The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - August 29, 2021
Important Dates
Sat., Aug. 28 - Happy birthday, Miss Robertson!
Mon., Aug. 30 - Happy birthday, Mr. Blagg!
Tues., Aug. 31 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Wed., Sept. 1 - PTO Eat & Earn at Ted's
Thurs., Sept. 2 - School Mass at 8:15am
Mon., Sept. 6 - NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
Mon., Sept. 6 - Happy birthday, Mrs. O’Connell!
Tues., Sept. 7 - Spirit Tee Tuesday & 2pm Dismissal
Thurs., Sept. 9 - School Mass at 8:15am
Sat., Sept. 11 - Happy birthday, Mr. Grajeda!
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Eagle Run a Success!
The St. Eugene Gala!
Academic Bowl
Is your child a trivia buff, Jeopardy fan, or a walking encyclopedia? Register them to participate in the 2021-22 OAAC Academic Bowl season. Our 4th-6th grade teams will compete in the online tournament while our 7th & 8th grade teams compete in person at area schools. We are also looking for 1-2 coaches for each grade level team. Safe Environment required. More information on the school website. Cost is $25 per student and will be billed via FACTS. Registration due by Sept. 15. Contact Kim Hattaway with questions.
4th-6th Registration form / 7th-8th Registration formBasketball Interest
Is your child interested in playing CGSAA Basketball? Please fill out this survey to indicate your interest.
Interested in coaching a basketball team? Email Aaron Hartmann, basketball coordinator at: answering the following questions:
What grade are you interested in coaching?
Have coached a team at St Eugene in the past?
Have you completed the online Safe Environment recently or taken the class in the past?
Parents at School Mass
Uniform Infractions
Now that students have had the chance to settle into the school year, we will be moving from verbal reminders about uniforms to issuing uniform infractions.
The big thing to watch for is skirt/skort/shorts length. Remember, measuring from the top of the knee to the bottom of the skirt/skort/shorts should expose no more leg than the height of a dollar bill (held landscape) (~ 2.5”).
Socks/tights/leggings should be uniform-approved colors and free of additional colors and embellishments.
Students should be wearing accessories according to the handbook: proper belts, ties on mass day, etc.
The skort for girls should only be the approved FlynnO’hara skort.
Extended Care - Seeking Staff
Bringing Back Our Clubs
As we strive to return to normalcy as much as possible, we would like to look into bringing back some of our student extracurricular activities. Several of our extracurricular coordinators and leaders have moved on, and we are seeking new leaders! If you are interested in leading any of the following extracurriculars that lack a current coordinator, or if you are interested in starting one that is pandemic-friendly (outdoors, in cohorts, etc), please contact Mrs. Hattaway. Be on the lookout for info about specific activities as we start to explore bringing them back. Please note that several of our activities will remain on hiatus for the duration of the pandemic.
Academic Bowl (4th-8th) - Coaches for each grade level sought ASAP - contact Mrs. Hattaway
Girls on the Run (Girls in 3rd-5th) - Leader sought for Spring 2022
Girl Scouts - Leaders sought to form new troops
2nd grade Brownies - Lead by Jenny Blevins
Green Team - Lead by Brigitte Silvernail
Scouting - Lead by Ryan Lemons / Cubmaster - John Chubbuck
Youth Group - Lead by Rolando Benites
Mitigate the Spread! 4 Ws
Wash your hands
Wear your mask
Watch your distance
Wait if you feel ill, learned of an exposure, or are awaiting test results.
Waiting until you have more information and can assess your situation before coming to school or going somewhere is golden. It has been such a key in many cases. Please contact Mrs. Goldsworthy if you or a household member feels ill or has an exposure.
PTO News!
Homeroom Parents! If you signed up to be a Homeroom or House parent--thank you! You will be hearing from our Homeroom and House Parent Coordinator, Kari Webber, soon. We still have some classes and houses that need Homeroom/House parents, so please click this link to sign up. These parents help organize parties, gala baskets, teacher birthdays, and whatever else our wonderful teachers need!
PTO Dues - If you did not get a chance to stop by our table at Meet the Teacher, you may pay your PTO dues by emailing Neile at Dues have been lowered to only $20 per family this year and go towards all the activities, treats, and events we provide for the students and teachers throughout the year. Dues will be charged to your FACTs account.
Take a night off cooking - take advantage of Eat & Earn nights! Thank you to everyone that dined in or picked up Johnnie's this past Wednesday. Our next Eat and Earn is Ted's Cafe (N. May location) on Wednesday, September 1st (5pm-close). Watch out for the September Eat & Earn calendar coming out soon. Always mention CSSE when you order so a donation comes back to our school! Eat and Earns made $1800 for our school last year, so it's a great way to support PTO.
If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site, and join the PTO Facebook group for more info.
Eagle Excellence
Be on the lookout for alumna Lily Bolka, who is featured in the upcoming documentary, FOUND.
Coming to Netflix in October, FOUND is a feature documentary that follows the story of three American teenage girls—each adopted from China—who discover they are blood-related cousins on 23andMe. Their online meeting inspires the young women to confront the burning questions they have about their lost history. When they meet for the first time, they embark on a once in a lifetime journey to China in search of answers.
We can’t wait to watch Lily on her journey! You will also see members of Lily’s family and the St. Eugene community in the documentary.
Let us know about your student's achievements or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
News on Repeat
Required Documents - We are still missing many families’ signed copies of the Parent Compact and Mask Directive. Please sign and return to the school office ASAP!
Time & Talent Hours for 2021-22! Many of you have already started accumulating your required Time & Talent hours. Thank you! Make sure you log them in RenWeb as you go. There will be many opportunities to earn Time & Talent throughout the school year. Stay tuned for more volunteer options throughout the year or visit!
We will begin our fall MAP assessments after Labor Day. It is important that you do not schedule appointments for your child during the school day when they have MAP assessments. Students should be well-rested and arrive on time. More details will come in the next few weeks from your grade level teachers regarding your child’s testing window. MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a computerized adaptive assessment which helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child's academic growth.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Please pray for continued healing and strength of Nick Aguilera, nephew of Mrs. Goldsworthy and alum of CSSE. He was in a bicycling accident recently, suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury, and other injuries. | Please pray for Mrs. O’Connell who had shoulder surgery this past week. May she have a swift and complete recovery. | Please pray for family members of Imelda Aleman, including Adolfo Aleman and Mercedes Peña who are in the hospital. | Please pray for our soldiers, may they find strength and endurance, and pray for the families of soldiers, falling or serving. | Please pray for several members of our community who have tested positive for COVID-19, including parents and students. | Pray for those in our community struggling to recover from COVID-19 and who have been hospitalized, including the parents of Arianna Lopez and the aunt of Allie Blaik and Kate Kusel. | Pray for those who have perished to COVID-19 and their families who are grieving the loss of these loved ones. | Pray for our staff, students, and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate the beginning of a new school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Parish News
New Weekly Confession Time Fr. Vic is now offering opportunities for Confession on Wednesdays from 10am-11am in addition to the Saturday time of 3:30-4:30pm. Stop by before or after Adoration on Wednesday!
Looking for Families for the Vocare Chalice! Our church is blessed to have the Vocare Chalice Ministry, through which we pray for those called to serve the church through Vocations. Simply sign up with, let them know the mass you attend most often, and your family will be put on the rotation to take the Vocare Chalice home for a week at the end of your usual mass. The chalice comes with a prayer book to help guide your family. It’s a simple way to enhance your family’s spiritual life AND increase the number of men and women called to Holy Orders!
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067