Feb 26, 2020
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Mark your calendar
March 7- EdCamp at Alpharetta HS - RSVP HERE! https://forms.gle/VT68Pp6StMZLUgaR8
March 25 -Vanguard Webinar with Andrea Rioux from Microsoft
June 15th- VanCon at GaTech Hotel and Conference Center
Share this opportunity with your colleagues!
edcampFulton is open to all!
edcampFulton is open to all. Bring a friend! This is a free “unconference” event driven by…. YOU. There is no presenter, no slideshow. This is the opportunity to collaborate with others to create discussion, ask questions, practice, based on the interest of the people in the room.
The school with the most participants gets to pie Hoke in the face!! All Vanguard members that attend will also be entered into a raffle to win a NEW Vanguard Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop.
Mark your calendars! VanCon is happening June 15th!
This just in! We are bringing "poster" sessions to VanCon!
This is your opportunity to share the wonderful things happening in your building! This could be something regarding classroom instruction or teaching pedagogy, student artifacts / work, or the work of your Vanguard / Vanchise team! Rather than creating a "poster", imagine tables set up in rows where you have space to fill with materials and digital resource to showcase and share, collaborate, and discuss your work. We all wanted to find a way to collaborate and share and this is it! Very easy prep and high reward! Reach out if you need more details! Sign up today!
Applications are now open!!!! We are looking for folks to submit applications for concurrent and deep dive sessions along with the new "poster" sessions! https://forms.gle/RqyaRvGT8KUqNy2x5
VanCon is scheduled for Monday, June 15th at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center!!!! Mark your calendars and change your vacation plans! You don't want to miss this amazing conference experience JUST for FCS Vanguard members!
Fulton Virtual School
Fulton Virtual School is currently staffing for adjunct teaching positions for the Summer 2020 term! This year, they are recruiting teachers in the following subject areas 6-12:
- CTAE – Business, Computer Science, and Healthcare
- Fine Arts – Art
- ELA – Middle and High School
- Math – High School Certification
- Social Studies – All subjects
- Science – All subjects
- World Languages – Spanish and French
For more information, see the attached flyer. Feel free to contact Marcus Vu (vuma@fultonschools.org) or Steven Moody (moodys@fultonschools.org) with questions.
Vanguard Birthdays
Vanguard Wishes A Very Happy Birthday to
Quajulan Wimberly 2/4
Latasha Rutledge 2/5
Malena Bisanti 2/10
Ashley Ellis 2/25
Chanel Johnson 2/28
We want to celebrate our Vanguardian family. If you would like for us to recognize your birthday, please click this link.
Nominate someone or submit your own Spotlight Vanguard Member!
Vanleads, do you see any vanguard members at your school doing something awesome? Were they struggling with a tool before and are now using it? BRAG on our Vanguard members. If you see something awesome, please submit about your team member.
Please share your success stories with us! You may see your "Spotlight" in an upcoming Vanweekly!
School Lead Info
Mark your calendars! Our next call is March 5th at 7:00 prior to the Twitter chat! Be on the lookout for the agenda. Also, we want to talk about ways to promote engagement in Microsoft Teams. Come prepared to share your ideas!
Don't forget you are our direct link from the leadership team to your team. It is important that you redeliver information from our monthly meetings and enter your XP. We appreciate you so much!
Attention all Vanguardians!
Attention all Elementary School Vanguardians! Interested in earning a little extra cash?
We are looking for ES Vanguard members, Seesaw Ambassadors, and experts in Standards Mastery Framework to work on a collaboration with Seesaw to help Standards Mastery Framework come alive in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies K-5. This work requires an understanding of how to develop high quality activities in Seesaw aligned to Standards Mastery Framework Learning Targets from the Learning Maps. This work will also include searching through the Seesaw library of activities already created and aligning those activities to our Standards Mastery Framework Learning Targets from the Learning Maps.
Interested candidates should prepare a Seesaw activity aligned to any learning target on the 3.0 scale of the learning map for an FCS priority standard. The activity may be one you created, or one from the Seesaw library, which you have aligned to an FCS Priority Standard Learning Map using any Learning Target from Scale 3.0. Please take a screenshot of the activity in Seesaw and make sure that it has been labeled with the learning target and priority standard (Ex: ELAGSE3RF3_3.0_2). You will submit the activity as a part of your completed application.
Don't wait, apply today! Applications are due March 13th
Becca is hosting a webinar on February 27 at 3:00 pm to provide more information about this opportunity. Use this link to join:
+1 470-705-1712 United States, Atlanta (Toll)
Vanguard Feedback
Vanguard Leadership Team
District Support
Heather Van Looy -
Instructional Technology Program Specialist - New Member Support
@HeatherVan Looy
Mindy Ramon -
IT Training Support Coordinator
Executive Committee
Lead Coach - Member Support
Megan Endicott
Associate Lead - Events, Professional Development & School Lead Support
Chanel Johnson
Associate Lead- XP & Communications
South Learning Community & Achievement Zone
Crystal Billingslea
Patricia Thomas // Evoline C. West Elementary School
Northeast Learning Community
Tammie St. John
Northwest Learning Community
Pam Kelly
Katie Pardee
Central Learning Community
Fulton County Vanguard Team
Vision: Through building colaborative relationships and supporting student focused learning, the Vanguard Team will positively impact student achievement.
Pillars: Transform, Innovate, Mentor, & Support (TIMS)
Website: http://www.fcsvanguard.org/
Twitter: @FCSvanguard