Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: January
Monthly Theme: Wellness
December Recap:
To prepare students for their December finals, the counseling team delivered a Finals Wellness Lesson during CCR.
The School Counseling ASCA Mindset and Behavior standards addressed included:
- M 5. Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes
- B-LS 3. Use time-management, organizational and study skills
- B-SMS 6. Demonstrate ability to overcome barriers to learning
Learning Objectives Included:
1. Students will learn appropriate study skills and test taking skills.
2. Students will be able to create a study plan.
3. Students will be equipped with skills to succeed during finals week.
Wellness Corner
- The Beckman School Counseling departments invites all students to join us for a new series of Lunch & Learn workshops for the Spring 2022 semester. We have 6 workshops planned to cover a wide range of topics from social-emotional health to resume workshops and interviewing skills. Please encourage your student(s) to register here.
- Parents, please join us for our planned parent workshops for the Spring 2022 semester. If you missed our first parent workshop, High School 101, you may view the recording here. Please be sure to RSVP for our next workshop facilitated by our Mental Health Specialist, Ms. Sun, on Supporting & Connecting with your teen.
College and Career Resources
ROP Courses
There are still some Spring classes and internships available! Students can sign up here: Coastline Regional Occupational Program Classes (coursestorm.com) or see Ms. McDonald in the Career Center.
Diverse College Panel:
Diverse College Panel on Sunday, February 6th from 5-6:30 pm via Zoom.
Multiracial Americans of Southern California (MASC) have gathered alumni and current college students of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds to talk about their personal experiences in college, including topics such as how to find community, what it is like being a child of immigrant parents and going to college in the U.S., and how to navigate resources to assist in the transition to life on a college campus. They'll answer any questions you may have and listen to any concerns you’d like to share. As with all MASC talks, they strive to create an open, respectful space in which people are free to express themselves.
The event is FREE and you can register here.
IVC Spotlight Week:
TUSD has partnered with Irvine Valley College to provide one week of virtual informational college presentations tailored to TUSD students, parents, and guardians January 24-28. See flyer below for more details.
Community College Visits:
Orange Coast College
Why OCC? Informational presentation for BHS students via Zoom on Thursday, February 3.
Irvine Valley College
Orientation Workshop for seniors on Tuesday, February 25 from 2:30-3:30 via Zoom
Advisement Workshop for seniors on Thursday, February 27 from 2:30-4:30 via Zoom
*Seniors eligible to attend these workshops will receive an invite from IVC
Questions should be directed to Mario Cordova, IVC Matriculation Specialist mcordova7@ivc.edu
Santa Ana College
An Outreach Specialist will be at BHS all day starting at break on Tuesday, February 1 to help students with questions & applications
Application Workshop for seniors (same day) from 2:30-3:30 at BHS Library
Santiago Canyon College
An Outreach Specialist will be at BHS at lunch on Wednesday, February 2 to help students with questions & applications
Application Workshop (same day) from 2:30-3:30 at BHS Library
Grade Level Info
Senior Scene
- March 2, 2022, is the deadline for FAFSA & Dream Act Applications. Don’t miss your opportunity to get financial assistance for college.
- The California Promise Program, which provides two years of tuition assistance is for students who will be attending a California community college…..requires that students fill out the FAFSA/ Dream Act. More information regarding the requirements and necessary steps to qualify can be found here.
- Mid-Year transcripts will be sent out to the colleges thru Naviance by the student's counselor at the beginning of February.
- Encourage students to focus on their 2nd-semester classes. No matter how their first semester went, the second semester is a fresh start. Colleges love to see continual improvement and if grades pick up the second semester, the chances of getting off a wait or deferral list are that much better.
- Avoid senioritis. You’ve worked too hard to get to this point in your academic life so don’t start getting lethargic. Colleges will look at your final grades at the end of the semester and make their final decision.
Scholarship Night Info Needed:
Attention class of 2022 seniors! Have you been notified that you are receiving a scholarship of $500 or more? If yes, Beckman High School wants to recognize you as part of our Scholarship Recognition Video. The scholarship can be from a community organization/business or the college that you will be attending in the Fall of 2022. To be recognized please complete this Google Form on/before May 1, 2022. If you have multiple scholarships, please complete this form separately for each one. Thank you!
Junior Junction
Course Selection Updates
- On January 20, the 11th grade students will receive information about Course Selection during the Spring grade level meeting.
- March 4 is the deadline for changes to online Aeries Academic Plan.
- March 7 thru March 29 – Individual Student Meetings with Counselors in class to finalize course selections for 12th grade. During this time each class will be simultaneously participating in a Financial Aid Lesson.
COVID & College Testing
- Curious about how COVID has impacted college admission testing for the class of 2023? Please review the SAT/ACT FAQ document for updates and relevant info.
Sophomore Stop
Kindness is the focus for the months of January and February. Here are some powerful quotes to inspire kindness in your life.
- “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama
- “Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.” Unknown
- “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop
- “Sometimes it takes only an act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” Jackie Chan
- “Kindness is igniting a light in someone else for no reason other than to watch them enjoy and glow.” Raktivist
It's easy to see kindness is a force that propels positivity, kinship, and stability. Allow yourself to be open to share kindness and seek instances where you can allow others to glow.
B kind, B Patriots, B Tru Blu!
Freshman Forum
Welcome back from break and Happy New Year!
- To start off the new year, Mrs. Charles will provide a prerecorded Counselor Coffee for Freshman parents on January 18th. Information about 10th grade courses, important dates and information will be shared. This presentation will be emailed out to parents and be placed on the Beckman Website. Students will also receive a similar lesson to prepare them for 10th grade course selection.
- Following the lesson, freshman will register for their 10th grade classes In February. They must have their 10th grade course selections finalized in their Aeries 4-year plan. Please be sure to review your student's selections in Aeries.
- During this course selection process, students should recall their interests from the Naviance Career Cluster Finder Lesson and choose courses and areas of rigor based on passion, strengths, and interests.
- Please note, if your student earned a D or F first semester, they may need summer school. Summer school dates will be released soon.