AEHS Weekly Newsletter
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Good evening, Titans.
Happy Sunday! As a reminder, tomorrow, October 9, is a no school day for students. We will see your students bright and early Tuesday Morning. Please see the announcements shared below, with particular emphasis on College and Career Readiness Day coming up Wednesday.
Have a great week!
Mark Brown, Jr.
Reminders & Dates (UPDATED)
- Professional Day - No School for Students - Monday, October 9
- AEHS College Fair. Hosted by AEHS PTSA - Tuesday, October 10 @ AEHS
- College and Career Readiness Day (CCR Day) - Wednesday, October 11
- AEHS Open House (for Current AEHS Families) - Tuesday, October 17
- DCC Open House - Thursday, October 19
- End of MP1, Tuesday, October 31
- No School for Students, Grading & Reporting for Teachers - Wednesday, Nov .1
- Fall Play Begins - Thursday, Nov. 2
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
PSAT Room Assignments (NEW)
PSAT/College and Career Readiness (CCR) Day is Wednesday, Oct 11! Students who have registered for the PSAT, which includes all 10th graders, must bring the following items to class:
1. A Charged School Issued Chromebook plus a Charger
3. Something to Write With
4. There’s a graphing calculator built into the app, but you can bring your own approved calculator if you like.
Here is the link to Test Room locations.
As part of the administration of the PSAT, your child will have the opportunity to participate, with your consent, in the optional Student Data Questionnaire. Click here (English) or here (Spanish) to give your consent.
Here is the Bell Schedule for the day as well as the Schedule for Non-Test Takers. And if you have any college gear, please wear it!
Dynamic Learning MAPS (DLM) Score Reports Distribution: (NEW)
Annual AEHS College and Career Fair - (UPDATED)
AEHS will host a College and Career Fair at AEHS on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 5:30-8:00 p.m. Freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors - you're invited! More than 80+ college, university, trade school, and career organization representatives will answer your questions about academics, campus life, and specific programs at their college/university/trade school. Go to https://bit.ly/45GbnD4 to see the wide variety of representatives who will be available. Please reach out to the 2023 AEHS College and Career Fair committee members at aehscfair@gmail.com with any questions or if you would like to volunteer at the event on October 10th. 2023 AEHS College and Career Fair Coordinators: Christine Alden, Abrielle Beaton Anderson, and Catherine Sen
Resources for the Fair
· College & Career Representative Attendee List - List of 80+ reps that will talk to students about the opportunities offered at their college, university, or trade school.
· Questions to Ask College & Career Representatives - The PTSA will have printouts available, but it's a good idea to review the questions ahead of time.
· Is it too late for me to volunteer for the Fair? Nope! We need more side dishes and sandwiches, as well as other roles. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904084FA8AD2DA64-aehs#/
· How can I make notes about what colleges and trades schools I'm interested in?
There are 3 main ways to take notes:
1. Pen & paper! The PTSA will have printouts of the list of colleges and trade schools. You can bring a highlighter or otherwise make notes on the printout. Colleges and trade schools will often have printed material for you to take home as well.
2. Create Your Own Barcode to Scan with Colleges: You can sign up for a barcode to save on your phone ahead of the Fair or while at the Fair. Signing in requires student name and email address, and there are other optional fields, e.g., GPA. You can then use the barcode to share your contact information with colleges. You will receive a report after the Fair with colleges you scanned.
Students: Register for your barcode at www.StriveFair.com. Select Maryland as Event Location and then select Einstein High School Fair. Note that not all colleges and trade schools will participate in the barcode option, so you may need to use that pen to sign up with some at their tables.
3. CollegeBoard: BigFutures Saved Search - The PTSA created this saved search for colleges and universities registered for the Fair. The saved search works even if you're not logged in, but you can log in with your CollegeBoard/BigFutures account if like to mark colleges as Favorites during or after the Fair. (Make sure you click the "Show More Colleges" button at the bottom until all 70+ colleges appear on the screen.)
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc Achievement Week 2023 (NEW)
The 2023-2024 Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Mu Nu Chapter, Achievement Week will be held on November 15, 2023 at 7 pm at the Silver Spring Civic Center. Omega Psi Phi honors African American male seniors who have a GPA of a 3.0 or higher if they complete the application and provide a transcript. Last year, they gave four $5000 scholarships to the highest GPAs. They plan on providing scholarships this year as well. In total, Omega Psi Phi has given over $32,000 to Montgomery County Public Schools and the George B. Thomas Learning Academy.
In addition, African American male seniors have an opportunity to win $200 locally and compete for a $5000 national scholarship by submitting an essay for the national essay contest. Application materials must be emailed by October 20, 2023 to Shawn.Joseph@Howard.edu. His cell number is 240-644-4524. Text messages are preferred!
Each qualifying student who attends will receive a certificate of achievement and a small monetary award.
Jamie Raskin's Congressional App Challenge (NEW)
Students are invited to participate in Congress member Raskin’s 2022 Congressional App Challenge (CAC).
The Congressional App Challenge’s mission is to inspire, include, and innovate efforts around stem, coding, and computer science education. Since its inception in 2015, participation in the challenge has grown exponentially. It is considered the most prestigious prize in student computer science.
Students must be in middle school or high school on November 1st, 2023. They can compete as individuals, or in teams of up to four (4) students. At least half of teammates on any team must live or attend school in Rep. Raskin’s 8th Congressional District.
The deadline for students to register and submit their app online is 12:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 1, 2023.
For your convenience, below, are several links to important information regarding the CAC:
- Rep. Raskin’s Congressional App Challenge Webpage
- Congressional App Challenge Website
- Congressional App Challenge Rules
- Congressional App Challenge Student Registration
- Congressional App Challenge Prizes
- Congressional App Challenge Past Winners
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact us at (301) 354-1000 or nina.weisbroth@mail.house.gov and hailey.roh@mail.house.gov.
MCPS - Things to Know for Thurs. October 5 (NEW)
Dear MCPS Families,
Here are things to know for Thursday Oct. 5. Get information about applications for high school county/regional programs, mental health awareness week, upcoming district events to take advantage of, PSA contest opportunity, and good news this week.
Athletics - Winter Sports Registration (NEW)
As we start to wind down our Fall seasons, Registration for Winter Season starts. Winter Registration opens on Monday, October 9th at 12 noon. See the link for more information.
Winter Sports are:
Girls and Boys Basketball
Co-Ed Wrestling
Bocce (Corollary Sport)
Indoor Track
Swim and Dive
Winter Cheer (TBD)
Winter Poms (TBD)
See our website for more information
Jermaine Howell
Athletics Specialist
Twitter: @Titans_Rise
Instagram: Einsteinathletics
Intro of New College and Career Information Coordinator (CCIC) - (NEW)
As you might now, we recently hired a new CCIC as Ms. Moloney-Johnson was recently promoted. I would like to introduce you to Mr. Edgar Trigo, who will be joining our staff beginning Monday, October 9. Below is a message from Mr. Trigo...
Throughout the years I have overcome difficult hardships and advanced professionally. I am a young, bilingual (English and Spanish) educator with a passion for assisting young people navigate the college and career process, as I did in my previous work at the University of Maryland. All of my life experience both in and out of college have prepared me to work as the CCIC at Albert Einstein High School.
My vision is to inspire students to bring out the best in them, while helping them prepare for life after high school. I am excited to work with all the students, staff, and stakeholders at AEHS and to help form students' success.
Edgar Trigo