10/20 McMicken Family Connection
October 20, 2022

Principal's Corner
A Word from Your Principal
Dear Families,
Now that the weather is getting cooler, it is the perfect time to curl up with your Cougars for some fun family reading time! Research shows that reading consistently for 20-30 minutes each evening helps students grow their vocabulary and apply all of the great skills they are learning at school. To this end, our teachers will be beginning to track at home reading. For our youngest Cougars, it helps them learning book handling skills, concepts of print, and story structure. Having favorite books read aloud to them is just as beneficial as independent reading, too. These days, there are so many great ways to get new books so your student can have access to new titles at home. Visiting local libraries, checking out e-books, even listening to audiobooks on those many car trips can help your kiddo continue to grow in their reading skills, not to mention, spark some great conversation!
😄 Principal Haas
Book Spotlights
Read a book with a heritage month focus!
"The Sound of All Things" by Myron Uhlberg
A Brooklyn family takes an outing to Coney Island, where they enjoy the rides, the food, and the sights. The father longs to know how everything sounds. Though his son does his best to interpret their noisy surroundings through sign language, he struggles to convey the subtle differences between the "loud" of the ocean and the "loud" of a roller coaster.
When the family drops in at the library after dinner, the boy makes a discovery. Perhaps the words he needs are within reach, after all.
Myron Uhlberg's story, based on his own childhood experiences, covers the almost unique topic within children's books of children raised by deaf parents. Ted Papoulas beautifully and sensitively portrays the family's day and brings the whole experience to life for readers.
"When Lola Visits" by Michelle Sterling
For one young girl, summer is the season of no school, of days spent at the pool, and of picking golden limes off the trees. But summer doesn’t start until her lola—her grandmother from the Philippines—comes for her annual visit.
Summer is special. For her lola fills the house with the aroma of mango jam, funny stories of baking mishaps, and her quiet sweet singing in Tagalog. And in turn, her granddaughter brings Lola to the beach, to view fireworks at the park, and to catch fish at their lake.
When Lola visits, the whole family gathers to cook and eat and share in their happiness of another season spent together. Yet as summer transitions to fall, her lola must return home—but not without a surprise for her granddaughter to preserve their special summer a bit longer.
Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT)
Join us for our first round of Academic Parent Teacher Teams, or APTT! It is a time that we have an opportunity to grow our partnership between home and school. At the first APTT of the school year, you will have the opportunity to learn an overview of the school year, learn about an important grade-level skill students will need to be successful, and learn about activities that you can do at home to support your student's success.
Throughout the school year, APTT is a time between report card that will allow you to keep track of your child's growth towards a specific skill.
The first APTT will be hosted on Zoom. Please see your child's teacher's handout for their Zoom Meeting ID. The dates for the APTT are also under the section "Upcoming Events."
Please: Toys Stay at Home!
Starting Monday 10/17, all toys, including Pokémon cards and stuffed animals, need to stay at home. If students bring a toy that leaves their backpack, the toy will be collected by the teacher and families will be contacted to make plans for pickup. We’ve noticed that the toys brought from home are becoming a distraction from learning and causing conflict both in the classroom and on the playground.
If and when a class earns an incentive or reward involving toys like a show and tell party, the teacher will notify families and set a day for students to bring their toys. We appreciate your partnership in ensuring that all students are engaged in learning.
Staff Shout-outs!
Do you have an appreciation you'd like to share for a staff member at McMicken?
Consider filling out this quick form for your shout-out to be shared in our family newsletter in our new section, "Staff Shout-Outs!"
Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Lost and Found
Is your student missing a jacket, lunch box, or anything else? Please stop by the school between 8:20 AM - 4:00 PM and check out our Lost + Found. It is located in the main hallway down from the front doors on the right, next to the corner. Please be aware all items that are not claimed will be taken to Value Village after Thanksgiving Break on Monday, November. 28.
Don't Forget: Vote on Proposition 1 on the November Ballot!
Tyee High School is on the Highline Schools Bond!
In November, Highline Public Schools is asking voters to consider a bond that will provide improvements to schools across the district.
This bond will rebuild three schools: Tyee High School, Evergreen High School, and Pacific Middle School. It will also fund critical improvements, like roofing, painting, carpet and emergency repairs — at other schools. If passed in November students will move into the new, replaced Tyee High School in the fall of 2025!
This bond is not expected to increase taxes for most homeowners, due to expiring school taxes and a decreasing tax rate.
Proposition 1: Highline Schools Bond will continue Highline’s commitment to replace our aging school buildings with schools built to today’s safety standards, equipped for today’s learning.
Voters will find Proposition 1 on the November ballot. Learn more about the bond.
Clothing Donations Needed!
Cleaning out your child's closet of school clothes that they've outgrown? Please consider donating shirts and pants to our supplies for students who need a change of clothes during the day. Clothes that match our school uniform colors (black, navy blue, or khaki) are preferred. Our supplies in the front office to support clothing changes are running low.
