Cape Elementary: Seahawk Sentinel
October 2, 2023
Cape's Mission & Vision
Vision: We believe that the most promising strategy for achieving the mission of Cape Elementary is to develop our capacity to function as a professional learning community.
Message from Ms. Osterholm and Mrs. Sund
Dear Cape Parents,
We are diving into a year of excitement and learning at Cape Elementary School. As we near the conclusion of the first quarter this month, we are filled with joy as we spend each school day with the students, witnessing their growth and accomplishments. We hold deep appreciation for our exceptional students, dedicated parents, passionate teachers, and devoted staff, all of whom contribute to making Cape Elementary the very best elementary school it can be!
We want to ensure that all our students have a nutritious start to their day. To achieve this, breakfast is served from 7:25 to 7:50 AM each morning. Please make sure that students arrive before 7:45 if they plan to eat breakfast at school. This ensures that all students have ample time to enjoy a healthy breakfast before starting their school day. Now that we are approaching the end of the first quarter, breakfast will close at 7:50 AM and we will not continue keeping breakfast open past 7:50 for students being dropped off in the parent drop off line.
We understand that some students rely on school buses for transportation, and sometimes buses may arrive later than expected. Rest assured that late buses will always have breakfast available for students who want it.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation with our daily dismissal procedures. To ensure the safety and efficiency of the process, it is vital that families adhere to our designated pick-up times. Parent pick-up typically ends around 2:45 PM each day. Therefore, we kindly request that you arrive for pick-up no later than 2:50 PM. Starting this month, there will be a late arrival fee of $10 for families who arrive after 2:50 PM to pick up their children. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes cause delays, but we ask for your support in making sure we maintain an organized and timely dismissal process. Your punctuality greatly contributes to the smooth operation of our school dismissal process. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Take a look at our October calendar in this newsletter, in your child’s planner or on our website for the events and school closures happening this month. We participate in National Bullying Prevention Month, and Ms. Boeck, our school counselor, has many wonderful lessons and events planned for our Cape kids.
Report cards will be posted in FOCUS on Thursday, October 19th. Hard copies will not be sent home but if needed you may request one. Please take time to review it with your child.
Please mark your calendar now for Cape’s Annual Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m. This will be a wonderful evening for our Cape families to celebrate fall together. We are recruiting families to decorate their trunks and also asking for families to donate bags of candy. Please email Ms. Osterholm at if you would like to decorate a trunk.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in making Cape Elementary School a positive and enriching environment for our students. Your active participation and support play a vital role in nurturing our Cape Elementary School community. Thank you for being an essential part of our school family.
Ms. Osterholm and Mrs. Sund
Ice Cream!
Our Food Service Department will sell ice cream each Friday for $1.25. There will be three choices of ice cream: Frozen Treat Bar, Push Ups, or an Ice Cream Sandwich. You may send in cash with your child or put money in the My School Bucks account. Information is available on – you will need your child’s student ID number.
Southern SnoBalls!
Professional Duty Day: School Closed!
PTO News!
Happy Fall! We ended September with a great new event, Candy Bar Bingo! It was so much fun, and we had so many of our Cape families join us! Thanks to those who attended, we really hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our Fall Fundraiser this year. All money raised goes directly back to our school, classrooms and students. With your help we were able to raise over $15,000.00 for our school! Items will be available for pick up the week of October 22nd, exact date TBD. Keep an eye out for more details and volunteer opportunities to help us get all the items distributed to our amazing Cape Families.
Our next Spirit Night will be at IL Primo Pizza & Wings on Wednesday, October 18th from 4-8pm. Dine in or take out! Just make sure to mention you’re supporting Cape Elementary. We hope to see you there!
Our pumpkin carving contest is coming up on Friday, October 27th. Voting will take place during Trunk or Treat at 6:30pm! Look for a flyer to come home soon with more details. Information & contest entries will be on PTBoard so if you haven't joined yet, now is the time., click Sign Up, after logging in use School Code SXEABG.
As always, thank you for supporting Cape Elementary PTO!
