MEA Monday Message
December 12, 2022
Monday, Dec. 12
- 10:00-1:00 Ice Skating Meet Up at Liberty Station
Tuesday, Dec. 13
- 8:00-11:00 Covid Testing
- 6:00pm - Winter Concert - Auditorium
Wednesday, Dec. 14
- 9:30-11:30 PALS Tutoring - Auditorium
- 11:30-12:30 Open Coop Hour
Thursday, Dec. 15
- 9:30-11:30 PALS Tutoring - Auditorium
- 12:00-1:00 Farm Stand - In front of Main Entrance
- Winter Break Begins
Tuesday, Jan. 3 Classes resume
Friday, Jan. 13 Winter Waltz High School Semi-Formal
Thursday, Feb 9 Hero Move-A-Thon, 1:30-3:30
Gift Card and Toy Drive
MEA's GSA is sponsoring the Holiday Heroes Toy Drive benefitting the San Diego Center for Children. The Center provides evidence-based therapeutic, educational, foster care and transition age services to children and families struggling with mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Donation boxes will be made available in front of the main office from Monday, Nov 28th, and will run until Wednesday, Dec 14th.
Farm Stand
The MEA Farm Stand will be in front of the school, Thursday, Dec 15th from 12:00 to 1:00, and is open to the whole community. The Farm Stand will be selling items harvested from our own school garden. Profits will benefit ongoing garden/chicken coop care.
Yearbook Gifting Match
Did you know that you can purchase copies of the yearbook to donate to others? From November 29th to December 31st, Treering will match up to 5 yearbook donations for our school. To order your yearbook or to gift one, submit photos for this year's issue, and more checkout the MEA Yearbook Page
MEA "Hall of Fame"
We are bringing back the MEA “Hall of Fame” in the front office and will be featuring photos of Mt. Everest students “pursuing their passion” outside of school. If you would like to be considered for the Hall of Fame, please bring an 8 x 10 to the front office or email a photo to mkeck@sandi.net that will print well as an 8 x 10. We will rotate photos throughout the year. It’s wonderful to see and share our students’ diverse pursuits!
The Heights Literary Magazine 1st Issue
The Heights Literary Magazine Club is looking to publish their 1st Issue. The Heights Magazine Submission is a collection of work written by students at MEA. If you're interested in having your work published, please submit it here!
We are looking for stories, poetry, paintings, and everything in between!
See's Candies Results
Thank you to all 21 participants for raising over $1000 for MEA ASB. Top Sellers: Amanda O., Jacob G, Mr. Spiegelberg and Teddy M.
Winter Concert
Tuesday, Dec. 13
6:00 pm in the Auditorium
Mr. Johnson’s students will showcase some of the musical pieces they have learned this year. Everyone is invited to come enjoy our Choir, Strings, Ukulele, and Advanced Band as they perform for your listening pleasure!
Glitter Extravaganza
Open to all secondary students.
Winter Waltz High School Semi-Formal
Come enjoy a night out with friends, fun, dancing, and some light refreshments! Dance will be held on Friday, Jan. 13th.
Tickets will go on sale when we return from winter break.
$15 through Jan. 10, $20 Jan 11-12, No sales day of. Must sell 30 tickets by Jan. 10 or dance will be cancelled. Profits go toward the prom.
The Winter Waltz is open to students in 9-12 grades. Students may also invite one non-MEA guest.
Hero Move-A-Thon
Hero Move-A-Thon save the date Thursday, February 9th from 1:30 to 3:30 at MEA. Would you like to be a Sponsor for this event? If you would like more information please email info@meafoundation.org or speak with Karen K.
School Site Wellness
Please check out these new wellness videos for the month of December, made by MEA student Emma Baxter.
Elementary Wellness
Secondary Wellness
Wellness Bulletin Board
The December Wellness theme is Coping and Connecting. Our December bulletin board is located outside the textbook room. Help yourself to a "Bust my Stress" Bingo board and peruse the other resources on the bulleting board.
Running Club - Parent Volunteers Needed!
The Wellness Committee is seeking parent volunteers to organize and run a morning walking/running club for students. Please contact Vivian Sink, vsink@sandi.net if interested!
PSAT Access Codes - Juniors
If you are attempting to check your PSAT scores from the PSAT administration last October and are being asked for an access code, please see Ms. Mihoko in the front office for this information. You can also email Mr. Rubin at arubin@sandi.net.
PALS Tutoring
All students who would like some extra help can come to the Auditorium every Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30-11:30. All grades are welcome, as WE HAVE TUTORS FOR ALL GRADE LEVELS! PALS is a great way to build community and academic skills!
Parents, K-5 students attending PALS must arrive with a check-in form so tutors know what to work on with your child and you receive a report about the session.
Check the PALS website for updates and process.
Tutors from UCSD
UCSD Tutors may have some scheduling changes due to the university's winter break. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sink.
We have three tutors from UCSD working at our school! Come by and say hello and get some free tutoring from these highly qualified college students! Check Mrs. Sink's website at https://mrssinkmea.weebly.com/avid.html for updated schedules.
Counseling Corner
His door is always open, but to ensure he is available when you can meet, make an appointment at the link https://calendly.com/mt_everest_counseling/meeting
College/Career Opportunities
The link below has some great opportunities for students in grades 9-12.
Testing Room
Students who, with the permission of their teacher, wish to reschedule or retake an exam may book a testing time in B15. To book the testing room please visit the MEA Website/Testing in B15. Arrangements should be made at least a day in advance.
Annual Giving
During this season of giving, consider a tax-deductible donation to MEA Foundation. Funds collected will be used for:
- Art/art supplies
- Classroom supplies
- Science
- Teacher Grants
- Field Trips
- Library
Amazon Smile
- Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-2089378 and set your charity to "Mount Everest Academy Foundation".
