SVDP School
February 12, 2021
Hello SVDP Community,
Happy Valentines Day and enjoy the three day weekend.
Thanks to everyone that participated in our virtual State of the School meeting on Tuesday. The slide deck is available on SchoolSpeak and the tuition letter for 2021-2022 is attached below.
On-Campus Learning
Next week, we begin another phase to this effort. Sixth grade (only) will shift from the AM/PM cohort system to all in-person learners being on campus from 8:00 - 11:00 for four days a week. We are pleased that the students will be participating as a whole class. This will begin on Tuesday, February 15th and run through February 26th (the end of the second trimester).
We are planning to bring Scenario 1 of our Infection Mitigation Plan to campus beginning March 1st (the opening day of Trimester 3). This means for grades 5 - 8, they will be on campus a minimum of four days a week. We would still operate under a modified school day schedule. Stay tuned for more information.
It is time to select your learning preference for Trimester 3 (March 1 – May 28, 2021). We are providing the following information in hopes that it assists you in making the decision that is best for your family. Please read before making your selections via the link below. We completely understand that your decisions for in-person vs. distance learning are personal. We do ask that you consider all factors, including the stability and consistency of your child’s learning environment.
- If you child is slated for in-person learning and has an unexcused absence for any non-medical reason (including quarantine due to travel or house guests), that absence will be marked as an unexcused absence, and your child cannot participate in distance learning. (Effective March 1, 2021)
- If your child has an excused absence for illness, they may participate in distance learning, but they must provide a doctor’s note stating that they are cleared to return and did/did not require a COVID test. If a COVID test is required, you must also provide the results. (Effective February 5, 2021)
- Our attendance policy remains the same. Whether you are registered for in-person or distance learning, if your child is absent because of an illness or medical appointment, that is counted as an excused absence. If your child is absent due to travel, that is counted as an unexcused absence.
- The state regulates that if a student is absent for 20 or more days in a trimester, the school cannot post/release grades for them.
- If your child is quarantining to follow the advised protocol because they have traveled or you are welcoming house guests, that will count as an unexcused absence.
- If your child is quarantining because the health department has notified you that your child has potentially been in contact with a positive case or your child has received a positive result, their quarantine will be counted as excused and your child is encouraged to participate in distance learning. Documentation from SFDPH stating the close contact / positive result is required.
- Your commitment to distance or in-person learning is a commitment for the full trimester (March 1 – May 28, 2021).
- We CANNOT allow students to move in and out of formats.
- We are planning to be in Scenario 1 of our Infection Mitigation Plan on March 1.
- We have communicated with the health department and at this time, they are unable to guide us in making decisions about distance learning around our Easter Break. Please make your plans assuming we will be in-person before and after the break as scheduled.
- Our teachers must plan their lessons, small groups, and one-on-one work based on who they believe will be in the classroom and online. Planning has taken on a whole new level of complexity, and our teachers are very dedicated to bringing their best to your students every day.
- Ms. Pini is always happy to work with families with specific circumstances. Please reach out anytime.
On December 17, 2020 a Health Officer Travel Order was issued that 1) instituted a mandatory quarantine of 10 days for anyone traveling, moving, or returning to San Francisco from anywhere outside the Bay Area with limited exceptions and 2) strongly discourages any non-essential travel within the 10-county Bay Area region.
This includes travel outside the following counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Sonoma, Napa, Marin and Santa Cruz
For full text of the Order and FAQs related to the Order, see
This requirement allows exemptions for medical professionals, first responders, official government business, and essential infrastructure work who must travel to perform their work. A limited number of other activities are also exempted including travel to receive medical care or travel required by a court order, like transferring custody of a child. People transiting through San Francisco International Airport on connecting flights and not staying overnight in San Francisco are not required to quarantine. For a full list of exemptions, read the Health Officer Travel Order at
Annual Giving - Have You Donated?
After our State of the School presentation, our participation rate bumped to 61% with $164,000 pledged. Remember participation in this important school-wide program helps us bring your child the best experience at SVDP and keep tuition increases at a minimum. Every student benefits from Annual Giving, so your participation is very meaningful.
Tax deductible donations can be made via check (payable to SVDP and sent to Brenda Barkley's attention), FACTS, online, or stocks / securities.
Questions? Contact Brenda Barkley, Development Director, or 415.346.5505 x 107
COAT DRIVE - week of February 22nd
Helpful Resource
Together we are...SVDP!
Location: 2350 Green Street
Phone: (415) 346-5505
Twitter: @svdpsfschool