Weekly Updates from the Office
Term 2. Week 4. Friday 2nd February 2024
This week's summary & Reminders
Congratulations to our athletes who competed in the inter-schools athletics competition at UWC on Thursday and Friday. Our Kennedy House students continue to make us proud through their resilience, determination, endurance and positive mindset!
In assembly last week I briefly touched upon the use of electronic devices and screens and I asked the children to consider how much time they actually spend on a phone/laptop/iPad/computer. Work out what their average week, month, then year is and then multiply that by 60 (years). It is quite terrifying to think about how many years of our life are spent looking at a screen (and this isn't even when we are working!) Year 8 calculated that they would spend a minimum of three years EACH on their screens by the time they are 50 at their current rate of screen time (and they aren't all teenagers just yet)!!!!!
So, this weekend, take a moment to turn your phone off or close your laptop down and find just one hour at least to do something together with your children and then send in some photos (WhatsApp is fine, or email them to me) and let's see what we can get up to when we are not on phones and iPads this weekend! There's a challenge for you all!
Triathlon and Colour Run
Here is the link to the digital registration form. Don't waste any time - get registered and get training!
🟠Cambridge Dedicated Teacher Awards ðŸŸ
The Dedicated Teacher Awards are a global competition run by Cambridge University, where students can nominate a teacher and give them a big thank you. For example, your child might like to nominate their teacher for making a lesson come to life with videos or props, or for something as simple as being there when they needed to talk.
All of the teachers at our school love their work and are very proud of the students they teach, this year we have randomly selected Mr Woolgar and Mr Maree for our school nominations.. If your child would like to show their appreciation for Mr Maree or Mr Woolgar, they are able to find out more and nominate their teacher for the awards by visiting dedicatedteacher.cambridge.org/
Although we would be delighted to receive any nominations for Mr Woolgar or Mr Maree, please do not feel that this is compulsory or in any way expected of you or your child.
Important Dates to Remember
Week 5
Thursday 8th February 2024 - U7 Football Tournament at Braeburn (Year 1 & Year 2)
Friday 9th February 2024 - Year 2 Class Camping Trip
Week 6
Monday 12th February - Year 7 Assembly
Tuesday 13th - Thursday 15th February 2024 - Year 4&5 Class Camping Trip
Wednesday 14th February 2024 - Reception Class Outing
Friday 16th February 2024 - Year 1 Class Camping at school
Week 7
Monday 26th February 2024 - Children return to school
Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th February 2024 - Year 3 Class Camping Trip
Friday 1st March 2024 - U7 - U12 Swimming Gala at UWC Arusha
Saturday 2nd March 2024 - U13 Swimming Gala at UWC Arusha
Week 8
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Wear Fancy Dress to school
Saturday 9th March - U9 & U11 Hockey Festival at SCIS
Week 9
Monday 11th March - Year 1 Class Assembly
Friday 15th March - Year 3 - Year 8 Inter-House Swimming Gala
Friday 15th March - PARENT TEACHER MEETINGS (Year 6-8 only)
Saturday 16th March - U9 & U11 Cricket Festival. Venue: TBC
Week 10
Tuesday 19th March - Preschool and Year 2 Swimming Showcase
Wednesday 20th March - Reception Class Swimming Showcase
Wednesday 20th March - Inter-House Spelling Bee Competition (Year 3 - Year 8)
Thursday 21st March - Year 1 Swimming Showcase
Saturday 23rd March - TRIATHLON & COLOUR RUN!
Week 11
Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th March - Year 6 Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations
Wednesday 27th March - Year 2-5 Drama Performance of James and the Giant Peach. 6.30PM
*Last Day of School for the children
Thursday 28th March - Parent Teacher Meetings for Preschool - Year 5
Easter Holidays begin!