- Then, always start your shopping at https://smile.amazon.com and shop as usual while supporting our school!
Campus Highlights
Winter Whimsy
We had an amazing turnout for the art-filled Winter Whimsy event. A huge thank you to Mrs. Sink for putting the event together, along with Mrs. Finney, Ms. Gagliardo, Mrs. Suko, and Maddy Sink. Students were able to go and make a variety of winter themed works of art.
Extracurricular Highlights
Elementary Art sign-ups are now open for Month 5.
- Please enter your child's name on the form linked below if he/she would like to attend Elementary Art for month 5 on 1/3, 1/10 and 1/17 from 12:30-1:30.
- Sign up for art here
- For more information, please see the art website here: https://mrssinkmea.weebly.com/elementary-art.html
Coop Group/Open Coop Hour
Coup Group - Every Tuesday 9:30-10:15
Open to grades 6-12
Open Coop Hour - Every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30
Open to ALL students
Students in grades K-5 must be accompanied by a chaperone.
Please check the Extracurricular Calendar for more information.
Teens Make Health Happen
Teens Make Health Happen Club forming now! Teens Make Health Happen is an innovative club that empowers teens to use their passions to improve their well-being and tackle pressing community health challenges! Teens who participate will receive hands-on public health experience, grow as leaders, gain a support network of likeminded change-makers and make a real impact in their community! Club is open to grades 6-12 and participation is FREE! Contact Mrs. Sink, vsink@sandi.net if you're interested in joining!
On the Courts
Interested in playing basketball or another sport at lunch? There are pickup games running all the time! Don't be shy, just ask to join in. If you already have a few friends who want to play, you can check out a ball in the Supply Room (next to Room 1) from Mr. Goldwater.
Need to Cancel or Reschedule?
If you are a student, parent, or staff club lead, please take a look at the Extracurricular Calendar linked at the top of the Monday Message. If you need to cancel or reschedule a club meeting, now or in the future, please make sure to send an email to Mrs. Keck, at mkeck@sandi.net, so the calendar can correctly reflect what is happening around campus.
Community Announcements
Fruit Tree Planting
Mt. Everest Academy will be the recipient of 10 high-quality fruit trees through an organization called Healthy Day Partners and in cooperation with San Diego Gas and Electric funding.
The fruit trees will be planted around the lunch courtyard area. Students are encourage to come and assist with the delivery and planting of the trees on Thursday, December 22 at 10 AM. Students in grade K-5 are required to have a chaperone and all attendees will be required to sign-in.
Although the gates will be open, to allow for delivery of the trees, the school itself is still closed, thus there will be NO RESTROOM access. Please plan accordingly.
If you have any question, please contact Ms. Shannon @ (805) 367-6860
Youth-Led Town Hall Series on Mental Health
Live Well Youth Sector in collaboration with County Behavioral Health Services, is hosting the upcoming Youth-Led Town Hall Series on Mental Health, on Saturday, December 17th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at El Cajon County Library. The town hall will be exploring inequities in mental healthcare for historically underserved youth and is designed for local YOUTH attendance and input to inform Behavioral Health Services at the County of San Diego.
Please see the attached flyer for additional information. The event is free and open to all youth in San Diego! All attendees should register HERE.
Egg Farm Fieldtrip
A fieldtrip is in the works for elementary and middle school students to an egg farm in Ramona. Students will learn how a commercial regenerative farm raises chickens, collects eggs, packages and cleans the eggs, and how they get from the producers to supermarkets and ultimately to consumers, themselves. This is a parent organized fieldtrip and not a school sponsored event, all students are required to be accompanied by a chaperone. Anyone who's interested in attending, please complete the following Interest Form.
CalTrans Naming Contest
We’re on the search for a name for our new cone mascot. If your students have a creative name idea, now is their chance to win a laptop, a $500 gift card, plus a $500 class gift card and prizes for their classroom!
The contest is open to children throughout California, ages 5-18! Winners will be announced on January 31, 2023. To enter, visit https://gosafelyca.org/mascot-naming-contest.
San Diego City Library Programs
Winter Reading Challenge 2023: All the Feels The Winter Reading Challenge will run from January 1 through January 31. Read 5 books or 5 hours and earn prizes. For all ages. Signups begin online or in-person on January 1. https://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/kidsandteens/winterreading
The network of San Diego City Libraries offer a lot of varying programs, from art exhibits, live concerts, to book clubs and children's craft activities. Take a look at all that the San Diego Libraries have to offer go to https://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/news-events
For programs at Balboa, Clairemont, and North Clairemont libraries (Closest to MEA)
Nature Walk Meetup
Wonder and wander in nature with MEA friends! This MEA Nature Walk Meetup is a time to explore and enjoy our local open spaces, led by an MEA parent naturalist. Wear walking shoes and bring your sense of wonder. A water bottle and an extra layer can be useful. This is a community run event, students must bring a chaperone.
Upcoming events:
January Nature Walk Meetup in Tecolote Canyon
Friday, January 13 @ 10:00-11:30
Meet at Tecolote Nature Center (outside front entrance) at 5180 Tecolote Road.
We'll walk as a group along a 1.5 mile even terrain, easy loop including Battle Trail and a main trail, with a return to the entrance at 11:30am. After, explore the native plant garden with an E'waa (model of a traditional Kumeyaay home) and Tecolote Nature Center's displays.
Picnic lunch + play option to follow: Pack a picnic and play at the playground nextdoor at Tecolote Recreation Center (around 12:00-1:00).
January sights and sounds may include San Diego "flurries", winter sage, and observations of Janu-where the wild things are!
Please send any information for the Monday Message using the Google form by end of day Thursday for upcoming message. If you have any question please contact Mrs. Keck at mkeck@sandi.net.