North Side Family Flyer
September 2022
Inspire, Engage, Empower!
Mentor Reading Teams...
Our theme for this school year is: WILD ABOUT READING, Welcome to the Jungle! Research has shown that mentor reading buddies is a great way for both younger and older students to grow as readers and develop social and emotional skills like empathy and patience. We are excited to see the relationships our students will build and their increase in reading skills.
Please take a moment to read the below article. It will provide you with more insight into reading buddies, better known as "Mentor Reading Teams" here at North Side.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, August 30th - School-Wide Beach Day
Monday, September 5th - NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
Thursday, September 8th - SCHOOL SMILES Dental Program @ North Side
Friday, September 9th - Grandparents Day, 2nd/3rd - 11:45-12:30 p.m.; K/1st - 12:30-1:15 p.m.; 4th/5th - 1:15-2:00 p.m. (Please send RSVP back to school)
Monday, September 19th - PTO Meeting, 5:30 p.m. (In Library)
Wednesday, September 21st - Fundraiser Kick-Off
Friday, September 23rd - PICTURE DAY (rescheduled from August)
Monday, September 26th - Thursday, September 29th - Scholastic Book Fair
Tuesday, September 27th - North Side "Jungle Safari Reading Night" - more info to come soon
Friday, September 30th - NO SCHOOL for students, PD DAY for staff
Pep rally time
Students loving the silly string
Everyone loves Wesley the Wildcat!
Front Office Guidance with Mrs. Hilterbrand and Ms. Myers
School hours:
Mondays - 8:45-2:40, Doors open at 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 - 2:40, Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
We are receiving many phone calls about lost clothing. PLEASE put your child's name on their sweatshirts, jackets, lunch bags, etc.... If they get lost, this helps us to find the rightful owner.
There are two different ways to put money on your child's lunch account: 1. Go into Meal Magic online and put money on their account. You will need your child's 6 digit ID number. You may call and get it from us, if you do not know it.; or 2. Send money into school with your child for their lunch account. If you choose option #2, please place the money in a bag or envelope with your child's name on it.
If you are making payments on book rental, payment #2, is due on September 15th. However, if you applied for the free/reduced application please check to see if we have received response back on this before making any payments.
Counseling Corner with Mrs. Hardin
During the month of September, I will begin meeting with each class. Students will be introduced to Zones of Regulation. Through the Zones, they will learn ways to identify their feelings, find healthy coping skills and develop self-regulation strategies to assist them throughout their days.
Here is an example of the four Zones and a few examples of emotions that would fall under each color. Thank you for sharing your student with us each day!
In Tune with Attendance and Safety with Mr. Perlich
Attendance –
Attendance is an important part of your child’s education. Being present at school each day and on time helps them achieve their full potential. We understand that students get sick and need to miss school on occasion. Try to schedule appointments and vacations during our breaks throughout the school year. If your child is seen by a doctor, please send in a signed doctor slip the next day they return. Having your child to school on time is important as well. This allows them to get the breakfast they need if they are eating in our café, and it helps them to not miss important information at the beginning of the day in their classroom.
- If your child is out with Covid, please send in the test results.
- If your child is out with an illness, please send in a doctor note when they return.
- Communicate with the office if your child will not be at school for any reason!
Safety –
We conducted out first fire drill of the school year in August. Our staff and students did a great job of getting out of the building in a timely manner. If your child did not mention the drill to you, ask them how they felt it went. Here are some points to touch on with them:
- Being quiet when the alarm goes off.
- Listening to directions given over the PA or staff member in the room.
- What do they do if they are in the restroom or in the hallway when an alarm goes off?
Talking to them about safety will help them be prepared in the case of an actual emergency.
We will be conducting a lockdown drill as well as a fire drill in the month of September. These drills are conducted to prepare our building to remain calm under stressful conditions.
If you should have any questions regarding attendance or safety, please contact me at the school or by email at I am looking forward to a great year!
The Nurses Nook
School Smiles Mobile Dental Clinic is visiting North Side on Thursday, September 8th. If you would like your child to participate in this service, you must sign them up for it.
If your child is behind on vaccinations, I have been in touch with you. They must be updated this week or at least scheduled for their next appointment and this information communicated with me. Please make sure to follow through with this so that your child is not sent home from school per the state requirements.
Please continue to keep your child home if they are sick. Please remember that they must remain at home for 24 hours if they are throwing up or have diarrhea, and they must be fever free for 24 hours off medication as well.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Nurse Whitney
Nutrition Notice with Mrs. Yates
Parents, please do your best to keep money in your child's meal account. If you are unable to pay full price for meals, please apply for free/reduced meals. If you have any trouble applying, you may call the food service director, Roger Urick, and he will help you through it.
North Side Elementary School
Location: 302 Harding Street, Kendallville, IN, USA
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Twitter: @NorthSideElem