Panda Press
Paddock Road Newsletter
December 8th 2023
Calendar November/December 2023
December 12 - 5th & 6th Grade Music Performance 6:00PM @WMS
December 21 - Early Out 1:00 PM Dismissal
December 22 - January 5 Winter Break No School
January 8 - Students return to school
January 15 - No School Martin Luther King Day
Paddock Road Calendar 2023-2024
Panda Pride through the Holiday Season
With the December holidays and break quickly approaching, our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Team wanted to send our social skills weekly focuses until break and update you on some schoolwide drives we’re working on. Paddock Pandas are working hard to be Attendance HEROs (Here, Every day, Ready to learn, On time) because we know Attendance Matters. So far, Mrs. Young’s Third Grade class is in the lead with the most days of perfect attendance! Ms. Friis-Hansen’s fourth graders are not far behind! We’re excited to see which class will be first to earn a reward! In December, we will focus on our Cafeteria Expectations. We’re looking for students being respectful and responsible at lunch. We’re hoping to see Pandas enter and exit the cafeteria calmly, clean up their area, and use a polite attitude with cafeteria staff. The grade doing the best job in the cafeteria will win the Golden Lunch Tray! We’ll look for a new winner every week in December! See below for the weekly social skill focus! Until next time, Ms. O’Brien School Counselor, PBIS Team Member December 4-8: Working with Others December 11-15: Appropriate Voice Tone December 18-22: Appropriate Voice Tone
Angelica O'Brien
School Counselor
Paddock Road Elementary School
Students of the Month
Staff Member of the Month -
Jean Beckman
"She is the best team player. She is always willing to lend a helping hand! She is a leader in our primary end of the building and I, specifically, would be lost without her.
Jean is one of the most inclusive people I know. She has treated me with great respect and has worked to have fun with me. She is also a great teacher and friend to new people.
Jean has been a constant encouragement over my first few weeks at Paddock! She is always looking out for me, checking in, and providing helpful information. I am so grateful to have her as a resource and friend!"
Student Reading Challenge
All students are invited to participate in Paddock's monthly reading challenge. Although it is voluntary, we hope that we can get all our students to join in the fun!
A calendar was sent home with students this week to start logging their daily minutes. Students should record how many minutes they read or are read to (outside of school hours) each day. The goal is for grades K-2 to read or be read to for 300 minutes total in the month, and for grades 3-6 to read or be read to for 500 minutes.
The last day of the month, participating students should turn in their calendars to the teachers. Parents will need to sign the calendar before it is turned in. Students who met the monthly goal will be entered into a raffle to win a gold coin for the book vending machine - we’ll pick a few each month. We hope your child will participate and join this opportunity to grow as Paddock readers!
Morning Drop Off PROCEDURES
Arrival begins at 8:10. There are no adults outside supervising students prior to 8:10. We currently have a number of students arriving before 8:00 a.m. This poses a safety and security concern for our students. We will begin to call the families of students arriving prior to 8:00 to discuss barriers to arriving around 8:10.
There are eight cones indicating drop-off positions. When you drop your children off, once you are inside the coned area, your kids may exit your vehicle. Pull forward until traffic has stopped and allow your children to exit your vehicle. Please do not wait until cone one (the cone closest to the front door) to drop off your students. Waiting will slow down the flow of traffic and parents and students run the risk of being tardy to school and work.
Thank you so much for your assistance with starting the school day off on a positive note.
To Visit the Specialist Newsletters click the button below.
Community Club Corner
Visitors at Breakfast and Lunch
Absences and Tardies
Attendance Matters!
We want to know that all our students are safe. Please notify the office at 402-390-6465 (available 24 hours a day) or email our Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Kathy Cordes (cordes.katherine@westside66.net) when your student is not coming to school or will be late for school. If we have not heard from you, it is our policy to call.
Students arriving after 8:30 am must come to the office and check in. Parents picking up or dropping off their students during the day for appointments, illness, etc., must sign them in and out through the office.
Weather Guidelines
We are lucky in Nebraska to get to enjoy all four seasons. This also means that at times the weather gets in the way of our fun and plans. Below is a brief description of our procedures when the weather is not cooperating:
Warm Weather: We will stay indoors for recess and safety patrol if the air temperature or heat index is 95° or higher.
Cold Weather: So long as the air temperature or wind chill factor is 10° or warmer, students will be outside for recess and safety patrol.
Air Quality: If the air quality index (AQI) is 101 or higher, we will remain indoors for recess.
Rain: When rain is heavy enough that students would get considerably wet, or when there is thunder or lightning, students will be kept inside or brought inside. In addition, if conditions have been such that fields are muddy, access to dirt and grass areas may be restricted as well as playground equipment if it is deemed too slick for safe play.
Severe Weather: If the National Weather Service issues a Thunderstorm Warning students are kept inside. In the event of a Tornado Warning, students are moved to our area of refuge in the shelters on the East side of the building. Families coming to the school during this time are encouraged to take shelter with us until the warning has passed.
To learn more about our Winter Weather Guidelines from the District Click the button below.
How Can We Help?
Additional Resources: https://www.smore.com/6zbs5-community-resources
Paddock Road Elementary
Email: mcguire.quinn@westside66.net
Website: https://www.westside66.org/Domain/14
Location: 3535 Paddock Road, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: (402) 390-6465
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paddock-Road-Elementary-District-66-387637324662864
Twitter: @paddockroad66