High School. The PGC curriculum uses hands-on activities to address issues that have been shown to help reduce risk behaviors and produce positive student outcomes. Several ENL students have been selected as Student Leaders to facilitate the program with our freshman students. Some topics that our Student Leaders will discuss with our freshman include conflict resolution, decision-making skills, peer acceptance and resisting peer pressure, and stress management. Thank you to our Implementation Team, Dr. Robles, Ms. Brown, Ms. Geiger, and Mrs. Brown, for making this possible for our students!
Parents, please join our PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)! Learn about what’s happening at Hempstead High School and work together with Teachers and Administrators to support our children! All meetings are held in person at Hempstead High School.
- November 21, 2022
- December 19, 2022
- January 9, 2023
- February 13, 2022
- March 20, 2023
- April 17, 2023
- May 15, 2023
- June 12, 2022
This school year we have begun utilizing Renaissance Star. Renaissance assessments are available for emergent bilinguals. It provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills in the home language through validated and authentic assessments. Teachers are able to capture information needed to provide the proper scaffolds and differentiation to support all learners. Renaissance provides teachers with valuable data to personalize instruction to meet the needs of each student.
Please follow and share with family, friends, staff and school community!!
Our Instagram page features all of the amazing events, cultural celebrations, student learning in action, inquiry-based projects, and staff highlights within the Hempstead School District.
If you would like to be featured on our Instagram page, please email your pictures and videos to: dranieri@hempsteadschools.org
Professional Q & A Workshops
- Prepare students for all assessments
- Support students social and emotional well-being
- Participate in online learning platforms to improve reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English
For more information, please call:
Ms. Pineda
Director of Bilingual Education
Hempstead High School
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 3:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m.
Location: Room A11
Transportation Services
Pick-Up Time: 5:20 p.m.
Bus Stops:
- Corner of Martin Luther King Dr. and Circle Drive
- Corner of Terrace Avenue and Jackson Street
- Corner of Fulton Ave. and Bennet Ave.
A.B.G.S. Middle School
Grade 7:
3:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
Grade 8:
2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Elementary Schools
Barack Obama Elementary
Joseph Mc Neil Elementary
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 3:20 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.
Thank You For All You Do!
Questions & Comments
For additional information, please contact Ms. Michelle Pineda.
Thank You!
Email: mpineda@hempsteadschools.org
Location: 15 East Marshall Street, Hempstead, NY, USA
Phone: 516-434-4154