Ranger Report
September 22, 2023
Hello Ranger Families:
Next week is Homecoming and we are ready to celebrate. Homecoming historically marks the first home football game of the year where students and alumni alike are welcomed home to enthusiastically cheer on the home team. Today, although we are well into our football schedule, Homecoming has retained much of that anticipation and celebratory note. This week at EHS we kicked off Homecoming with a pep rally by naming the Homecoming Court and engaging in time-honored high school assembly games. We continue next week with a Spirit Week where each day gives staff and students an opportunity to dress up and have fun. We continue on Thursday with the homecoming parade (1:20 - 1:50) and home football game and finish up with the Homecoming dance on Friday. It is a great time to be a Ranger!
Welcome Home!
Important Upcoming Dates
Mark Your Calendars
9/25 - Homecoming Week!
10/02 - Picture retake
10/06 - No school day
10/18 - EHS Blood drive
10/27 - 28 - Haunted Auditorium
Senior Photos
SENIOR PHOTOS are due February 1. They can be sent via email to Jordan Collins at collinsj@estacada.k12.or.us. All photos must be high quality and in portrait format. On the retake picture day, all seniors will take a Tux or Drape photo in case they do not submit a senior photo!
Classrooms are Cell Phone Free Zones
Life is full of distractions that keep us from performing our best.
Our expectation is that classrooms are cell phone free zones.
The classroom is a space for learning and engagement in preparation for a student’s next step in life. Join us in fostering this commitment to learning by:
Talking with your student about their cell phone use in school.
Be prepared to set limits and to collaborate with school staff in making learning a priority.