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers needed for
- Cape-able store: October 17th to 24th from 8:15 to 2:00. Can you help for a few hours?
- Selling ice cream during lunch: Every Friday from 10:30 to 12:15.
Call or Email Mindy and let her know:
Cape will have it’s sixth Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 27th starting at 6:30 for Cape family and friends. If you are interested in decorating a trunk, please email Ms. Osterholm at We also need over 10,000 pieces of candy. If you can donate a bag, please send in with your child. More information will be posted on Social Media this month.
October Counseling Corner
October is National Bullying Prevention Month/District Character Trait is RESPECT
This year’s theme at Cape Elementary for National Bullying Prevention month is “Help Build CommUNITY.” Our month-long activities will kick off on Monday, October 2. Students will be given opportunities to take part in school-wide projects, view Public Service Announcements which will be shown throughout the month on the morning news and through either school counselor videos or in-person classroom lessons.
We are encouraging all students and faculty/staff to wear blue on Monday, October 9, to show our school’s support for World Day of Bullying Prevention, which takes place the first Monday in October. Stand United and wear orange (bracelets, tee shirts, shoes, socks, etc.) on Wednesday, October 18 for National Unity Day.
Classroom calendars will provide suggestions for daily activities to cultivate respect and showcase our capeUNITY!
Bullying is a learned behavior. Research shows that bullying behaviors can be stopped, but true change requires consistent education and intervention. Together, we continue to create a culture of kindness and safety at our school.
Anti-Bullying Policy:
The Jeffery Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act became a law in June 2008. The School Board of Lee County has approved a Board Policy which states their guidelines for the identification and reporting of bullying, expectations for behavior, procedures and consequences regarding bullying and harassment.
In short, the School District of Lee County will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment between students and/or adults on our school campuses. Our goal is protection of our students, and provision of a safe and nurturing educational environment for all of our students and staff.
If you have questions pertaining to Cape Elementary School’s procedures for handling suspected bullying or harassment, please feel free to contact Miss Boeck, School Counselor.
High Reliability Schools
Cape Elementary earned the Marzano High Reliability Schools(HRS) Level One Certification last year for a Safe, Supportive and Collaborative School. Cape is now working on Level Two certification which will show we have effective teaching in every classroom. The HRS Program was created by Marzano Research to help transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. Using a researched-based five level hierarchy, along with leading and lagging indicators, educatiors learn to assess, monitor and confirm the effectiveness of their schools. To be certified, Cape must collect data and validate their performance to climb each level of the hierarchy. A survey for staff, students and parents will be shared in October and once we receive the results Cape will start the work on becoming a Level 2 Certified school.
What is HRS Level 1?
Level 1 addresses the factors considered foundational to the well-being of a school. The most crucial step at level 1 is for schools to build a safe, supportive, and collaborative culture by operating as a professional learning community (PLC).
What is HRS Level 2?
At Level 2 of the framework, educators learn how to develop and maintain effective instruction in every classroom by building a shared language of instruction and using this common language to raise the level of pedagogical skill both individually and collectively
Out of Field Teachers
Kristin Billings (ESOL-English as a Second Language)
Kathryn Bragg (ESE K-12)
Brandi Coffey (Elementary Education K-6, ESOL-English as a Second Language)
Dana Clutter (ESOL-English as a Second Language)
Pride Prause (ESOL-English as a Second Language)
We LOVE our Business Partners
C21 Sunbelt Realty
Jim Fischer
Quality Pest Control
Cape Coral First United Methodist Church
Vineyards Community Church (Cape Coral)
Papa John's Pizza
Rib City
Cici's Pizza
Dominoes Pizza
Cape Elementary
Location: 4519 Vincennes Blvd, Cape Coral, FL 33904
Phone: 239-542-3551
Twitter: @CapeElem
Lee County School Board
Board Members of the LCSD:
Armor Persons, District 5 (Chair)
Samuel Fisher, District 1 (Vice Chair)
Melisa W. Giovannelli, District 2
Chris N. Patricca, District 3
Debbie Jordan, District 4
Jada Langford-Fleming, District 6
Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 7
Christopher S. Bernier, Ed.D.