Parent Partnership
News and Resources from Your Findley SEL Team
Parent Partnership Returns!
We are excited to launch the 2020/2021 Parent Partnership Series………Remote Edition!
Last year our Social Emotional Learning team created a Parent Partnership Program to provide outreach to our families. The purpose of this series is to share and collaborate with our Findley families around social emotional skills and ways to support our students at school and at home.
Our first virtual presentation will be **November 17th from 8:40-9:15 and will focus on the Zones of Regulation. This curriculum is used schoolwide as a way to help our students & staff recognize feelings and what strategies we can use when we need to get back to the Green Zone.
We hope you can join us for a presentation that will explain the basics of brain science and how it affects our emotional regulation. We will also provide tips and suggestions to help your child at home.
Please RSVP HERE so we can get an idea of how many participants we will have and also get contact information for future events. Thank You!
**We realize that every household has different schedules – we will be videotaping this presentation and will include a link that we will share will all interested parents.
Parent Partnership: Supporting your Child's Emotional Regulation at Home with the Zones of Regulation
8:40-9:10 AM
Wednesday Social Emotional Learning Lessons
SEL Lesson FAQ's:
Where do I find the link for SEL Lessons?
You can always find the link in your child's SEL Folder on Seesaw. Each Wednesday morning we will post an announcement before 8:00 am reminding students and families if they have an SEL Lesson on Zoom that day or if it's a Seesaw assignment only day. In that announcement, if there is a Zoom lesson, we will post the link there.
Announcements show up in the "Inbox" tab in their SEL folder.
What should I do if my child can't log on?
We are so sorry to hear when this happens and know how frustrating that is! Please go to Seesaw first and check your child's inbox to view the announcement and try to use the link from there to log in. If that still doesn't work, send us an email and we will try to figure out what the issue is!
What should my child do if they miss the lesson?
If you would like your child to view the lesson video, email Mrs. Gotfried and/or Mrs. Hargrave and we will send you the video!
When is my Child's SEL Lesson?
Your child's SEL Lesson on Zoom will occur every other week. They will have a Seesaw Lesson each week regardless of whether they had a Zoom or not. Each Wednesday morning we will post an announcement before 8:00 am reminding students and families if they have an SEL Lesson on Zoom that day or if it's a Seesaw assignment only day. In that announcement, if there is a Zoom lesson, we will post the link there.
Keep in Mind: If there is a short week (3 or 4 day week) SEL will be cancelled on Wednesday as that day is treated like a regular school day. We will also post an announcement on Seesaw when this happens!
Additional Questions?
Send us an email and we will work with you to solve the issue. It's been SO wonderful to have so many students log on to the SEL Lessons and we thank you for partnering with us to deliver SEL Lessons to Findley students.
Action for Happiness Calendar!
This is a fun calendar of prompts to promote gratitude and mindfulness into your family's lives!
Social Skills Parenting Guide
5th Grade Parents: Options Schools Information!
Options School Information for 5th Grade Students:
Can you believe your 5th grader will be in middle school next school year?!
If your child and/or family is considering filling out an application for an Options School, please take a look at the Options School portal and talk with your child about Options Schools:
NEW! Virtual Open House Information
Missed Rachel Carson's Open House? Here is a Recording for you to view at your convenience.
This portal includes links to:
Learning Options Website
Learning Options Application
Mrs. Gotfried's presentation on the Learning Options
Copy of Mrs. Gotfried's Slides from the presentation
Links to all of the Options Schools websites and to Stoller Middle School Website
Email Emily Gotfried with any questions you have at emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us
or contact the Options School you are interested in directly.
Family Fun: Volunteer Opportunity
"Color a Smile" is a nonprofit organization that distributes cheerful drawings to senior citizens, our troops overseas, and anyone in need of a smile. This is a great volunteer project to do from home during the pandemic. Color a Smile shows kids they have the ability to help others and spread joy during this difficult time. Instructions can be found on their website: colorasmile.org