As a reminder, if your child comes home with clothing they did not wear to school, please have them return those clothes to our front office.
If you have a kindergartener or 1st grader, we recommend sending students with a change of clothes in their backpacks, just in case!
Our Weekly Habit
October's Monthly Focus: We are C.O.U.G.A.R.s.
Weekly Focus (Oct. 24-29): We are COUGARs.
A quote to think about: "Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. EXCEED IT!" -Mrs. Haas
When we are COUGARs, it looks like:
Working well with others
Being a part of a learning community
When we are COUGARs, it sounds like:
- Everybody's ideas are heard
- Listening and sharing
- Positive self-talk
When we are COUGARs, it feels like:
- Being inviting and invited
- Belonging to a learning community
Tuesday, October 25: 5th Grade APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Wednesday, October 26: 3rd Grade APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Thursday, October 27: 1st Grade APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Tuesday, November 1: 4th Grade APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Wednesday, November 2: 2nd Grade APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Thursday, November 3: Kindergarten APTT #1 (5:30-6:45pm on Zoom)
Green Burien Events
To celebrate the kickoff of planting season in the Pacific Northwest, the Green Burien Partnership is hosting several environmental restoration events in Burien Parks this fall. All events are open to the public, kid-friendly, and with no experience necessary. Refreshments, gloves, and tools will be offered for each event.
Planting at Hazel Valley Park
When: November 5, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Where: Hazel Valley Park, 251 SW 126th St
Join the City of Burien and EarthCorps at Hazel Valley Park to plant native plants. We'll be working together to plant baby trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants. We'll be working together to plant baby trees, shrubs, and ground cover plants. This event is open for everyone, no experience necessary. Refreshments, lunch, gloves, and tools for all will be available. Register online.
Planting at Salmon Creek Park
When: November 12, time TBD
Where: Salmon Creek Park, 700 SW 118th St
Join the City of Burien, DirtCorps, and the New Start High School “Sharks in Restoration” interns at Salmon Creek Park to plant native plants. We'll be working together to plant the future forest and learn about environmental restoration from youth leaders. This event is open for everyone, no experience necessary. Refreshments, lunch, gloves, and tools for all will be available. Register online.
Federal Way Community Center Presents Tricks n' Treats Funfest
Location: Federal Way Community Center
Date: October 29, 2022
Time: 3:00-5:30pm
Cost: Ages 2-12 (pre-register $5, day of $10); adults free.
See the full year's Heritage Month calendar and think about how you can continue to celebrate these groups and holidays at home. In addition, you can access the Heritage Month calendar in Spanish, Somali, or Vietnamese.
Explore resources, events, book lists, and more for October's Heritage Months in English or Spanish.
Disability History and Awareness Month
Disability History and Awareness Month takes place during October to increase awareness, respect, and acceptance for people with disabilities, and to bring a greater sense of pride to people with disabilities.
As described by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, we celebrate "the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present and showcases supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices. The annual theme is announced early to facilitate advance planning of events.”
Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to focus and raise awareness on bullying. During this month, many schools and groups' efforts across the country are aimed at bringing awareness to the issue of bullying.
Bullying includes behaviors such as hitting, teasing, taunting, spreading rumors and gossip, stealing, and excluding someone from a group. Bullying actions are carried out on purpose with the intent to hurt someone. For a brief explanation of the definition of bullying, you can watch this video.
At McMicken, we teach and empower our students to prevent bullying using the three R's.
- Recognize, understanding what is and what isn't bullying.
- Report, letting a trusted adult know, so they can help.
- Refuse, standing up for one another by speaking up and taking action.
Filipino American History Month
In 2009, U.S. Congress recognized October as Filipino American History Month in the United States. Various states, counties, and cities in the U.S. have established proclamations and resolutions declaring observance of Filipino American History Month. It’s all about celebrating the history, heritage, culture and achievements of Filipino Americans.
Italian American Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month is celebrated by proclamation of the President and Congress in the United States to honor the achievements and contributions of Italian immigrants and their descendants living in the United States.
Polish American Heritage Month
The Polish Heritage Month promotes understanding and appreciation of Polish heritage and culture. The US shows appreciation of the vital contributions people of Polish descent have made to our Nation in the arts, the sciences, religion, scholarship, and every area of endeavor.
Contact us for support or with questions.
McMicken Heights Elementary School
Phone: (206) 631-4300
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Click on the image to complete the consent form for COVID testing at school. This only needs to be completed once this school year.
Does your student have symptoms? Click on the image for a flowchart to know when to send your student to school.
Click on the image for information on COVID vaccination and upcoming vaccine clinics.
Click on the image for more up-to-date information about COVID safety in Highline Public Schools.
Keep updated on your student's grades, attendance, and more! Create or update your ParentVue account by clicking the image.
Click the image for current and past Book of the Months.