Peek at the Week
11/29 - 12/03
Welcome to the second trimester.
We are jumping in with both feet, and these next few weeks are going to be incredibly busy.
NO SCHOOL Monday 12/20 - Friday 12/31
Social Studies
1 Where is your tribe located? Northern, Central, or Southern California? Which region? Near what landforms? Describe the area.
2 Explain your tribe’s dwellings (homes). What material(s) did they use to build their homes? Why did they build their homes in this way?
3 Explain their diet. What type of food did your tribe eat? How did they get their food?
4 Describe the tribe’s clothing. What type of clothes did they wear? What were the clothes made of? Did they paint or tattoo their skin?
5 What types of tools did your tribe use? For what purpose? Explain how these tools were made.
6 Describe your tribe’s trade. Who did they trade with? What did they trade for? Did they use something as a form of currency when trading?
7 Discuss your tribe’s ceremonies. What type of ceremonies did they have? What was the meaning if these ceremonies?
Students will be given class time to answer the questions, but may need additional time at home. All information should be gathered by Friday 12/03. We will use the gathered information to draft information paragraphs the week of 12/06, and those paragraphs will be typed in the presentation the week of 12/13.Math
Next up: Measuring and Classifying Shapes - Investigations Unit 4
Reading & Writing
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
This week's reading log will be due Monday 12/06
* Information Writing - California Native American tribe digital book
DLI & Spelling
Week 13
Phonics Focus: frequently used words
This week's words are:
* their
* there
* they're
* your
* you're
* interesting
* different
* probably
* because
* usually
There will be one page of spelling homework each night. This week's spelling homework packet will be due Friday.